Cashew Seitan

I invented this recipe one day after a student gave me a can of cashews for a Purim gift. It inspired me to find uses for them beyond nibbling. This came out quite good, in my opinion.


1 package chicken style seitan (I use White Wave) 2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons soy sauce 1/4 t crushed red pepper
or (Spice Island Thai spice)
(or a bit more if you like it spicey)
1 t corn starch olive oil or canola oil (optional)
1 T dry kosher sherry 1 cup green beans
1/2 t powdered ginger one medium onion
pinch five spice powder 1/4 cup cashews (or a bit less)

Cut the onion in half the long way. Place the cut side down on the cutting board and cut each half into strips lengthwise. If using fresh green beans, be sure to wash them, break of the ends, and break them into bite size pieces. Cut the seitan into strips about 1 inch long. In a small bowl, blend the soy sauce with the corn starch, blend in the sherry, five spice, and crushed red pepper.

Now, heat a bit of olive oil up in a nonstick skillet or wok. Fry the onion and garlic until the onions are tender crisp. Remove from the pan. Do the same thing with the green beans (frozen ones may be used, but they will take longer). Take them out and set them aside. Lightly toast the cashews in a bit of oil, no more than 2 minutes until they are slighly golden. Return all the ingredients to the wok or skillet. Stir the seasoning mixture and pour over the ingredients in the skillet. Cook until thick and bubbly. If it is too thick, you can add a bit of water.

This serves 4. Serve over rice.

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This page was made by Gretchen S., © copyright 2003. Last updated 21 October 2003
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