Conversion: St. Paul on the Road to Damascus

Based on the Biblical account of Acts chapter nine, this three-figure composition recreates the moment at which Saul of Tarsus is confronted by a vision of the risen Christ.  Saul and his two traveling companions have made the journey from Jerusalem to Damascus, intent on capturing and bringing to justice the followers of the crucified Jesus of Nazareth, whom they believe to be guilty of blasphemy.  
    My purpose for creating this piece is two-fold.  First, I want to bring this dramatic historical narrative to life, in hope that my viewers will be able to experience it as more than a story written two thousand years ago.  Second, I want to use this story to illustrate the universal experience of all believers, when we came to realize the change of direction that encountering the Truth demands. Saul believed that through his persecution of the disciples of Jesus he was protecting the sacred revelation of God, but he failed to recognize that this Jesus, God’s Son, was the completion of God’s revelation. Thus, when he encountered this vision he was confronted not only by the realization that Jesus had risen from the dead, but also that, though he thought himself to be protecting the Truth from heresy,  he was in fact persecuting the Messiah, the Son of God.  Saul has been brought to his knees, but he does not cower there or turn to run as those who do not understand.  Instead he responds in obedience to the words of Christ.  He is blinded, yet the Truth is revealed to him.

Conversion: St. Paul on the Road to Damascus
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