She leans over the body, turns it over, "Massive lacerations on back, and shoulders. Muscle and bone exposed� blood is congealed. Subject was severely dehydrated. Gives the appearance of death�bout five hours. No rigor mortis, body shows no sign of decomposition. Proves what I believe all along� there's no such thing as death. " Dr. Eddy looks at the sign nailed at the top of the cross, 'King of the Jews'.

"Why are we looking into this? We know who caused this false impression, there's no question about it," Dr. Phineas Quimbly, Eddy's mentor, pulls the sheet over the body, "He was sentenced by Pilate, beaten, whipped, and seemingly executed according to the Roman law. Nothing unusual here."

"It's not a question of Jesus's illusion of death. I'm interested in why he wasn't healed! What'd we know about him."

"We have depositions from several witnesses, they claimed he healed them--"

Eddy interrupted, "He told them what they needed to hear. All they had to have was faith."

"And he forgave people of their sins, even offered salvation to those who believed in Him. He said he was the way, the truth, and the life."

"There's only one holy trinity I pushing, and I'm convinced it's divine revelation, reason, and demonstration. I know, I received these revelations when I was in the shadow of the death valley myself. You," she points to Quimbly, "taught me I could heal myself, if I firmly believe in 'never doubting'. That's how I live my life!" Her glance notices someone behind him, "Who's that woman over there, she looks�distraught."

He briefly looks, turns back, "Her name's Mary, claims to be Jesus' mother."

"I guess she feels bad. After all, she thinks he's dead."

A man runs up, and joins them. "Shalom, y'all."

"Hey Brown! Where you been, out gambling again?" Before he can answer she shakes her head, points to the sheet, "I need a sketch of this body."

"I�er� " he looks down at his feet, then back up at Dr. Eddy, "I over heard some roman solders whiles they's playing dice� for a purple robe. They said it's his." He points towards Jesus. "I thought it might be important to the case, you know, evidence. I almost won," He shakes his head, "But it wasn't a total loss, the solders was talking� we got another body. Guy's name is Judas Iscarariot."

"Maybe if he doesn't give the illusion of death too much, we'll get him to spill his guts." Quimbly rubs his hands together.

"Wait, there's mo. The solders say there's bodies, about four hundred, come alive and popping out their graves all over the bone garden."

Quimbly looked over at Dr. Eddy. She didn't look surprised.

Two days later

"O.K. people, what are we looking at?" Eddy asks her team.

"I've got reports Jesus isn't in his tomb." Quimbly states matter-of-factly.

"Same here," Brown hands her his sketches, "talk is he rose early this morning."

Dr. Eddy scratches at her upper lip, "Well, that confirms my belief. You know, there's one thing you learn about being on this job." Quimbly and Brown looked at her, wondering. "Human beings, if they have faith, are capable of anything."

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