A Bit About Me

My Hebrew name is Alyza bat Bitzalel v'Rut. When I am on IRC or using email, I almost always use my Hebrew name, Alyza. My full Hebrew name means Joyful daughter of In-the-shadow-of-G*d and Companion.

I am a Torah observant Jew. That makes me a rather odd person in my immediate family, being the only religious one. I was greatly influenced by spending some Shabbats when I was young with my Orthodox cousins. I currently attend the Aish HaTorah minyan, which is an easy walk on Shabbat. I would term myself Heredi, what some might call "ultra-Orthodox". This means I am shomer Shabbos, keep kosher, keep the mitzvot, and strive to be tzneus (modest). I am always working on improving my middos (character traits) and with G-d's help, I will continue to grow.

Currently, I am working towards a Masters in Judaic Studies at the Cleveland College of Jewish Studies, with a major in Tanakh. I have read many books on a variety of Jewish topics ranging from Tanakh to Talmud, from history to practices. I did my undergraduate work at Kent State University and earned there a BSed in Mathematics with a minor in general science.

I am blessed with a job teaching science and math some wonderful young ladies at a local Jewish day school.

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