Noachides and Prayer

by Gretchen S.

From The Seven Colors ot the Rainbow: Torah Ethics for Non-Jews by Rabbi Yirmeyahu Bindman (also contains Kabbalah/mystical references for those who are interested)

From Path of the Righteous Gentile: An Introduction to the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah by Chaim Clorfene and Yakov Rogalsky Chapter 15 (some of the book can be found online at gopher://gopher.chabad.org/11/outlook/7laws but not all...this part is not on-line)

They attribute this chapter to Rabbi Moshe Feinstein of blessed memory, and have translated freely from his responsa on this matter.

I would suggest that a Noachide select Psalms that praise G-d in a general way, prayers from the Jewish Siddur minus Jewish specific things. A Noachide can also make their own prayers giving thanks to G-d and asking for His protection and blessing. As in all things, consult your local rabbi.

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