The Case for Lee Strobel
The Case for Lee Strobel


Would it not be strange if a universe without purpose
accidentally created humans who are so obsessed with purpose.
Sir John Templeton

God has a way of using events in our lives for a purpose. Besides appearing on my television program Faith Under Fire on PAX TV, I write.
In my first book, The Case for Faith, I wrote how I was a former atheist and thru exhaustive research to prove the Bible wrong I became a beliver in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
My second book, The Case for Christ was written for unbelievers, as well for Christians that may have doubts that can creep in challenging their belief. Yeah, it happened to me, and maybe it�s happened to you.
It was only a matter of time I�d write my third book, The Case for a Creator, an answer to Darwin and the theory of evolution.
Little did I know, my next book would be my biggest challenge. To say it�d be ironic that I wrote to defend and prove God�s existence, then questioned my own.
The questions which started this book was intriguing:
Did I exist?
If so, how much evidence did I need?
Would the case for Lee Strobel hold up when it was scrutinized more carefully?
And more importantly, would it sell like all my other books, making the New York Times Best Sellers list?
As with all my other books, I decided I�d go wherever the answer would take me.
I found the answers I was seeking for The Case for Lee Strobel.

I met myself as I exited Saddleback Community Church in Orange County California.
I extended my hand, �Hello, I�m Lee Strobel, an author of several books. If you have some time, I�d like to ask you some questions, an interview, for my next book.�
�Sure, call me and lets get together.� He handed me my card.
We met the next morning at the Flying Phan Chinese Waffle and Burgers.
I stirred my coffee as I begin to talk, �Mr. Stobel-�
�Please, call me Lee.�
�Okay Lee, I investigated some of your background, you graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in Journalism, after finishing Yale Law School, became an Attorney. Your married, have two kids. You were an atheist. Your wife accepted Jesus Christ as her saviour and Lord. This created problems for you, like raising your kids, church, etc.
�Yes, it did. I did exhaustive research to prove her wrong.� He sipped my coffee. �I guess God had other plans because I became a believer too! In fact, the experience led my wife and I to co-authored a book for couples when one of them is a Christian, but the other isn�t--�
As I went on and on and on, my mind drifted back to my interview with Stephen Meyers, Director of Science and Culture at Discovery Institute in Seattle. Stephen was one of the scientists I interviewed for The Case for a Creator.
�So,� I pulled my chair closer to his desk, �Do I exist?�
His face fell, he paused for several moments before speaking.
�Does Descartes quote, �I think, therefore I am� ring a bell?� he asked.
I wasn�t sure if he was pulling my leg, hoping for a finger. So I just stared.
�We both know, and believe in God, right?� he probed.
I nodded, all my books were written to answer tuff questions I�d asked myself many times.
He pointed towards the ceiling, �As a Christian, are we not made in the image of God?�
I nodded, I�d read it in the Bible while looking up information about the city of Nazareth in the Old Testament for my book, The Case for Christ. �But do I exist?�
�OHHHH, nooow I understand what you�re asking. You�re wondering if you physically exist and aren�t some brain cell floating around in God�s mind, sorta like in that movie, The Matrix?�
Embarrassed to answer, �Haven�t seen it.�
He scratched his head, �Okay�well let�s see this as a detective� there�s evidence of medical proof� you have a unique fingerprint�the evidence of appearances--
�But all that could be in God�s mind!� I shouted.
He stood, reached for my forearm and gently lifted. As we headed for the front door he finished with, �You exist!�
�WELL, DO YOU?� I heard myself scream. I almost spilt my coffee.
Not wanting to appear like I wasn�t listening all I could come up with was, �I�m sorry, what was the question? Restate it I mean.�
He took another sip of my coffee, waved at the waitress, pointed down to my cup for a refill.
�DO YOU,� he looked around, then lower his voice, �still wonder if you exist?�
I was honest with myself, �Yes.�
He started to rise, then sat back down, �Lee, this� this is mind boggling How much evidence do you need?�
�At least enough for my next book!� I countered.

This is how this book came into being. Enjoy!
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