Black Bean and Spinach Soup

I created this recipe on December 21, 2004. It was good enough that I want to be able to make it again, therefore I have written it down.


2 large onions, chopped 2 pareve/vegan "beef" bullion cubes
3 carrots, sliced 1 teaspoon cilantro
2 stalks of celery, chopped 1 large bay leaf
1 can spinach 2 cans black beans
4-6 medium red potatoes, quartered dash of cayanne pepper

Note: the bullion cubes may be omitted for salt sensitive people, but with the soup yeilding nearly 6 quarts, it contains 1760 mg for the whole pot with the variety I used.. for a total of about 73.3 (for 6 quarts) to 80 (for 5.5 quarts) milligrams per cup.

Fill a 6 quart pot 1/2 way with water (3 quarts or 12 cups, or eyeball it like I did). Add the carrots, potatoes, celery, onions, beans, and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes. Add the cilantro, spinach, cayanne, and bullion cubes. Cook for 20 more minutes or until the carrots are tender and the flavors have blended.

Serve with a crusty, whole grain bread. Enjoy!

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This page was made by Gretchen S., © copyright 2004. Last updated 22 December 2004
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