Episode Review

"Mr. Bo"

There weren't a lot of Ally & Larry scenes in this episode, but as usual, the ones that they were in together were great. Ally had a case to work on in the courtroom. She was representing a woman who fired another woman for being overweight. Ally did all she could do to get out of the case because she didn't agree with her client, but ended up taking it anyway.

And amidst all of this was an upcoming TWIST contest! With the twistmeister himself, Chubby Checker!! After Ling taunted Ally with her amazing twisting moves, Ally decided to enter the contest too. Guess who her partner is? LOL. Of course, it's Larry. But the twisting contest comes later. First, Ally has a case to work on.

Later at home in the evening, Ally and Larry are sitting around, having coffee, and are both working on paperwork. Ally tells Larry about the case and tells him that she can't believe she's representing someone who feels that only attractive people deserve to work in her office. Larry is a little surprised and reminds Ally that she works at Cage & Fish, remember? Well, so what? Larry says that it's a known fact that Richard Fish only hires babes. Well, Ally had no clue about this and is horrified to hear it. At first she doesn't believe Larry, but then he lists off the women who work there -- Ally, Ling, Nelle, Georgia...... Larry compares it to being a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. LOL. Ally forces a laugh, but is clearly NOT amused.

But what Larry said is true! Cage & Fish Associates female employees are all gorgeous! Coincidence? Nah. It's probably no coincidence either that there are more females there than males. It was pretty amusing to see Ally find out about this. You would have thought that she would have caught on earlier. And even though she didn't agree with her client, she still ended up winning the case for her. That's gotta prove that Ally's a pretty darn good lawyer.

Okay, so on to the twisting contest! It was lots of fun. The camera cut back and forth to the different couples out on the dance floor. The shots of Ally & Larry were great. She even smacked him on the butt. Good girl :) But Elaine ended up winning...... and why not? She's a GREAT dancer. Go out and rent Dance With Me.

But it's the last scene that made the show special. After the twisting contest, Elaine is back in the office looking admiringly at the trophy she had won. Ally and Larry walk in, on their way home but Ally first had to get her coat. They congratulate Elaine and Ally excuses herself for a moment, leaving Larry and Elaine alone. Larry tells her what she should do with her trophy. Instead of displaying it for everyone to see.... she should keep it in a drawer. This way it would be something that she accomplished, something she could be proud of. But it wouldn't define her as a person. She's much more than that.

Interestingly enough, this episode aired the day after Robert Downey, Jr. won his much-deserved Golden Globe. Larry may as well have been talking to Robert. While the Golden Globe is very well-deserved and confirms to everybody out there what a gifted actor he is, he doesn't need it displayed everywhere because those of us who care about him know that he is a GOOD, FINE, and TALENTED person who doesn't need an award to confirm this.

� LoverlyLaurel

All these opinions are mine! LOL.
They are insightful, observant, and ultimately..... worthless :-)


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