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Trusted information about Lorazepam.

Lorazepam: uses Lorazepam is used to treat anxiety. Lorazepam belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines which act on brain and nerves ( central nervous system ) to produce a calming effect. Lorazepam works by enhancing effects of a certain natural chemical in body ( GABA ) .

Lorazepam: how to use Do not swallow whole. Place tablet under tongue. It'll dissolve in about 20 seconds. Wait at least 2 minutes before swallowing to make sure all the drug is absorbed.

Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to therapy. If directed by your doctor, use Lorazepam regularly in order to get most benefit from it. To ...

Discovery health



A woman is said to be in menopause after she has gone for one full year without periods. While most women in the United States go through menopause around the age of 51, a small number will experience menopause as early as age 40 or as late as their late 50s. Rarely, menopause occurs after age 60. When menopause is diagnosed before age 40, it is considered to be abnormal or premature menopause.

Perimenopause, also known as the climacteric, includes the time before menopause when hormonal and biological changes and physical symptoms begin to occur. This period lasts for an average of three to five years.

As estrogen levels drop and remain low during menopause, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. The risk is greatest for slender, white or light-skinned women. You can help prevent osteoporosis by getting enough vitamin D through sunlight or a daily multivitamin, eating a diet rich in calcium and performing regular exercise. Women should start taking these actions well before menopause begins. This is because women begin to lose bone mass as early as age 30 but fractures resulting from osteoporosis don't occur until 10 to 15 years after menopause.

At the time of menopause, doctors often recommend a bone density measurement. The test result sometimes will detect early osteoporosis. More often the result is used as a baseline to compare rate of bone loss in the future.

Menopause is a natural event and cannot be prevented. Medications, diet and exercise can prevent or eliminate some symptoms of menopause and enhance a woman's quality of life as she grows older.

Estrogen taken as a pill or applied to the skin as a patch can reduce hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood changes and vaginal dryness. Estrogen can be prescribed alone when a woman no longer has her uterus. A combination of estrogen and progesterone is used when a woman still has her uterus. Progesterone is necessary to balance estrogen's effect on the uterus and prevent changes that can lead to uterine cancer.

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No more worries

No more worries

Effective treatments for anxiety disorders are available, and research is yielding new, improved therapies that can help most people with anxiety disorders lead productive, fulfilling lives. If you think you have an anxiety disorder, you should seek information and treatment.

Psychoanalytic theory holds that anxiety stems from unconscious conflict arising from discomfort or distress during childhood. Once the source of the anxiety is identified, it can be eliminated by resolving the underlying conflict. However, most studies find that people with anxiety disorders come from stable homes, with childhood backgrounds similar to those of people without anxiety disorders.

Also, research indicates that other brain parts called the basal ganglia and striatum are involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder.

In addition, with new findings about neurogenesis (birth of new brain cells) throughout life, perhaps a method will be found to stimulate growth of new neurons in the hippocampus in people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Learn obesity

Learn obesity

Fat distribution can influence a person's risk of disease. Fat carried around the waist and in the abdominal area, characterized by the "apple shape", is associated with an increased risk for many medical problems such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Fat that is mostly distributed around the buttocks and thighs is associated with a lower risk of developing these diseases.

As much as 50 to 75 percent of obesity has genetic influences. Just what those genetic influences are that affect body weight have not been identified.

Obese people should be evaluated for medical consequences of their obesity. Motivated persons are encourage to enter medically supervised treatment programs that use a multidisciplinary approach to weight loss.

During the holidays or when celebrating, many of us have overeaten. But some people have problems controlling their appetite and end up eating non-stop until eating is interrupted.

The following guidelines have been developed that may help control binge eating: - Eat only at established meal times. - Avoid keeping foods around that may trigger bingeing. - Avoid fad or very restrictive diets. - Keep a food diary and log to assess what prompted the binge.

Binge eating can be difficult to control because many people turn to food as a way of dealing with their feelings. Keeping a food diary can be beneficial in identifying specifically what feelings are likely to trigger binge eating as well as what types of foods are consumed during a binge. Strategies can then be employed to reduce the urge to binge when the impulse strikes.

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