Bio of Taavek

Name: Taavek
Rank: LtCmdr
Service number: RWD 4747
Race: Vulcan/Human
Sex: Male
Age: 38
Height: 1.85 m
Weight: 88 kg
Parents: Both Parents killed in shuttle accident.
Other Family: None

Characteristics: Has a strongly developed sense of Honour and an unusual, for a Vulcan, combative side.

Interests: military tactics, philosophy and exploration.

Character history:

After graduating from Starfleet Academy, assigned to the experimental science vessel Tenex. The ship suffered a warp core breach due to a design fault and with the exception of Ens. Taavek and two other officers on an away mission, all hands were lost. The members of the away team were trapped on a planet for six days, before a rescue team could reach them, but by then the other two members of the away team had died due to exposure of the sub zero temperatures of the planet. The Tenex class vessel was later deemed to be a failure and was dropped.

Taavek was promoted to Lt(jg). and assigned to DS 101.


Taavek has completed his training at the Academy with a good all round performance in all subjects. He has shown typical Vulcan skills in his ability to listen, adapt and show logical solutions to the tasks and tests he has been presented with. He will make a good officer, but it is difficult to say in which field he would be best suited for. However, his personal choice would be engineering or security. His piloting skills were his strongest subject.


NRPG: Please note that Taavek does not really exist. His real name is Selak. Due to several attempts on his life from the Vulcan Isolationist movement, he staged his own death. The only known people that are aware of this fact are:

Captain Graeme P. Ruane. (Who helped devise the cover.)
Captain Alyza (Who Taavek informed after Ruane was discovered to be a Founder.)
Lt. Zachary M. Hogan. (Who witnessed the fake death.)
Lt. Lucas T. Walker. (The doctor who performed re-constructive surgery on Selak, to alter his features.)

Hogan and Walker had been sworn to secrecy by Captain Ruane never to reveal Selak's true identity, however, the possibility now exists that the Dominion are in possession of this information and it cannot be ruled out that the Vulcan Isolationist movement might also learn of it, in time.

Respectfully submitted
Lt. Taavek FO/FCO/CNO
DS 101

NOTE: Taavek is really Selek, but for his own protection, he assumed another identity. Above is his fake identity, below is Selek's bio:

BIO OF Selek


Name: Selak
Rank: Ensign
Service number: SQ 4500
Race: Vulcan/Human
Sex: Male
Age: 38
Height: 1.85 m
Weight: 90 kg
Appearance: Typical Vulcan appearance, dark hair, average build.

Other Family:

Characteristics: To the casual onlooker, appears to be a normal Vulcan, (Logical and emotionless.) however, due to his human half, finds it hard occasionally to suppress his emotions. Can be exceptionally emotional and outspoken when aroused, but not to the point of losing control. (Caused by the strain of suppressing his emotions, due to his stronger human side.) He generally supports and follows the Vulcan culture, but does not agree with it entirely. (Most noticeably, he is not a pacifist, believing that the end justifies the means.) He has strong convictions for what is right and what is wrong.

Interests: Ancient and modern weapons, (Started when he visited a museum on Earth, aged 8, during one of his fathers postings. SEE NOTE BELOW) Vulcan history, Music, Cooking.

Character history: Born and raised on Vulcan, however, spent a lot of time travelling around, due to his fathers work. After finishing his education at the Vulcan Science Academy, became a notorious speaker against the Vulcan isolationist movement, so much so that an assassination attempt was made on him, forcing him to leave Vulcan. His interest in ancient weapons and militaria led him to meet K'Pak, a Klingon arms dealer, who he befriended and teamed up with. (Mostly legal trading.) During the 7 years he spent with the Klingon, he became proficient with the Bat'leth. His main duties onboard K'Pak's ship was weapons officer. Finally his Vulcan side told him it was time to do something more worthwhile with his life (and partly due to his objections to some of K'pak's more shady dealings which ultimately led to the two falling out) and he decided to join Starfleet.

Usually carries (hidden) a heavily modified MK 1 Phaser, the prefire chamber has been reduced by eighty percent and the miniature powercell has only enough power for three shots at no more than a stun setting. The Phaser is no larger than an Iso Linear Chip.

NOTE: The pride of his ancient weapon collection is Ambassador Worf, son of Mogh's, Bat'leth. (Rank assumed) The Bat'leth came up for auction by a Ferengi arms dealer, but despite this, has since been verified as authentic.

NRPG The justification for owning such a weapon is as follows: At the time of the game, Worf must surely be dead and his only heir, Alexander, who also may be dead at this time, would now be 50 years old. (Klingons tend to live short but glorious lives.) Also Alexander never became a Klingon warrior, so it would not be surprising if the Bat'leth was lost somewhere along the line. Selak's interest is based on the fact that the weapon was the one used to kill Duras and not that it belonged to Worf.

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Contents copyright the player of the character (in this case, Shaun Darlington)

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