We supply and service digital church and theatre organs and midi devices from the Allen Organ Company. Allen Organs are a cost effective alternative to a pipe organ - providing an instrument that needs minimal maintenance and never needs tuning. WHY CONSIDER AN ALLEN ORGAN? Click here to find out.
Allen Organs have been installed in more than 50 churches and buildings within Western Australia and in Perth, ranging from self contained two manual models to three manual instruments with large audio systems and midi expansion devices. Here's where.
We also are agents for the exciting range of Suzuki digital pianos and keyboards. Check out the Studio Instruments webpage for more details.
Organ music, organ videos, and organ recordings on CD and cassette are also available. Check out the music page.
Need some organ playing tips? We are not qualified teachers, but can offer instruction and help based on a lifetime of playing church organ music.

• The recent Christian Resources Exhibition in Sydney featured an exhibition by Allen Organs, and this event allowed all three Allen Organ dealers to meet together for the first time. Pictured from left to right are Ron Raymond (Western Australia), Jim Clinch (Queensland) and Leith Ewart (Victoria). A rare opportunity for the three Australian dealers to get together and exchange ideas.

• Just in time for Easter, the latest Allen Organ to arrive in Western Australia has been delivered to the Anglican Church of St Mary the Virgin in South Perth.
This organ is a 2 manual Protege series organ, model C-6, complete with two HR200 speaker enclosures which are installed high in a balcony area.
St Mary's church is an imposing building set high on a hill in South Perth overlooking the Swan River. The new organ with it's fine sound complements such a fine building. This is the third Protege model C-6 organ to be installed in Western Australia in the past two years.

• Hidden away amongst the trees in the country west of Margaret River is a lovely stone chapel, located at a Catholic retreat called God's Farm. Installed within the chapel is an Allen MADC-3160 organ. The MADC-3160 model organ is a 2 manual instrument with drawknobs. The owner has just had MIDI fitted, together with an Allen Expander, to allow a variety of additional voices in addition to those already available on the organ. The organist was absolutely delighted as she played Ave Maria using a violin solo together with a harp accompaniment.

Member of the Australian Music Association