The Cadi Sector

The Cadi Sector was explored by the USS LOKI, Capt.Arnold Spilling commanding.

Mission Orders

The USS LOKI has been ordered to investigate a solar system in the Holack Sector which might contain more dilithium than the largest dilithium mine in the cocoon. Strangely enough the Juun report that the local alien races avoid the solar system like snowballs avoid hell. The USS Nostradamus disappeared recently in that area and SFSec has ordered Special Advisor Rostanchevto assist the LOKI. Being a caution person, Captain Spilling is taking the LOKI in a circle past the local alien systems in the Cadi Sector, to collect information about the system.

Deios II

SD 9.0824 The LOKI arrived at Deios II is a planet that may have had a space faring culture about 2000 years ago, but which now has a fairly primitive one.

The LOKI sent 2 shuttles, the Tron and the Akira down to the planet Deios II, the team having had cosmetic changes to enable them to interact with the natives of the planet without violating the Prime Directive. On their way down to the planet, the 2 shuttles encountered some kind of energy field, causing them to crash land.

The Tron, lead by Lt.Cmdr Firestorm, landed in a mountainous region, cold and snowy. The Tron is no longer space worthy, both because of the accident, and because the civilain advisor Mikail Rostanchev cut the door open with a phaser. It has been learned that Mikail has multiple personallities, including his own, his father Boris, a parinoid soldier, and a doctor named William McDonald. The pilot, Sean, was injured, but Dr. Rey, with the aid of Mikail, was able to stop his bleeding and stablize his condition. Dr. Rey and Firestorm scouted the area, noticing a city some 30 kms away, and having returned to the crash site, are currently helping Mikail to build a shelter for the night.

Meanwhile, the Akira crashed in a somewhat more hostipitable area (a tree covered area) and is still spaceworthy, though damaged. This team is lead by a pregnant Lt. St.Jean-Trojan, and is rounded out by Lykos Tirna, Mike Drewthor, and Ariandne McPherson. Ariadne and Drewthor climbed a hill nearby to try and get better communications. Meanwhile, CEO Tirna worked on the shuttles comm system, and was able to repair it, though they still could not communicate with the TRON. On the hill, Lt(jg) Mike Drewthor heard something rustling in the brush, which turned out to be some kind of cat. They 2 headed back for the Akira.

On the Loki, Captain Spilling is concerned about the loss of communications with the away teams, and has noticed the energy field around the planet and has requested the science department to launch probs to get data on the energy filed.

SD 9.0907 The Tel Fun, whose job it is to make sure no one on the planet knows of the existence of aliens from other planets, are looking for the "UFO's". The UFO's being the 2 downed suttle crafts. The ship in the most danger was the Akira, which was directly on the path of the Tel Fun search team--the camoflage would do the ship no good. Upon leaving the Akira, the team met a young girl who had just run away from the Tel Fun. At first, making a diversion to lead the Tel Fun away from the Akira was considered, but in the end, it was decided that in order to avoid violating the prime directive, the Akira had to be destroyed. The LOKI would, hopefully, be able to find the Akira's personnel using their subdermal transponders. With their cosmetic alterations, they will try to blend it and pass for natives until the LOKI retreives them.

Meanwhile, the TRON personnel managed to make a door our of vegitation for the TRON to keep them from freezing overnight. A native of the planet named Pliz Renard, having seen the UFO's crash, got in a truck to find the "truth" which he knows to be out there. :-) He located the TRON and offered the personnel a ride and help to avoid the Tel Fun.

The LOKI is working on a way to get past the shield that downed the 2 shuttle craft without activating it. The larger the object, the slower it must fly to go through the sheild safely.

SD 9.0922 The away team of the LOKI was taken to Plitz Renard's house after a long and fairly miserable ride in his truck. After the garage door was closed, Firestorm sought to insure that the Prime Directive was obeyed. With that end, he destroyed most the TRON with a phaser set on overload, after explaining that it was an ancient ship made on the very planet they were on and that they were running from the Tel Fun. Plitz easily believed this story. After the discovery of a file on the Holack, appearantly a species that had caused the planet's enhabitants to give up space flight and disavow ever having met alians, Firestorm had the rest of the TRON "vaporized" along with Renard's file on the Holack. Actually, the LOKI beamed up both the remains of the TRON and the file. With that, the team left Renard's and was soon back aboard the LOKI, which exited the shield. Unfortunately, a young native of the planet, appearantly Renard's daughter, was found to be on board after the ship exited the shield. Since the shield power had been increase, she could not be returned.


