Episode Review

"Love on Holiday"

Ally and Larry took a backseat to some of the other characters in this episode, but they still managed to bring up a significant issue in the time they did have. Sex. LOL. Well, to put it nicer..... making love. Ally wonders what's going on. They'd been together for awhile and still have not made love. She tries to convince the other girls that she's fine with it, but we see that she's apparently not because Ally has resorted back to sleeping with her inflatable man. But what Ally did say to the other girls was very accurate, I thought. When you find that right person, you want to have an extended courtship. You savor the moments when you look into each other's eyes, when you hold hands, the first kiss..... what's the rush? Well, I think that sometimes there are moments when you just want to get jiggy with it, and that moment had arrived for Ally McBeal. And why not? We have seen what Larry looks like, yes? :)

In the meantime, we get to see again what a great lawyer Larry is. What makes him so great is his ability to cut right through the case and see what's really going on. He always seems to be one step ahead of the others, and it really pays off. Larry also got to see just what a wacky workplace Cafe & Fish Associates was. Between Elaine's Vi-Bra, a guy nicknamed Peanut, and flying cell phones -- he summed it up to Ally best when he said, "Why is it whenever I come here, I feel like I've walked in halfway through a movie." LOL. Also, loved the scene in the bar with Ally and Larry dancing together. It was short but sweet. They just look great together, don't they?

And turning back to the first issue at hand..... remember what I said about Larry being able to see what's going on? Well, Ally's little dilemma about why they hadn't slept together yet is certainly not lost on Larry. In fact, he's the one who brings it up. What I found interesting was when he mentioned that last week he had opened up to Ally more than he ever has. That got me to thinking that maybe his relationships with past women in his life were not based on great communication. It's good that he felt comfortable sharing things with Ally. It was also interesting when he mentioned that it was both "exhilirating.... and a little scary". It was really cute when Larry tried to explain his feelings but couldn't get his words to make any sense. Of course, Ally comes to the rescue and says what he couldn't..... that he's taking things really slow because he wants it to be right. I love how they're both able to really understand each other. And it's great that Larry holds his relationship with Ally in such high regard that he's taking things one step at a time.... very slowly.... because he doesn't want to mess things up with her and blow it. Um, someone please tell me that a guy like Larry Paul really does exist. Please? :)

� LoverlyLaurel

All these opinions are mine! LOL.
They are insightful, observant, and ultimately..... worthless :-)


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