PROFILES | Izzy Stradelin | Axle | Slash | Izzy | Duff | Dizzy | Matt |

Full Name 
Birth Name
Date of Birth 

Pointless fact
- Izzy Stradlin' 
- Jeff Isbell
- April 8th 1962
- Lafayette, Indiana, USA
- Sonny
- Dick
- Kevin (younger) and Joe 
- Two half-sisters			
- Rhythm Guitar
- Izzy once got arrested
  for taking a leak in the 
  galley of a US Air 
  flight to LA!
Izzy Stradlin' was born Jeff Isbell on 8th July, 1962. He knew Axl from his schooldays, both attended the same Lafayette school. He says that "...the first thing I remember about Axl - before I really knew him - is the first day of class, eighth or ninth grade, I'm sitting in class and I hear this noise going on and then there's this scuffle and then I see him, Axl, and this teacher bouncing off a door jamb. And then Axl wa gone down the hall with all these teachers running after him." Like Axl, Izzy left his hometown for LA as soon as the chance presented itself. Like Axl, he wanted to form a band and make it big. But unlike Axl, he already knew how he wanted the band to look and sound. The look would be influenced by Hanoi Rocks, a sleazy Finnish rock band.

The sound would be an eclectic mix of Rolling Stones and pounding punk rock. Guitar was not Izzy's first choice instrument. He also tried his hand at drums and bass in a variety of bands such as Naughty Women, The Atoms (both as drummer) and then Shire (bass). His first effort as a guitarist was a band called Axl which also featured W. Rose and Chris Weber. The band did not last long and after they split up Axl kept the name, appending to his existing title to become W. Axl Rose. From the ashes of Axl a new band emerged called Rose. This lasted for a short period of time before changing its name to Hollywood Rose. Aside from Izzy, Axl and Chris Weber, Hollywood Rose also featured Johnny Christ on drums and Andre Troxx on bass. The band survived for a while but eventually called it a day at a gig in Santa Monica. One thing which did survive from the Hollywood Rose days was a song called "Anything Goes" which would eventually feature on Guns N' Roses debut album with Chris Weber credited as co-writer.

With the members of Hollywood Rose going their separate ways, Izzy joined a band called London which boasted Blackie Lawless (WASP) and Nikki Sixx (M�tley Cr�e) as previous members, while Axl moved to LA Guns. Neither lasted long and New Years Eve 1984 saw the resurrection of Hollywood Rose for a gig in San Pedro, the band now featuring Rob Gardner on drums and Steve Darrow on bass. Chris Weber left soon after and Tracii Guns joined from LA Guns. Hollywood Rose's line-up now proved to be something of a mini "supergroup" with the majority of the members well established around the LA club-scene.

As 1985 progressed onwards the band changed their name from Hollywood Rose to Guns & Roses and then finally to Guns N' Roses, combing elements of Hollywood Rose and LA Guns. 1985 would see the initial Guns N' Roses lineup cemented at last. After answering an ad in a local paper, Michael "Duff" McKagan replaced Steve Darrow on bass. He wasted no time in arranging a short tour but Tracii Guns and Rob Gardener opted out at the last minute. McKagan had briefly joined a two-man outfit called Road Crew and offered them the chance to join for the tour. They accepted and the so-called classic line-up of Axl, Slash (Road Crew guitarist), Duff, Steven Adler (Road Crew drummer) and of course Izzy was in place.

Founder member Stradlin' remained in Guns N' Roses until 1991 when the success, and more importantly the freedom that they, and Axl Rose in particular, were offered became too much. Izzy had refused to participate in the band's expensive video for "Don't Cry" calling it a "...waste of money". In November of 1991 the rumour that Izzy had left was made official. For many fans Izzy was the pioneer behind Guns N' Roses and certainly he penned or helped to write many of Guns N' Roses best-loved tunes.

He would later say that, "I didn't touch a guitar for a couple of months. I just took up where I left on my motor-trials riding... then when it was cold I was forced back indoors." Stradlin' met up with ex-Broken Homes bassist Jimmy Ashhurst and soon had a new band in the pipeline. Taking their name from an obscure Alice Cooper song called "Black Ju Ju" Izzy Stradlin' and the Ju Ju Hounds featured Izzy on guitar and vocals, Ashhurst on bass, Rick Richards (ex-Georgia Satellites) on guitar and Charlie Quintana on drums. They soon had an album out (1992) and set off in support of it. Izzy released a second solo album in 1998, this time dropping the Ju Ju Hounds name. The new record features Duff McKagan on bass and for Izzy fans has been a long awaited release.

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