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TestGuru is a free educational/testing software written in TCL/TK. TestGuru allows you to create your own quiz or sample exam in order to test your knowledge or skills. You can create your own custom tests or download samples from testing sites on the Internet. TestGuru is written for the Win32 platform but can be adapted for Linux/Unix platforms. A Win32 binary is provided courtesy of FreeWrap.

Compatible with Trandumper formatted sample exams.
Rename the text file to *.tgu and place them in the same directory as the TestGuru software.
Download the executable and source here:
Download the source TCL script here:
Download a self-extracting archive: testguru.exe Logo

The best way to run TestGuru is download and install ActiveTcl from ActiveState, download the TestGuru TCL script package and extract it to a directory, and then double-click on the testguru.tcl file. Make sure there is at least one file with the .tgu extension in the same directory as the testguru.tcl file.

The easiest way to run TestGuru is to download the TestGuru executable package and extract it to a directory. Make sure that there is at least one file with the .tgu extension in the same directory as the testguru.exe file.

To create exams, create a text file with .tgu extension and follow the format of the included sample.tgu file. Place the .tgu file in the same directory as the testguru script or executable.

TestGuru is copyright 2001-2008 by John Almirante.

Before I started TestGuru, I knew very little about TCL/TK. I needed a program that would help me study for my exams. There were a lot of exam software that I tried but none of them had all the features I wanted. I decided to create my own. After trying to find a free development tool that would create a GUI executable, I discovered TCL/TK and FreeWrap. I downloaded ActiveTcl from ActiveState, developed TestGuru using it and created an executable with FreeWrap.

It took me only a month to learn TCL/TK and to create TestGuru. From knowing nothing to having created a useable exam software took the span of only one month. This is a testament to how easy it is to learn the language and to create software in TCL/TK. This can be attributed to the efforts of John Ousterhout, the creator of Tcl, and the rest of the Tcl community. Our thanks go out to all of them.


July 22, 2009

New homepage of TestGuru created on SourceForge at

June 11, 2009

TestGuru is added to the software database of Softpedia

March 6, 2003

I finally got around to fixing the software package so that all files needed to run TestGuru reliably on Windows 9x and NT/2000/XP are included. I also fixed a few bugs and I'm releasing the latest version, 0.4, which I've been using for over a year now. I'm also updating the website to include instructions on how to install and run TestGuru.

October 19, 2002

I finally got to update this website after over a year. I've been pretty busy. I have been working on a new version of TestGuru at home. The code still sucks but I have added a few minor features. I will clean up the code and will try to rewrite it so that it is cleaner. I'll be releasing this as soon as I have the time. There are still a lot of bugs that prevent it from becoming really solid but it is useable.

September 20, 2002

I received word from ActiveState that I was voted the winner of ActiveState's 2002 Programmers' Choice Awards in the Tcl category for creating TestGuru. Thanks to ActiveState, the Tcl community, and to those who voted for me, including my wife, family, friends, relatives, and present and former co-workers. It is definitely an honor to be recognized by the Tcl community.

July 2, 2002

I received word from ActiveState that I was voted as one of the finalists of ActiveState's 2002 Programmers' Choice Awards in the Tcl category for creating TestGuru. Thanks to ActiveState, the Tcl community, and to those who nominated me and voted me in. It is an honor just to be mentioned together with people who have contributed significantly to the Tcl as well as other open-source scripting communities.

September 20, 2001

TestGuru has been submitted to

September 12, 2001

Homepage of TestGuru created on Geocities at

September 9, 2001

TestGuru has finally been released to the public.

July 26, 2001

TestGuru has reached a stable and useable stage - version 0.3.

June 22, 2001

TestGuru registered on SourceForge

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