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CSSC Launches Time Project

Michelle Ann O. Velasco

THE DISPUTE OVER "What time is it?" was resolved with the installation of wall clocks in all classrooms of the College last Nov. 4-8. Launched by the College of Science Student Council (CSSC), the project was conceptualized during last year's campaign period.

CSSC Vice President for Internal Affairs Patrick Jeffrey Sanchez cited two reasons for the project. First, it was to fulfill the promise they made to the studentry during last year's campaign to provide time uniformity. Second, as officers they want to promote "time consciousness" so everyone can use their time wisely.

"This project is one of the greatest things that the Council ever did for the College. There will be no discrepancies in time between teachers and students because time is synchronized," Sanchez said. To the students, he added, "I hope the students won't tamper with the clocks because what we did is also for their benefit!"


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