SD 9.0929 The USS Loki are on their way to a planet named Hamas, having had a briefing of the findings on the last plant they visited.

SD 9.1013 They LOKI has decided to try and disguise the ship as a freighter so that they will be inconspicuous when they enter the Hamas system. They will also be emitting a false warp signature. Lykos assembled a crew to attach holo emitters to the hull so that the could do their best freighter imitation. Firestorm lead one of the 2 teams attaching the emitters, Lykos the other team. The emitters installed, the ship is ready to test them and see if they can be a convincing freighter.

SD 9.1019 A slow week, the crew of the LOKI have been working hard on giving the ship the illusion of being a freighter. They still had a problem with some shimmering by the nacelles, seen by the sensor bouys deployed by Ariadne McPherson, the Ops officer. Lycos made some adjustments, and the ship's disguise passed the Captain's inspection. A D-warp shuttle was seen arriving, most likely carrying the ship's new Flight Control Officer. Ens. Henry Thoreau

SD 9.1103 Last week: The USS LOKI has a new flight control officer, Ens Thoreau. He arrived in a D-warp shuttle, and due to the disguised nature of the LOKI, sent out a distress signal. The shuttle was piloted through 2 shuttle bay doors, one illusionary that lead to the real shuttle bay doors.

This week: nothing happened. [NRPG: maybe there is a temporal anamoly, freezing the LOKI in time :-)]

SD 9.1109 The USS LOKI resumed its flight to the planet named Hamas at the speed of warp 2.2, still disguised as a freighter. With 2 hours to destination, Capt Spilling had Firestorm come to his ready room to inform him of the war with the Klingons and give him time to talk to his wife and make a decision whether to stay with the LOKI or return to the Klingon Empire. The 2 are are conserned about their unborn twins but also Terry's son in the Klingon Empire. They have yet to make a decision.

The LOKI finnaly arrived at Hamas, and the ground controller allowed them to land, after informing them of the specials available at the port. It seems the LOKI's disguise is working well, and Hamas does not know that the ship is technologically superior. The technology of Hamas is that of 21st century Earth with only slow warp speeds available.

SD 9.1116 The away team of the LOKI has split up, some to get information from one of the local libraries, some to gather information at one of the grimier bars in the port city. While the look for info, they are to try and make a few deals with the gold they replicated. Trading is expected on this planet, as the inhabitants of the planet resemble Ferengis culturally, being obsessed with making a deal. There is also an undercurrent of violence in the society, people often using force or fighting to obtain the information they are looking for.

According to their "Civilian Scientific Advisor", Mikail Rostanchev, he of multiple personallities, there is a sameness to the minds of the people on this planet he has touched so far. He cannot distinguish the difference between one mind and another, with the exception or Gour, the owner of a bar they entered to gather information.

SD 9.1124 Drewthor and Firestorm, still trying to get information from the library on Hamas, applied a bit of pressure to the librarian and 2 heavily armed guards. It seems that violence is an expected and excepted way of getting information on this planet. They disabled the guards, took their weapons, and have the librarian subduded

SD 9.1202 Lt. Telkor arrived on the EASTWOOD to the planet Hamas and the LOKI. He was to be the new assistant OPs officer, but due to the death of the newly promoted OPs officer Commander McPherson at the hands of Klingon Starfleet officers seeking to take over the LOKI for the Empire before Telkor's arrival, he is now the OPS officer. Captain Spilling had wisely changed the access codes to the LOKI and as he was the only one who knew them, his appearant death by a neuroparalizer used in Voodoo caused the Klingons to take a shuttle and leave to join the Klingon's in fighting the Federation.

And finnally, the last post of the LOKI before leaving to be decommissioned and the crew replaced by that of the USS SAGAN under Capt Galen Savage:

by Andrew Roger, "The librarian looked at Firestorm and laughed. Firestorm was struggling to stay standing because of the wound in his side. Drewthor examined it quickly while Firesorm continued to watch the librarian. The wound did not appear to be fatal but it would be safer to get back to the ship then to risk another dangerous encounter. They began to back away from the librarian slowly keeping in their sight all the while.

"Once they found an empty room, they closed the door and Firestorm contacted the LOKI and ordered that they be transported back to the ship for a medical emergency. They were both treated by the doctor and released shortly thereafter. Drewthor then headed to a science station to analyze the data that the had taken from the Library."

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