
Hawkeye looked down and saw the message BJ left him as his helicopter flew over the old M*A*S*H 4077th, or what was left of it. The last time he would see Ouijonbou, he was going home. Home. So why did he feel so empty?? He thought about everyone else, and how happy there were to finally be going home. BJ would see his daughter Erin and his lovely wife Peg. Col. Potter was going to be, as he put it Mrs. Potter's Mr. Potter. Everyone had someone to go home to. Charles had his Boston aristocracy and all his stiff upper-lip friends, his money, his 100-year-old brandy. Klinger wasn't going home. He was staying in Korea. Never thought that would happen, Hawkeye thought to himself with a smile as he thought of all of Klinger's stunts. Father Mulchey, though not able to have children of his own, had all the orphans. He would go home to his sister the sister, and work with deaf children. Every child was his own.

He thought of Margaret. She's the only one who understands me, he thought. No family, no wife, well no husband in her case, no children. Sure, I have my dad, but I'm 33 years old! Most guys by now at least have a steady girlfriend. It's not that he didn't have offers, but all his nurses just didn't do it. They were treat for a night of fun in the supply tent, but he just couldn't picture himself with them. Even if that did get him a few slaps once he told the truth. His thoughts drifted back to Korea. This was the last time he would see the war torn countryside. The bombed-out villages, the farmland turned into mine fields. How everybody just wanted to get home and forget this place. And the people. No one would want to see him after the war. They all just wanted to leave this place and forget it. Three years that never happened. But, he would miss all of them. As much as he hated the senseless destruction, brutality and death of innocent young lives, he loved the people. BJ was his best friend. He had Toby and everybody home, but they would never ever after 30 years of being friends never have the same bond created in those two years with BJ. Col. Potter was like a father. His father was his only family, so he missed him dearly, but Col. Potter made that feeling go away, just a little bit to make it bearable. Klinger was like a brother to him.or sister. Father Mulchey was a great friend who never judged anyone prematurely. Even Charles had his good points. Again, his thoughts drifted to Margaret. That kiss. He'd kissed her before, but it was different. Great, and she always kissed him back, but that was because she really had no choice. He would dip her so she had to wrap her arms around her. But this time, she met him halfway. The stood there wrapping their arms around each other, soaking each other up as best the could before they walked out of the others life. Maybe he should.

A larger bump that nearly made him fall out of his seat if he wasn't so tightly strapped in made him quickly snap out of his thoughts. He was at Kimpo. He went into the airport and knew that in less than an hour he would leave Korea forever. Why did that make him so sad? It was as if he had left a part of his heart there. In Korea. At the 8063rd.

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