Alma Madina      Activities Achievements Who Am I Handwriting School Others  

A Step Ahead

Hello buddies!

Find your path and explore it ! Don't wait till somebody grab it and left you behind. Do whatever you like without disturbing anybody's life.


Right now, I am studying in SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy) which is a boarding school where everyone has to stay in the dormitory for three years. Firstly, it's hard! No matter what, I try to do my best and wish the best will come to me, too. Here, I am taught to be a great Indonesia future leader. Integrity, courageous, creativity, public speaking and another life learning are the lesson that I've gotten here.

Since the morning, I usually wake up at 5 till 6 am. Cleaning up the bedroom, praying, taking a shower, having breakfast and walking to school are the activities that I always do everymorning  :)

this is my dormitory, A-102