Call of the Towel
and the Basin


When the Lord calls, it is both mysterious and difficult to ignore. Such was my situation during those years of 1993/94 when I was in the midst of my working life and wondering what my next step was going to be. I thought world domination would be the next logical step after getting a degree, having gotten a good-paying job and possessing the power to do anything I want, well, literally. But the gentle call of God for a 'lesser' yet demanding mission in life intruded into my plans and turned my whole world upside down.

Within 2 years of discerning and lots of soul searching I finally took up this invitation to the call of the towel and the basin, an offer that promises not power, money and wealth but a life of a deeper satisfaction and peace that no one, not even the world can claim to give.

On that note, St Francis Xavier Major Seminary became my next home and formative environment as I work out my role in God's plan through this formation and studies towards the priesthood. I entered the seminary in 1995 and have been here undergoing training and formation for the last 7 years. It has been many years of constant discerning and many a times, a painful discovery of my inadequate self in this venture towards the role of being Christ to the people.

But with God's grace I am making sure and steady steps towards what I really should be doing - a labourer in the vineyard of the Lord.

I don't know what the future really holds but it promises to be exciting and challenging even frightening. As long I remain faithful to what I am suppose to do, I believe I can conquer. World domination? I think a better term would be 'world transformation' in, through and for Christ!

All Work and Play Also...

It isn't all work, studies and prayer. To keep the body and mind sound and healthy, there's always the opportunity for games and some fun. So there's soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming, softball, billiards and the weekly community games where the seminarians and the Fathers get together for a game or two.

It is also a great way to let off steam at the day's stress and from each other. Sure, there are arguments and shouting matches but at the end of the day, we shake on it, let bygones be bygones and carry on with life. It's too short to carry a vendetta...

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well, in the seminary there is never a dull moment and opportunities for all forms of recreation available is only limited by the seminarian's own creativity. So, anybody for a game of water volleyball?...

Studies and
Spiritual Life

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