Astrogation Skill and the Beam Weapons Skill.


The GURPS universe specifies FIVE kinds of space travel generally used by "main sequence" O-2 sapient species.

These are:

-Sublight "normal-space" travel

-Hyperspace travel in E,D,C,B, and A space

-Jumpline travel using natural jump nodes of stressed space

-Psionic FTL travel--most notably by the Tandu

-Improbability travel.

The last two forms of FTL travel are relatively rare (and intrinsically risky) and are not used by the Terragen Clan.

Fully qualified Terragen astrogators are competent to safely plot courses for travel by n-space, jump line, and hyperspace (except for e-space).   E-Space navigation is heavilly probabalistic to the degree that it uses
mathematics, and requires considerable analogical and lateral thought, intuition, and just plain luck.  Terragen e-space navigators are specially certified.  This certification should in no way be taken as a gurantee of saftey
for e-space transit.

(In game terms make certain Astrogators (and Pilots) have skills in n-space, hyperspace, and jumpline navigation (and piloting).  You might also want to put some points into the separate skill of e-space navigation.)


Beam weapons:

GURPS specifies a -4 when switching from one beam weapon to another.  Clearly this is for switching from one FAMILY of beam weapons to another, eg. Laser Rifle to Blaster rifle.

However, the penalty for simple unfamilliarity is only -2.  (eg. using the Standard Synthian Military Laser Rifle -- Terragen Adapted when you usually use the Remington Military L-11.)

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