Hello again! It’s me, Victor Laszlo! You’ve probably seen my commercials on TV or heard me on the radio. I’m the author of the popular book about how to get grant money from the US government to do things with, like getting $50,000 to start your own business, $15,000 to write a book, pay your college tuition. And AAAALLL of it FREEEEE!

I took advantage of my own advice and collected $15,000 to write another book. I’d like to introduce, How to Get Money from People That Think They’re Giving to Further the Kingdom of God!

That’s right! In my new book, I list over 500,000 people that will give you free money! That’s right, free money, just because they believe you’re presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ!

How would you like to actually own that million-dollar mansion you’ve always dreamed about?
Maybe you'D like to travel, to have the financial freedom to go any place, any time you want, and in your own airplane?
How about starting your own business and make millions?

“Sounds too good to be true... Impossible, never happen in my lifetime...”

My book, How to Get Money from People That Think They’re Giving to Further the Kingdom of God! is the answer to your prayers. When you know how, you can buy multi-million dollar mansions like Paul and Jan Crouch, Benny Hinn and Joyce Myers; a new airplane or two whenever you want just like Kenneth Copeland! You can do what Pat Roberson did! He started a Christian television network, then sold it at a huuuge return!

How did these people do it? It’s soooo easy and simple! It’s all done with money sent to them because of gullible people that will believe anything once convinced they’re supporting the Lord’s work!

Just think! People will send YOOOOUUU money, any amount, from $1 to thousands! That’s right, THOUSS-SSANDS! All because they think you’re helping present the gospel!

With my book, How to Get Money from People That Think They’re Giving to Further the Kingdom of God! I show you how you can do it, too!

Order my book for only $60! And to make it easier you can send two payments of $30 each.

But wait, there’s more!

I’ll include a CD that has the fund raising letters already formatted! All you have to do is enter your name and address. The computer does the rest! Your letters are printed, addressed, ready for you to sign and mail. Then sit back, and wait for the money to roll in! How simple can it be? I’ll even give you a ninety-day money back guarantee!

Soooo what are you waiting for? Order How to Get Money from People That Think They’re Giving to Further the Kingdom of God! today and start making your mill-ions tooo!

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