Premiership Predictions

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I've done my predictions and I found one in my local paper. I'll accept others as well. Just click on the e-mail link to the side of this page.

My Predictions

1. Liverpool
2. Arsenal
3. Man Utd.
4. Newcastle
5. Leeds
6. Chelsea
7. Aston Villa
8. Tottenham
9. Man City
10. Blackburn
11. West Ham Utd.
12. Sunderland
13. Fulham
14. Charlton
15. Everton
16. Middlesbrough
17. Bolton
18. Birmingham City
19. Southampton
20. West Brom

Local Paper Predictions

1. Man Utd.
2. Arsenal 
3. Liverpool
4. Chelsea
5. Leeds
6. Newcastle
7. Tottenham
8. Man City.
9. Aston Villa
10. Fulham
11. Blackburn
12. West Ham Utd
13. Middlesbrough
14. Everton
15. Sunderland
16. Charlton
17. Southampton
18. Birmingham City
19. Bolton 
20. West Brom
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