The use of acupuncture in complex therapy of burn trauma

Name Anna Loskotova - Filipkova, Zdenek Kopecny
Address Salve centrum, Jiraskova 177/IV, 566 Ol Vysoke Mvto Czech Republic

In 1984 -1996 we treated in the surgical department 192 patients with burn trauma - 131 out patients and 61 hospitalised (26 adults and 35 children).

Besides of basic surgical therapy, we also used acupuncture (ACU) with steel needle to point 7. of Jung pathway (Lie Cchue) bilateraly. A course of the burns was various, degree II - III with extent from 5 to 20 % of body surface. Duration of application of needles was once a day for 30 minutes, in the acute stage twice a day for 3 0 -120 minutes and in advance epithelization once every other day for 3 0 minutes.

CONCLUSION: Contribution of ACU as a subsidiary method of treatment was positive. ACU markedly participates in reducing the development of burn shock, in shortening the duration of infection, in accelerating epithelization of the skin and experted an analgetic and sedative effect. 61 patients were cured in 4 weeks without a plastic operation, without keloid scars and contractures. Working absence was shortened, less of analgetics, sedatives and antibiotics were used. The use of ACU in burn trauma is simple, quick by acting and easily available.

Abstracts of ICMART '97 International Medical Acupuncture Symposium



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