Chapter Forty-Seven:
"Why is it so freaking cold here?" Hallie asked a week later, shutting the window and going back to rubbing her arms.

"This isn't Orlando and it's October.  It is kinda cold in Maryland in October, especially if you're right next to the ocean," Ali said from her spot on the couch where she was reading a magazine.

"Well then why was it warm yesterday?" Hallie asked.

"Mother Nature's on drugs?" Cathy supplied from the kitchen, where she was making dinner.

"Possibly," Hallie said, sitting down on the couch next to Ali.  "What're you reading?"



"Curiousity.  What do you want?" Ali asked, knowing that Hallie wanted something.

"I wanna go shopping, I need something with sleeves.  Lily, wanna go shopping?  Cathy?"

"Making dinner," Cathy yelled.

"I'll go, why not?" Lily said from the floor, where she was tossing a tennis ball in the air and catching it.  "I'm bored anyway and I need some new stuff."

"Okay, lemme get changed, I actually have shirts with sleeves on them," Ali said, putting down the magazine, marking her place by putting the magazine upside down on the couch and walking to her room.

Hallie picked up the magazine and groaned.  "She was reading another article about her and Justin.  Apparently the media caught wind of them breaking up."

"That sucks.  But who would say anything?  Justin wouldn't, I know that," Cathy said from her pot of pasta.

"He wouldn't.  And we didn't say anything and neither did Ali...  Who knows," Lily said.  "Hey, is Jamie still on the phone with Howie?"

"Yeah," Hallie said, "and here she said she would go to get away from him.  They're now connected at the ear, I'm convinced."

"I'm ready guys, let's go.  Where do we wanna go?" Ali asked, exiting the room wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt.

"Anywhere that sells warm stuff," Hallie complained, standing up and grabbing her jacket.


"I like this... and this... and this... I want all of this stuff...  Except for that... and that... and that...  Okay, I take it back, I don't want all this stuff.  I only want the blue things," Hallie said, sorting through clothes in a Tommy Hilfiger outlet.  Ali had convinced them to go in there, assuring that there would be clothes that liked.  Lily was already in the dressing room while Ali and Hallie were still looking through clothes.

Ali fought back snickers as she glanced around the room and saw a blue long sleeve t-shirt that she liked.  She walked over to it, picking it up and holding it up to her, wondering if the color would look okay.

"That would look great on you," a familiar voice said from behind her.

She spun around to see the same blue-eyed guy that she had seen the week before in the bar.  "Thanks...  Dylan, right?"

"Yeah," he replied, taking a step toward her.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I was kinda already a little drunk when you came in," Ali apologized.  "I'm sorry I gave the wrong first impression."  Ali paused for a moment.  "I'm lucky that I remember your name," she laughed.

"Hey, it's okay, I understand, you were trying to get over Justin.  I've had my share of drunken nights over ex'es.  I completely understand.  But I was still wondering if you would wanna, maybe possibly go out to Scandals (club in Ocean City)  later," Dylan said, giving Ali a sweet smile.

"I don't know," Ali said, looking around the store for Hallie and Lily.  "I'm here with two of my friends-"

"How about I call you then?  We'll talk later."

"Okay," Ali said, quickly rambling off her cell phone number, since she knew Jamie was going to be on the phone with Howie for the remainder of the trip.  "That's my cell number, It's always on.  I'll talk to you later," Ali said, giving Dylan a quick smile before walking toward the dressing rooms, where Lily was modeling a red shirt and dark colored jeans.

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