Follow the links to see what flights we have in our schedules. To read the files you need either Adobe Acrobat Reader Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. The are some items listed that have nothing to do with scheduling but with our airline in common. Please e-mail me if you have any problems.

Mainline Schedules - effective 1st October until 31st October - PDF

Mainline Schedules - effective 1st October until 31st October - Excel

Charter Schedules - PDF

Charter Schedules - Excel

A.NET North schedules - effective 1st October until 31st October - PDF

A.NET North schedules - effective 1st October until 31st October - Excel

A.NET Destination List by Kas Van Zonneveld/Joel Vogt - Word

A.NET Destination List by Kas Van Zonneveld/Joel Vogt - PDF

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