S'LEM and Brown RASONATH'S weyr
The hatching was a good one, even for a completely unknown bunch of eggs. How lucky! How much S'lem loved his new dragon lifemate.

"Still hungry?" S'lem asked the dragonet, who shook his head in a very human gesture.

NO! I could not eat again ever! I have had so much!

"Then, it's time to oil you and let you sleep. You've had a hard day!" S'lem said, and the dragon eagerly complied with his oiling.

He put up a bit more fuss when it came time to sleep, though.

I want to see the other people! Your head is full of people, S'lem. I want to meet them.

"That's for later, my little friend, now I need to get food myself! I never got breakfast before you hatched, you know!"

Oh! I am sorry, go eat. But don't eat too much... I am full already!

S'lem laughed his way back to the dining hall...
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Salem has impressed at Aden Weyr! Read about the hatching of clutch 4!

Read about Salem's
candidacy here!

View the Weyrling and Adult stage below.
This great graphic was found at Sew Doll!
It is a good thing we had that spare sack of firestone for the rider, S'lem.

"I know! It could have cost them their lives..."

The thrill of Threadfall had not escaped the weyrlings this time. Some of the more aggressive browns and similar aged weyrlings were sent out on replacement duty. All those months of firestone throwing and practice catching finally paid off. The weyrlings had given the wing a new lease on life. Thread had fallen thick and for longer than usual.
It was as close as we've ever come... Now I understand the thrill...

S'lem had never really thought of himself as particularly brave or bold or dashing. But the fact that three riders had been spared threadscore from his timely arrival with new firestone sacks ran through him and bloated his pride.

It was not artificial, either. When they all got back into the weyr, even before anyone had a chance to change out of their gear, the riders congratulated and thanked them, and the other weyrlings, who had come.

With pride, then, S'lem wrote in his journal about the event and tucked it away into his complex past.
This great graphic was found at Sew Doll!
Without you the wing will suffer, bespoke another of the browns.

But we will fly with the memories of you... And we learned from you too!

The dragons parted, and then S'lem joined the new wing in the Protectorate. The Long Wing of the Law, they were called.
"Ahh, the Spy wing..." S'lem laughed, and the others in it joined in.

To an outsider, this group of law-givers, harpers and strong-arms were almost the worst thing they could imagine coming to their Hold. This bunch always had either bad tidings or tithes to get or arguments to settle which would just as well have been done by a regular Harper.

But no! They had to have upstarts like this in a whole WING!

The upstarts, dark humored men and women with cynical days behind them and more so ahead, swooped over the next Hold to make sure that tithes were paid...
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