1. The importants of Kim�s game is in being able to remember, as in the story of Kim himself. This story can be found in Scouting for Boys or in the Cub Trail.

The importants of kims game is in being able to remember, as in the story of Kim himself. This story can be found in Scouting for Boys or in the Cub Trail.

Proplan Chart 60 has a few idea to help you with Kims Game.

2. Blindfolded, correctly identify 8 out of 10 simple sounds by hearing only.

3. Blindfolded, identify 8 out of 10 common substances by smell only.

4. Blindfolded, identify 12 out of 15 common articles by touch only.

5. Explain the characteristics of human footprints, with and without boots or shoes. Be able to identify correctly the following tracks made by a person in sand or soft earth: walking; walking backwards; limping; carrying a weight; running.

BP put it so when it comes to tracking: "Scouting without tracking is like bread and butter without the bread. (Footsteps of the founder compiled by Mario Sica). Being able to track can be very helpful in nature and a lot of fun too. Have you ever seen a foot print on the beach and wondered what it was doing there, who left, were they alone. These are things tracking can help you to work out just by the footprint of the person or the broken branch. You first need to understand the the human track. the differents between a person running, walking, etc.

Run an experiment by marking off areas and walking in one area, run in the other, carry a large object in the other and then look at the differences in the footprints. For example, a person walking with a stick will show a small hole just in front of the foot print.

6. Correctly identify the following cloud formations (from pictures where natural examples are not available), and explain the weather associated with each: cumulus; cumulo-nimbus; cirrus; nimbo-stratus; strato-cumulus; alto-stratus.

You can checkout different types of cloud formations in the scout target or on the SASA website.

7. Make three plaster casts of the tracks of wild animals or birds, or make 5 sketches of different animal or bird tracks that you have observed out-of-doors. Identify the tracks.

The best place to find animal spoors is down at the watering hole, as the sand is soft by the water. See the best way to make plaster casts in Proplan chart 59

8. Correctly identify 10 different makes or models of cars on the road OR correctly identify 10 different types of trees OR leaves OR insects OR birds in the outdoors.

Some other great things to download to do with Veldcraft:
Proplan Chart 6 Plaster Casts
Proplan Chart 19Beaufort Scale
Proplan Chart 33Trail Signs
Proplan Chart 58 Secrets of Stalking
Proplan Chart 61 Tracking's Golden rules
Proplan Chart 62 Tracking
Proplan Chart 78 Tracking

If you have any other question relating to the topic or any ideas to share please fell free to contact the webmaster at: [email protected]

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