Chapter One:
I swear, I am going to kill Alex.  I am going to kill him for making me do this when I would rather be shopping, fourteeen year-old Alison McLean thought to herself as she walked up to her fifteen year-old cousin Alex McLean's house.  It was a bright Saturday afternoon, and she was supposed to be at the mall hanging out with her friends Jamie, Hallie and Cathy.  But nope, she was stuck going to Alex's house to meet his doofy little band.  I cannot believe he convinced me to come here instead of going to Afterthoughts to ogle the guys.

She walked in the door and yelled out, "Aunt Denise, I'm here," just like she always did.  She only got out the words, "Aunt Denise," before stopping.  There before her, stood THE most gorgeous guy she had ever seen in her life. 
I guess I won't kill Alex.  I can just stand here and ogle this guy.  Man, is he fine.

Alison was always very forward with people, though she didn't want to push it with the amazing guy standing in front of her.  He looked about twenty, maybe twenty-one, and she wasn't someone to try to flirt with someone
THAT much older than her. 

"You must be Alison," the guy said.  "I'm Kevin."

"Hi," she said, taking his hand and shaking it.  Her heart almost immediatly skipped a beat when her hand touched his.  "I am Alison, but please don't call me that.  Ali's my nickname.  But Alex refuses to call me Ali."

"Yup," Alex said as he walked in the room.  "So,
Alison, you met Kevin," he said, drawing out her name.

"Yeah, I met him,

Alex only gave her a look, which she returned with one of her own, and Alex replied, "Okay, I'll call you Ali, just don't call me that."


She soon met Brian, Kevin's cousin, and they got along pretty well.  She learned that Brian had a girlfriend in Kentucky (she could tell from a mile away with that accent) so she didn't even try to go after him.  She had already known Nick and Howie, she and Nick were okay friends, even though he was a year younger than her.  That day was the day that The Backstreet Boys (as they had dubbed themselves) were to go to New York City for meetings with record companies, trying to get signed to something other then TransContinental Records, a tiny label in Orlando.  She bid the guys good luck, thanking her lucky stars that visiting Alex hadn't taken too long, and headed to the Orlando Mall, where she met up with her friends in none other then the food court.

"You guys, I just met
THE most gorgeous guy," Ali proclaimed as she sat down at their usual table, next to the carousel. 

Hallie looked up between bites and swallows of pizza, and said, "Who, guy, where?"

"Hal, he really isn't your type.  Actually, his cousin's more your type.  But he's taken.  Sorry."

Jamie stuck her head in the conversation by saying, "Does he look anything like Howie?"  Jamie had known Howie as long as Ali had known Howie.  Since they had met him with Alex when they were in the mall, wonder of wonders.

"No, he looks nothing like Howie.  Sorry, Jam."

"Oh, well, I don't care.  As long as Howie's mine," Jamie said, happily taking a bite of Cathy's french fries.

"Will you stop eating my fries?  Can't you just eat your shrimp fried rice?"


"Jamie, Howie's dating that Jennifer girl," Ali said, trying to stop the beginnings of an argument.

"So?  He'll be mine, and we all know it."

Ali decided to stay silent, so as not to start any arguments.  The last time she made the fatal mistake of saying anything about Jamie's precious Howie, Ali didn't hear the end of it for days. 
But it was excusable, Ali thought.  Jamie is blond, after all.

"Whatever.  Anyway, this guy is gorgeous."

"What's his name?" Cathy asked, suddenly interested.


"How old is he?" Hallie asked with her mouth still half full of pizza.

"He's kinda, well, twentytwo," she mumbled.

"Did you say Twenty-two?" Jamie asked, suddenly too interested in the conversation she was having.

"Yeah, I said twenty-two."

"Ali, that's too old, and you know it,"

"Well, it's not like I'm gonna see him again.  He's on a plane to New York City with Alex at this moment.  I mean, he's eight years older than me, for starters, and I honestly don't think that he'll ever be interested in some little teenager like me.  Sure."

"You never know," Jamie replied with a grin on her face, "what'll happen in the future."
Chapter Two
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