Episode Review

"The Last Virgin"

Well, if the last episode began to leer me under Larry's spell, this one had me in hook, line, and sinker. That's it. No going back. This episode was AMAZING and we really got to learn the things that motivate both Ally and Larry and why they act the way they do towards relationships. A big part of this episode revolved around Ally's anticipation about her first kiss with Larry. And what we got was not only a very sweet first kiss, but so much more.

First can I say that it's really nice seeing a Happy Ally? Last season was really depressing because she was so sad all the time. It was really nice seeing her in the elevator in the beginning of the episide smiling, happy, and giddy! I guess that's what new love does to you. When I found out that she would be going up against Larry in court, I was excited. Unfortunately, she only ended up second chairing it, while John took first chair. That's fine because I also liked seeing the Biscuit go up against Larry, but I'm really hoping that we get to see Ally and Larry facing off in court one day, one-on-one. Enemies by day, lovers by night? LOL. I love the thought!

Back to this show, one of my favorite scenes between Ally & Larry (and believe me, there are many!!) is the one in Ally's apartment when she thinks he's finally going to kiss her for the first time.... only he ends up kissing her on the forehead! LOL. The look on her face was priceless.

Then, of course, the scene later on when they are both in Larry's office discussing their relationship, their feelings -- I thought this was a very powerful scene. Ally confessed that she was disappointed he didn't kiss her, but I was relieved when Larry explained that it was because he didn't want to rush anything because he felt that this could be right. Believe me, when a GUY doesn't want to rush things for that reason, he's a keeper! And I loved it when Larry confessed to Ally that he was terrified because she could very well be THE ONE. Wow. Another poignant moment came when Larry told Ally that when he first met her, she struck him as a person who had forgotten how to love, and how to be loved. That was heartbreaking for Ally to hear.... it was written all over her face. I mean, how many men has she truly loved in her life? By my count -- one.... and his name was Billy. And even then, I believe that the love that they shared had developed into a familial kind of love more than anything else. He was Ally's connection to her childhood. Billy was special, no question about it. As for the other men in Ally's life? Nope, I don't think she loved any of them. This relationship with Larry was the first one that really got under her skin. It was quite evident in the scene between Ally and Renee when Ally tells her that, "If he doesn't love me, I don't know what I'm going to do." And again later, the ever-so-wise Renee sums it up perfectly. When Ally asks Renee why she's so afraid of the whole thing with Larry, Renee simply responds, "For once in your life, you have something really big to lose." Perfect.

And this all brings me to the final scene between Ally and Larry in her office. If there is such a thing as "a perfect scene" -- this would be it. Everything was right on..... from the moment when Larry first appears, surprising Ally..... to the last shot of them dancing close together. It just all came together perfectly. One of the things I loved most about it was that Ally layed it all out for Larry. She was completely honest with him and told him all the things he would have to put up with if he wanted to be with her -- she's demented, vain, self-absorbed...... and the beautiful thing is that none of the things she listed about herself made Larry even blink. He just told her to keep going, keep going...... You could really see his feelings for her in this scene. He wanted to be with her no matter what she was like. And Ally summed up her feelings when she said that she was "incapable of letting herself be loved". And when Larry said they would have to work on that....... *sigh* And then, of course, came the KISS. It was sweet. There had been so much build up to their first kiss, and I thought it was sweetly and gently done. One of my favorite shots of Ally & Larry is when Ally stands up after they kiss and they look into each other's eyes. I LOVE that close-up. And then he pulls her to him and they hug and then dance. As I said before, it was PERFECT.

It was after this episode that I went from being an Ally & Larry fan to an Ally & Larry fanatic.

� LoverlyLaurel

All these opinions are mine! LOL.
They are insightful, observant, and ultimately..... worthless :-)


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