Alyza's Bookstore: Star Trek Section

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Star Trek References
Star Trek Fictions
Biographies of Star Trek Actors
Star Trek Software
Star Trek Videos
Star Trek Music CD's

Star Trek References

To Seek Out New Life: The Biology of Star Trek by Athena Andreadis, Ph.D ISBN 0609603299 How good is the biology of the Star Trek series? This book attempt to answer a number of questions on the biology of the series.

Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise by Shane Johnson ISBN 067163576X Trek tech from the movies involving both the refit original Enterprise and the Enterprise-A.

Star Trek Technical Manual by Franz Joseph ISBN 0345340744 A classic on the tech of the original Star Trek series.

The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence M. Krauss ISBN 0060977108 This is a real book on physics, using Star Trek tech as a springboard. Great for those wanting to learn a bit of physics, or those curious as to how realistic Trek pysics is, or even those of us who role play Chief Science Officers :-) Forward by Stephen Hawking.

All I really need to know I learned from watching Star Trek by Dave Marinaccio ISBN 0517883864 Sort of a philosophical look at some of the moral lessons of the Star Trek series. While I certainly do not believe I learned all I need to know from watching Star Trek, I still found this book enjoyable reading.

The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand ISBN 067174559X A complete guide to the Klingon language, for all those who want to role play a Klingon character, or just want to learn a language known by a very few here on Earth ;-)

Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda. ISBN 0671536109 Completely revised and updated, including information on First Contact, this volume is useful for Trek role players, writers, and fans.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future by Michael Okuda, Denise Okuda, Doug Drexler (Illustrator), Margaret Clark ISBN 0671536079 This is a new updated version of the Star Trek Encyclopedia, complete with color pictures.

The Making of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens ISBN 0671874306 A look at how DS 9 was developed, includes some cool sketches and color pictures.

Star Trek, The Next Generation Technical Manual by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda ISBN 0671704273 Valuable information on the Enterprise-D, as well as Starfleet technology.

U.S.S. Enterprise Ncc-1701-D Blueprints by Rick Sternbach ISBN 0671500937 The blueprints of the Enterprise-D, a ship that will be missed by many Trek fans, including this one.

Star Trek Fictions

Strangers from the Sky by Margaret Wander Bonanno ISBN 0671734814 A story about the unknown and accidental first contact between Vulcans and humans on Earth. This book takes place before the publicly known first contact after Cochran's use of warp drive, but also in the future involving Kirk and Spock.

Spock's World by Diane Duane ISBN 0671667734 A novel that tells how Vulcan became as it is now, while dealing with a current crises that Spock and Kirk must solve.

Vulcan's Forge by Josepha Sherman & Susan Shwartz ISBN 0671009273 A novel that takes us back and forth in time between the desert of Vulcan and a desert world the Federation is trying to help. When Spock was young, he and a human from a desert region of the Earth had to survive on Vulcan's Forge. Now this same human needs to find a way to help this desert world and survive.

Biographies of Star Trek Actors

I am Spock by Leonard Nimoy ISBN 0786889101 An enjoyable glimpse into the man behind Star Trek's Mr. Spock, this book focuses on his life in relation to the series and movies.

To the Stars: The Autobiography of George Takei by Rick Sternbach and Michael ISBN 0671536230 This is a well written autobiograpy of George Takei, who played Mr Sulu on the original series and the movies. I met him once when I was in the ninth grade. He was quite nice and patient with an over-enthusiastic 15 year old fan.

Star Trek Software

The Star Trek Encyclopedia by Michael Okuda ISBN 0671576763 This is an update on the Trek Omnipeadia CD. It has 4 CD's and includes video, audio, and clips from Star Trek (with motion and sound!). Easy to search, it also allows you to save collections of articles, as I have done for Vulcan and Bajoran materials. (Runs on either Windows '95 or Mac)

Star Trek the Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual ISBN 0671890786 Very much like the paper version as far as its information, this CD ROM allows you to take a virtual tour of the Enterprise-D! (Windows version, also available for the Mac)

Star Trek Videos

Amok Time Spock goes nuts under the influence of the Vulcan ponn farr. He must return to Vulcan to mate or die trying.

Mirror Mirror The away team is transported up from a planet during a storm. This causes a transporter accident that sends them to an alternate universe, a universe where the humans are part of

The Trouble with Tribbles A classic episode where Klingons, Humans, and Tribbles clash.

Best of Both Worlds Captian Picard gets borg-ified, becoming Locutus. Now the Borg know what he knows!

Darmok Picard learns to communicate with an alien species the hard way. A very interesting episode.

Inner Light One of my favorate episodes of TNG. In this episode, Picard lives an entire lifetime on another planet.

The Next Phase A Romulan destress call is answered by the Enterprise. When Geordi and Ro are beeming back to the ship to replicate some engine component, they fail to rematerialize. They are pronounced dead, and Ro thinks they are dead as well, but Geordi has another theory. In reality, they are both out of phase. In interesting episode.

Rascals This episode pits the Enterprise against the Ferengi, with a twist. Some of the enterprise personell, including Captain Picard, had a transporter misshap shortly before the Ferengi arrive. They all have the bodies of themselves as children, but their minds have all the knowledge of their adult selves. Quite interesting.

Timescape The Enterprise goes to the aid of Romulans while Picard, Data, LaForge, and Troi are at a conference. The come back to find the Enterprise frozen in time.

The Emissary The first episode of Deep Space Nine, it is possibly my favorite

Trials and Tribble-ations Deep Space Nine meets the original series in an episode that has Sisco and company meet the tribbles. Very good.

Star Trek Music CD's

Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country This original sound track is "brilliant". ISBN B000002OJG

Star Trek: First Contact This original sound track is incredibly beautiful. ISBN B000001P1Y

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