Greetings from Gowris
of Indian Railways,
Permit us to introduce our selves, I am Surisetti Venkata Sai Prasad, working for Indian Railways and convener,
All India Gavara (Railway Men's) Welfare Association.
At the outset, we will pay our humble salutations to the departed souls of
Ex Railway Employees:
Late Sri B.R.Satyanarayana of Secunderabad,
Late Sri Surisetti Krishna Rao
of Secunderabad,
Late Sri Yellapu Ramam
of Secunderabad,
Late Sri Malla Govinda Rao of Kharagpur,
Late Sri Dadi Appa Rao of Kolkatta,
Late Sri Malla Rama Rao of Kolkatta,
Late Sri Malla Jagdish
of Kharagpur,
Late Sri Surisetti JevarakshnaRao
of Visakhapatnam
Late Sri Pilla Ramakrishna of Visakhapatnam
Late Sri K.N.T.Naidu of Secunderabad.
And also we will pay our salutations to the great leaders of our community:
Sri Konthala Ramakrishna, Hon’ble
Minister for Commercial Taxes, Govt of Andhra
Sri Dadi Veerabhadra Rao, Ex Minister Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
Sri Appala Sominaidu,
Industrialist & Social worker, Anakapalle.
Late Sri Nooki Naidu,
ex Founder President, GavaraSangam Hyderabad,
Late Sri Pilla Appala Naidu, Ex President, Gavara Sangam, Visakhapatnam
Late Sri Vegi Parasaiah
, Ex President, Gavara Sangam,
Late Smt Malla Challayamma, Social Worker, Visakhapatnam.
Late Sri Malla Govindarao,
Ex President, Gavara Sangam,
Late Sri Malla Rama Rao, Founder Secretary of Gavara
Sangam of Kharagpur.
Late Sri Malla Satya Rao, Ex President, Gavara Sangam, Tata Nagar.
I am very much glad to inform you that out of 15 Lakh
Railway Employees , around 3600 Railway Employees
of our community are serving the Nation. Already 3000 Members have joined
AIGRWA and every effort is being made to enroll the remaining fellow
Railway Employees for our mutual benefits..
The main aim of this Association is to serve Gavara
Railway Employees and rest of the Gavara's of the
1) Scholarship for the children of Poor Railway Employees
2) Counseling and Carrier guidance
3) Voluntary assistance will be provided in case of Marriages/Death and any
other occasions by Zonal conveyor and other AIGRWA Members of the nearest
4) Marriage alliance Bureau is functioning for all Indian (Gavara Railway Men) and other members of our community.
Yours Sincerely