How it Happened

As I mentioned before, it is difficult for me to place the events in any kind of meaningful order. I have tried going over them again and again but the process seems to leave me either tired or angry and sometimes both at once. And although I would like to get to the bottom of it all I do not want to visit one of those psychologists who make you remember things from your past as I want to deal with the abduction in my own way and view what happened and how it has changed me in without any kind of bias or influence from outside sources.

My recollection changes from day to day and sometimes from hour to hour, and I have learned that the best way to try and recall it with a reasonably straight train of thought is to just "say" what I remember happening, but in the order that I am remembering it now.

I have no idea what the time was, only that it was in the afternoon. I can't even say for sure if it was early or late afternoon, although by what I was wearing I guess it was quite early when it was warm outside and I would not feel too much of a chill. I was only going out to get something for a headache from the local pharmacy which itself was only about four hundred yards from my house. and it wouldn't take me long to get there and back.

Most of the people who live near me are older and retired and although it is considered a nice area, they keep to themselves a lot and the only time I see some of them is when they are peeking through their curtains if they hear a noise outside and get nosey. So although was a nice afternoon it was quite quiet and I don't remember seeing anybody else walking or cycling or anything like that, just the occasional car and truck.

It only saves me walking an extra forty or fifty yards, but I always try to hop over a little wall behind a row of garages which are backed onto the main road . I never cut through there in winter as the ground is all messy and muddy but I do use the short cut when the weather is dry.

It was behind these garages that I felt quite chilly and felt goosepimples appearing on my arms. My last thought at that point was that there was some kind of natural wind tunnel effect caused by the row of buildings and that a cold wing had got trapped there. When I looked up from my arms I noticed it had gotten darker although not really dark, more kind of cloudy and grey and it seemed like there were more shadows on the ground.

It was at this point that I felt what I can best describe as a "panic attack", although one without the "panic" element to it as I still felt quite calm , just with the feelings of being light-headed and out of breath like I would faint and a little feeling of being slightly out of place. I was standing still, not walking or anything, just standing there when I realised that there was someone a little behind me on my left hand side. I looked round and, as I still had the feeling of being light-headed, I put my hand out to steady myself on him. I must have thought he was a little boy or a very young teenager and I tried to smile at him in case he got frightened, but as I gripped on to his shoulder I looked closer at his face and got a shock when I saw how big and featureless it was. It really scared me and I thought maybe he has something "wrong" with him like some kind of disfigurement or deformity but I am not usually effected by that sort of thing and he seemed really very calm and unmoved by the state I was in. Actually, the part of it that I find hardest to deal with now is that one, when I remember seeing his face for the first time because I think I knew then and also "felt" that there was something not at all right about what was happening. It's not that he looked scary or horrible or even what I would have imagined an "alien" to look like, it''s just that he looked very, very different and not "right" like he never belonged. It was as if he didn't belong there and that his kind of face was too different for me to take in.

(I have only told one of my friends about that part of it and how "wrong" I felt his face was.

She asked me to try and describe it and I did. At first all I could say was that it looked big and had relatively few features and that looking at his face somehow made me feel that his face was "wrong" and as I told her this I got a bit upset and started to cry. She kept asking me over and over again and I wanted her to stop because it was as if everytime she asked me what he looked like I could see it more clearly. Not more of it or being able to remember something different about it that I hadn't before, just remembering better the same things about it more clearly)

After the initial shock of seeing him I sort of felt more calm and more relaxed although still a little light headed and I looked at him again and he looked so relaxed and impassive that I managed to look him over and all around him. I had almost looked to the end of the row of garages when I got distracted by a sound. I'm not sure if it was coming from him or someone else, and out of the whole experience this is the only part I believe I could have imagined, but I'm sure I heard him saying something that sounded like "beenkee" or "bean key" or something similar. Since it all I happened i have had lots of time to think about that sound, and, when i think about it now, I am really not convinced that it came from him although it was coming from very nearby (and maybe behind and above me?) but i can't discount it because the one thing about it that seemed to point at it originating from him was that it was almost as if the sound was being breathed at me. It was so natural sounding and didn't sound like it was trying to communicate anything in particular, yet it was directed at me it was like it was being breathed out at me on purpose. I never felt like he was going to hurt me or anything like that. I never thought more than a few moments ahead during the whole incident and my worst fear was seeing his face even closer.

At this point, he put his hand on my hip and I looked down I saw his face again and it wasn't so bad this time but I still didn't really like it. He kept looking up at me and turned a little so he was standing facing my side and put his other arm below my hip this time, just under his other hand and stopped for a moment. I watched him for what seemed a long time and remember that when he finally moved again I could see the top of his head for the first time, but that was above his face so I didn't like that either.

His arm moved down my thigh and round to the front . He held it there and I felt his other hand move from my hip round to the back and without stopping went straight under the back of my cardigan and dress and then he stopped again. His other arm slid from my front and up underneath the front of my dress. His head tilted to the side and as my cardigan was unbuttoned it sort of blocked my view of him and I felt really relieved that I couldn't see his face anymore. I could feel him against my bare skin next to my panties and all I cared about was that I could't see his face and that if I didn't move my cardigan would stay over the top of him and I wouldn't be able to see it.

I managed to keep my view of his face blocked and even when I felt his arm sliding under my rear and sliding my panties down I felt more and more relaxed and almost happy/relieved that I didn't have to look at his face. The last thing I remember about my panties is that I lifted one foot up off the ground after another to try and give him time to take them away. I kept doing that and hoping that I would feel them falling and would soon be able to step out of them.

As I was doing that I looked up and looked as far ahead as I had during the whole experience, right to the end of the row and it looked so quiet and peacefull and calm and I could still feel him at my feet working my panties down and then I noticed someone come around the corner just at the last garage and stop. He was looking straight at me and although he was about twenty yards away I could tell he had exactly the same face as the one who was next to me and I felt for a moment that I was really going to panic and cry out but I looked again and he was just standing there and the one at my feet brushed against my thigh as he stood up to turn around. I knew he was walking behind me and I wanted to turn around to see what he was going to do next but his face would still be too close to me so I watched the other at the end of the row. I kept watching him and felt a little more scared but a little less light-headed too. I remember wondering why he was just standing there and I moved my arms about as I was really feeling the cold and as soon as I did that I knew that the other one was gone, that he wasn't behind me and that I could turn round. I was still afraid of turning around and seeing his face even though I was sure he was no longer there so I waited and waited and I found myself making myself look way up high so that even if they appeared again next to me I wouldn't be able to see their faces.

I stood that way for a long time and I started to feel even colder and more nervous and I thought for the first time since it started that i really wanted to go home. I didn't want to go back they way I had come, so I walked all the way through to the end of the garages and turned into the street. I cannot rmrmber who I may have passed on my way but it was of little to concern to me, I just wanted to go home.

It's difficlt for me to remember exactly what I did when I got home and for how long. I know I had a bath and that I made a few cups of tea to try and get warmer. I was so sleepy, like I had been working-out at the gym for hours and I wanted to go to bed and sleep so much. All my fears had gone, I had stopped thinking about almost all of the incident. The only thing I did know for sure was that I had an experience unlike any I had before and that I had my panties taken.

Was I really Wearing Them?



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