Garlic Green Beans

I created this recipe simply to make a more tasty green bean side dish.


1/2 package frozen cut green beans, or one package fresh green beans 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 Teaspoon or less olive oil (optional) salt
pinch crushed red pepper (optional) pepper

Saute the garlic in a small amount of olive oil or without oil at all. Add the green beans and sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper (pre-measure the amount you prefer). If you wish, you may sprinkle on a pinch of crushed red pepper also. Toss to coat the green beans with all the spices and stir fry until they are hot but still crisp. This goes well with almost any meal, in my opinion.

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This page was made by Gretchen S., © copyright 2003. Last updated 21 October 2003
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