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2 Science Studes Receive BPI Science Award

Donald Estero

THE 10th BPI SCIENCE AWARDS gave recognition to two Science students, Amado Tandoc III and Ma. Marilon Consulta, as this year’s recipients of the distinguished award last Feb. 6 at Chiang Ching Kuo Hall-UST Central Library.

Amado Tandoc III is a third year accelerated BS Biology student. His "Preliminary Study on the Potential Emulsifying Property of the Pineapple Fruit (Ananas comosus) " aimed to determine the properties of a substance present in the fruit that has the ability to break down fats into small droplets. Fourth year BS Chemistry student Ma. Marilon Consulta’s research focused on "Saponin-induced Ca2+ influx in Lung Cancer Cell Lines" which aimed to provide a scientific basis for the potential anti-cancer activity of the common indigenous plant Saponin or "Pito-pito." The awardees received plaques and cash worth P20,000.

Nomination for the BPI Science Awards were made by the Dean’s Office after asking candidates who are graduating students to fill-up application forms and to submit a copy of their research. From the final list of nominees, the awardees were chosen by a panel from the BPI Foundation. Academic performance and exceptional research were the bases in choosing the awardees.

BPI Science Awards was organized to honor deserving students of chosen universities all over the country for their exceptional researches. This year’s Science Awards marked the 10th year anniversary of BPI Foundation in honoring young scientists and researchers who excelled academically and who presented new discoveries in the field of Science namely: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Engineering, Chemistry and Computer Science. In the 10 years of BPI Foundation’s remarkable efforts in establishing the importance of Science in improving the country’s technology and economy, Science students had taken part in this awards since 1989. Others students who were recipients of the BPI Science Award hailed from Ateneo University (Manila and Davao), De La Salle University, Sulliman University, St. Louis University, University of the Philippines (Diliman and Los Banos), University of San Carlos and Xavier University.


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Last updated: 12 April 1998



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