Shan: I had a demand for a sequel and like the good little review hog I am I have oblidged. How could I not respond to two people who stuck me up on their favorites list!

Kye: And thanks a lot! As if her ego wasn't bloated as it is!!

Shan: Don't pick on me. At any rate I was thinking of making each chapter a different pilot. Also, here's a poll, which pilot do you think should finally help poor Duo out? Anyway, please, read and review.

Kye: And if there are spelling mistakes, tell us. We'd really like to know.

Shan: I no own. I don’t want to own. Can you imagine having these guys in your head? They’re screwy. …Screwy-er than me. And I don’t really need Heero in my head. Again. He killed me last time. It hurt---

Kye: Shut. Up. Now. (shoves her in a wicker basket)

Masks of Our Own

I remember my past. It is your future. But I feel nothing for you I lie in the dark and wonder....

Oh how, how can my heart see?

Through my own sundering pain.

He's been out there all day. I walk past the window every so often just to make sure he doesn't do something foolish -- like throw himself off a cliff. But then, if the moron does it really isn't my business, is it? I'm not sure the others have noticed but I've seen the little cracks in his smile, hairline, really, and quickly covered but still there. I glance again at the window through my bangs. He looks like he's about the break.

Oh where, where has my heart gone?

An uneven trade for the real world.

I had that expression once before I'd lost all expression..... And hid behind my own masks. I can picture them perfectly; a half face -- one smiling and one crying. They became my emotions for me after I learned that emotions were needed for others to be able to co-exist with you. It's why I became a clown, clowns did not have emotions other than those they showed to the crowds. If I was a clown I could pretend that what they saw existed in my barren heart. But somehow I cannot see Duo wearing a mask so obviously.

Oh why, why does my heart bleed? From cuts made of my selfish needs?

Maybe he needs an outlet. A way to get the emotions out without masking them. Killing only works for Heero... maybe something different? I stare at my hands without really seeing them and remember the cuts, made so precisely up and down my arms, like stitches..... I pull out of it before I lose myself in my outlet and turn my back on the window, shuddering internaly and block out everything.

It's really not my busniess after all.

....I still remember....

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