The Chi Files

Special Agent Diana Scuallia pulled back the curtain and entered the office. She ignored Mull-dar’s drawing of the wheels within wheels, its caption, “I 1 2 Bleev”
She considered herself the more rational of the two, always the skeptic. It took a month of searching thru the Bureau’s achieves until she found the file of his encounter. It wasn’t a surprise his description matched exactly the same as the ‘wheels’ witnessed by the prophet Ezekiel.

He was late as usual. She picked up a scroll on his desk and read his latest report:

- Chi File Investigation: Suspicious Activity -

Special Agent Mull-dar, Yehudah Bureau of Investigation

Informant reports a strange occurrence at the river Yarden.
People enter the river and have encounter with subject known as Youchanan aka John the Baptist (self described as ‘Voice crying the wilderness,” see file #34-BD6) who tells them to t’shuvah or repent of their sins. He dunks them in the water as mikveh, only long enough to get their hair wet. When they come out, they aren’t the same people.
When questioned further, informant stated “they look the same, but they don’t act the same, as if someone, or something, has taken control of their body and mind.” He couldn’t clarify further other than he “knew some of them before the immersion.”
‘After Action Report’ to follow.

She put the scroll aside. A skin under the report was addressed to her.

The hookah smoking man told me a body will be found tonight behind the Kings palace. He says it’ll be Youchanan. Be prepared to do an autopsy to confirm identity. - M.-

Oh Mull-dar … If it’s not a mysterious hookah smoker, it’s the lone spear throwers. Next, it’d be little green men fathered by Zeus and Leda.
What would she say in her next report to Director Ckin’nar about the current Chi file investigations? Granted, he already knew how bizarre from reality her first reports were. Unless there was a deeper reason… would he’ve assigned her to Mull-dar for his own reason? An internal investigation? Maybe Ckin’nar was using her to keep a watch on him?
Diana, you’ve been around Mull-dar too long, you’re starting to think like him. But what if … what if the truth was out there as Mull-dar claimed? He really believed there was a consortium of government and religious syndicates involving cover-ups. If it existed, how high up did it go, Tiberius Caesar? Governor Pontius Pilate? The current tetrarch of Galil, Antipas? Some, or maybe all the members of the Tzaddikim Sadducees? And were the P’rushim Pharisees involved too? Surely not the Y.B.I! It was impossible to comprehend so many theories; all of them implicated everyone somehow. It was no wonder Mull-dar was dancing on the edge of insanity… and she was following along.
Admittedly, there was some evidence of the mass murder of the all Yehudah children under two years old at Beit-Lechem by the Roman soldiers. It was questionable they did it under direct orders of King Herod. That investigation was officially closed by orders of the new King, King Herod Antipas, his son. Was his fathers death a co-incidence, or part of a some hidden agenda?

She looked at the stack of scrolls, the Chi files grew thicker by the week especially since that new Rabbi came to town.
He was the son of Yosef and Miryam, Yeshua. To some Yehudim Jewish people, he was a prophet, to others the awaited Mashiach. He was a fascinating story-teller according to most, a demon or Beelzebub himself by the P’rushim Pharisees. Mull-dar had files and files of him as a healer, a philosopher, a miracle worker, and a troublemaker. Who was he really? Supposedly born of a virgin (she’d read the accompanying files “Interview with shepherds at birth of the Christ,” “Interview with Star Gazing Mystics of the East who worship the King of Yehudim at Beit-Lechem), and raised in Natzeret. She was the investigating official that took the missing person report filed by his parents at Yerushalayim. It was during the feast of Pesach when he was twelve years old. He was found three days later at the Mikdash Temple teaching the Torah.
Yeshua had a habit of offending the religious establishment according to Mull-dar’s observations.
For example, animal sacrifices are common, regulated, and strictly enforced by the Tzaddikim Sadducees. Yeshua had been warned by Temple authorities about a disturbance involving the financial trade exchangers.
Was Mull-dar’s claim about his raising the dead extreme? There were multiple cases. One particular one, a man, Lazarus, had been dead four days, his body was beginning to stink. He was revived. The P’rushims were upset because of the reported resurrection’s timing wasn’t according to the Talmud, the Sadducees because of it.
Exorcisms? Numerous. She remembered when she first met Mull-dar she had questions about his state of mind. As a trained medical doctor and special agent of the Y.B.I, Scullia’s observations were important. In this line of work, her life depended on them. She tried not to let her emotions show as Mull-dar told her about his personal experience seeing the Rabbi Yeshua calling evil spirits out of a mad man. Later, she read his report about the “Legion Incident at Gerasenes,” where Mull-dar documented the two-thousand swine committing suicide by throwing themselves over a cliff. She remembered he was so casual talking about it, so normal ... like it was something that happened everyday. She’d performed hundreds of autopsies, “Final Exams” Mull-dar called them, on murder victims, people killed in accidents, drowned fishermen, lepers, and seen more than her share of death by crucifixion which in her opinion was the most horrific cause of death. Seeing thousands of swine killing themselves all at once was a bit much to imagine, except by Mull-dar, if it happened …
This Yeshua claimed, not once but several times he was the Son of YHVH. It was during an incident when he declared physical healing by the forgiveness of sin just by saying so.
The P’rushims had a fit on that one.
The Sadducees hated Yeshua because he posed a threat to their position. And lifestyle.
How was he a threat to the Roman government? It practiced syncretism respecting all religious beliefs and the Sanhedrin Jewish court system was still subject to Roman law. The death penalty! "If this Yeshua was guilty of insurrection as the religious leaders claimed—" She caught herself, her fingers white from gripping the tablet. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
Facts piled up into conclusions, but which were facts? Which were hearsay?
Was all this within Mull-dars overactive imagination, “I want to believe” … or maybe I’m coming around to his delusional way of thinking. One thing I did agree with him,
“Trust no one.”
She closed the folder, swept her fingers through her hair. If the truth is out there, I’d like to know it. Her eyes rested on Mull-dars drawing.


- Autopsy of body found --

SA Diana Scullia, MD, Y.B.I. -

Subject: Approximately thirty year old male. Wearing sandals, coat of camel hair with leather belt. Hand and feet bound with webbed rope.
Cause of death: Decapitated. Straight sever across neck, back to front. Head still missing.
Stomach contents: Berries, honey, and locust. Liver appears to be healthy, no evidence of alcohol abuse.
Followers of Youchanan identified body and claimed it for burial.
(signed)SA Diana Scullia, MD, Y.B.I.

- After Action Report -

Continuing Investigation of killing of Youchanan

SA Mull-dar, Y.B.I. -

Body positively identified as Youchanan AKA John the Baptist. Last seen at birthday party of King Herod Antipas. Informant says King Herod Antipas and Youchana had angry exchange over Queen Herodias (his brother Philip’s ex-wife). King Antipas says he respected John, knew he was a just and holy man, liked listening to him.
Witnesses at party included Queen Herodias and her daughter, various lords, high captains, and chiefs of Galil. All can vouch for King and his whereabouts that evening.
(signed)SA Mull-dar, Y.B.I.

-After Action Report --

Investigation of Shimon the Zealot in murder of Youchana-

SA Diana Scullia, MD, Y.B.I. -

Assisting the case with SA Mull-dar, I’ve discovered an associate and disciple of Yeshua, who goes by the name of Shimon the Zealot. After questioning, he admits he is a radical member of a group that is anti-Roman government.
He claims he didn’t know anything about the killing.
Shimon had ‘probably cause’ killing Youchana with hope to put blame on the Romans to stir a rebellion by Yehudim people against the government.
(signed) SA Diana Scullia, MD, Y.B.I.

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