How Has It Effected Me?

  I have had many changes in my lifestyle over the last year or so but none of them are as significant as those which I feel have taken place in the period since my experience.

Before any of this happened I was not the kind of person who had any real amount of concerns or worries in their life. I was the kind of person who lives life to the fullest and never, ever had reason to feel that my actions orlifestyle were likely to lead me either directly or indirectly to harm.

I still feel safe and comfortable at home, but when I go to bed at night alone without any company I sometimes feel a little panic coming on and start to get nervous about sounds outside. My bed used to be underneath the window in my room but I have since moved it so when I am in bed I can see out the window and look at the sky. I don't know what I am expecting to see but I feel more comfortable that way, being able to keep an eye on things.

Yes, I had a very active sex life before the incident but I now find that my activities in that area have reduced. I don't know if it is because I am afraid that if I were to get close to someone I might feel the need to try and share my experience with them and that I'm scared they may not believe me or try to ridicule me but it there definitely has been a change in the amount of people I meet and have fun with.

I feel that my body has changed too. I work out at the gym three or four times a week and now I am in really excellent shape. I have cut my hair shorter and feel that I look really good. I always got a lot of attention in that way but I now feel even better and in a strange way more confident about how I appear to others. Whether this is a way of compensating for not being confident about sharing my abduction experience with people? I don't know but I am sure that it has something to do with it.

My approach to the paranormal hasn't really changed that much. The idea of things like ghosts and distance viewing and things like that I still view with a skeptical eye. I have however, started to look at things like the Rosewell Incident more closely and have visited web sites concerned with abductions and alien visits. Some of the things I read on these sites, particularly the personal accounts of alien abductions, I find distressing and upsetting.

Although the experience has changed me I will not let it spoil anything for me. I still intend to lead as exciting a life as I can and to enjoy myself. I hope to learn more about what happened to me and about other similar incidents which may have occured in the past to others.

If I do learn or discover more about my abduction experience or have any different thoughts about it, I will document them on this site so that if *you* are interested you can come back and visit me and read some more. In time I will add some links to this page which lead to sites which I think could provide useful or interesting but I have to read a bit more myself before I would feel qualified to suggest such places to others.

I hope that this web page will be somewhere that people who have had similar experiences to mine or are interested in such subjects, will visit. My discussion list is an attempt for those who wish to be in some kind of regular contact with others to be able to do so without any great pressure being put upon them to share more than they wish to do so.

I hope that the kind of anonymity the internet offers in this way will prove to be good for my list and that those who wish to post frequently and chat about events such as UFO sightings or Alien Abductions enjoy it as much as those who prefer to join and lurk without feeling any pressure being put upon them to contribute.

Thank you for visiting my site and for reading about me and my experience.

As I mentioned earlier, I will update when ( or if?) I discover or remember anything *new* about my experience.

Bye for now.


London, England. 5th Jan.2001.



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