Chapter Nineteen:
Cathy walked in the door of her house, shut it behind her, and leaned against it in all attempts to clear her head.  What the hell is going on with AJ? she thought.  He's such a sweetie, and he's so gorgeous...  STOP IT CATHY!  You can't think Ali's cousin is gorgeous, you've known him for years.  But he is...  Cathy was interrupted from her thoughts by Hallie trying to open the door.

"Hey, let me in, whoever's blocking the door!" she yelled.

Cathy moved and opened the door for her.  "Happy now?"

"Yes, very much so.  What's up with you chickie?  All of a sudden, it's like you're in another world," Hallie said, noting Cathy's expression.

"I, uh, it's nothing," she said, walking into the living room.

"This has something to do with AJ, right?" Hallie asked, following her.

Cathy stopped dead in her tracks.  "Does EVERYONE know about this?  Jeez, How obvious am I?" she said, flailing her arms around in frustration.

"Woah, calm down.  You're not the one being obvious, AJ is," Hallie said, ducking out of the way of her arms.


"Yes AJ.  He's been acting totally different around you for some reason.  And every time you're near him, it's the same way."

"Wow."  This all hit Cathy hard.  She realized she really did like AJ, now that she was informed that he liked her.  But there was that little pesky problem, no biggie, really...  Nick.

The phone rang.  Speak of the devil (hehehe, MALL Cass and Tiff!)...  Cathy ran for it and grabbed it on the second ring.  "Hello?"

"Hey baby, what's up?" came Nick's voice from the other end of the line.

Cathy saw red.  "What's up?  Well, I'll tell you what's up.  I went rollerblading with AJ today.  And I had a great time.  And I'm going to Pleasure Island with him tomorrow.  And I'm sure you don't care because you're probably still searching for Ali and Kevin!" she said, trying her harders to stay calm, but not succeeding very much in her efforts.

"What?  What the hell are you talking about?  I told you on the machine, I'm here on business.  I'm in the recording studio, I could care less where Ali and Kevin are or what they are doing for that matter."

"Could care less my ass.  That's complete and total bullshit Carter, and we both know it.  You like Ali and you want to get her, so that's why you're in LA!  Nick, she is NOT going to go out with you!  She loves Kevin, those two were meant to be together, drop the thought of her and you already because it is NOT going to happen!" Cathy screamed into the phone.

The line was silent for a minute before Nick said quietly, "Fine then.  I guess I'm not going out with you anymore, if you can't trust me."

"TRUST?!?  You want TRUST?!?  I'll give you trust, you arrogant asshole!  I TRUST that Kevin and Ali are gonna get married someday.  I TRUST you to be an ass for the rest of your life.  And you can TRUST that I'm going out with AJ, but you apparently couldn't care less about THAT!  Nick, I hope Kevin beats the hell out of you when you try to steal his girlfriend," Cathy screamed into the phone before slamming down the End button.

Instantly, the phone rang again.  Cathy pressed the Talk button, and expecting it to be Nick, she screamed, "STOP CALLING HERE, ASSHOLE!"

"I can't call my cousin anymore?"

"Oh, AJ, I'm sorry, Nick just called," Cathy said.  Which got a smile from Hallie, who also elbowed her in the ribs playfully and raised her eyebrows suggestively.  Cathy smacked her upside the head and Hallie exited the room in a huff.

"Ahh, Nick.  Your boyfriend..." AJ trailed off.

"Not anymore.  That jerk can stay in Cali and get his ass kicked by Kevin as long and as often as he wants.  I honestly don't care."

AJ smiled in spite of himself.  "Cool.  So, hey, we're still going to Pleasure Island, then?"

"Yeah, I just talked to you ten minutes ago, and I think I made it clear," Cathy said, sitting down and getting comfortable on her favorite blue chair.  "Is that why you called me?"

"Umm, no, uhh, I called you because...  Did I leave my glasses with you?" AJ asked quickly.  His real glasses (not sunglasses) were sitting on his nose at the time.

"No, you didn't, they may be in your car," Cahty suggested.

"Oh, okay, thanks," AJ said.  "Well, I gotta be going, but I'll talk to you later.  Bye."

"Yeah.  Bye," she said, hanging up the phone.

Cathy couldn't wait for later to come.

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