ABB© News Archive 2002

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Happy New Year - 31/12/2002

Well we are this close from entering Aliens Exists 2nd Year and even closer to 2003. I hope everyone had a nice christmas (except that bastard that posts messages bout me on my site - I hope he's under a newspaper on the streets tonight). Anyway there is a new poll, and the dirty message threads and stupid guestbook entries have been removed. The members leader table has been wiped and the new newsletter goes out tomorrow. As well as 2 new movies and 2 new games for our 2nd Birthday (not updated yet)

Merry X-mas - 23/12/2002

As I said earlier in the months news. Today is the last day before my short christmas break and no more updating till the 29th Dec. I'd like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I will update this site on the 30th Dec with New Year Decorations and the Hall of Fame Up and running. In other news on the 4th January (Monday) members can get their year off to an early start with 100 points by participating in the members chat for ten minutes anytime between 8pm-9pm GMT on that day.

It's all Over - 22/12/2002

Its over. Matt has won member of the year 2002. He will be entering our hall of fame (coming soon). If you thought you missed out as you joined later on in the year I have given awards (such as the stupidist member) for others to get their hands on. World Cup page is now running and some reviews have been added.

End Of MOTY - 20/12/02

Okay, I know theres only 1 day left and its easy to say whos gonna win. Every single point has been owed. And, lets look forward to tonight and tomorrow and see who wins. In other news, if you are bored you might wanna check out the online game called Neopets. It should be fairly straight forward to sign up.

ABB Mystery Part 2 -9/12/2002

Okay the hits thing, a fluke. But 2 dodgy geustbook entries and some sick bastard posting grotesque messages on the normal board is going too far. I will start to track you down - i have recorded your IP adresses and I need to send it off to your server requesting details. LOL!

Members Final Dates - 05/12/2002

Okay, the final day for anything that earns you loyalty points is... 21st December 2002. That's a Saturday. If its a draw and lets face it - it very well could be, then the two members that are tied will have to answer a question - of course the answer will be hard and the nearest guess will win. Prizes will be sent by either being greeted by me or e-mail. Yet to be decided. These will be given out on Jan 18th. Members area will still be able to be accessed but no points will be awarded until 5th Jan. Happy. Good! Oh, and a final few dates, Dec 5th (today)- X-mas Decerations, Dec 24th - Dec 29th - My holiday (no updating), Dec 31 - New Years Decerations go up, Jan 6 - X-mas, new year down, birthday up...

The True Aliens Exist Mystery - 02/12/2002

Okay if you look slightly up and to the left you will see our counter. Nothing wierd there. The hits went flying up to an unthinkable number 2256 to be accurate. I wonder how this happened. Every 3 seconds, a new hit - same IP address. As a precaution no new members till next year. In the same topic, the 2000th visitor was sam. He is now only 350 points behind matt. Bloody hell. I thought i'd never see the day...

1 SPACE LEFT! - 01/12/2002

Lol, ha ha ha. 1 space left. My laughs are not because I'm evil its, er um because er we er are in the same month as er christmas! (Excellent)

Well, isn't this a nice FU##ING SUPRISE?? - 30/11/2002

Well, well I knew it was gonna happen, just a case of when. Today my site got filtered. Okay so why am I pissed off? Because, my hits were soaring. This last month I had over 300 hits. I was so close to reaching 2000 hits before mid- Jan. Oh well.

Overloaded - 26/11/2002

Only 1 person runs this site. ME. I have been overloaded with 6 reviews and cheats as well as a new member joining. Movies have been fixed and there is 1 new movie. I have also started scouring the web for decorations of 3 big events... (christmas, new year and alienbadboy's 1st birthday...)

MOTY award getting close - 19/11/2002

1st place in my view has already been decided. But, with sam, crano1410, 98wood2 and tribute very close together, it looks like after all, there is going to be some competition. Unless, you're matt.

Members Area - 13/11/2002

A new member. And only 5 (yes) 5 places left. Ha. Its your own fault if you don't get in. New question of the month as well. Its easy. I swear. Unless your either; blond and a girl, a retard, or you have no sense what so ever....

HOW? WHAT? SINCE WHEN? - 9/11/2002

Scince when have Aston Villa managed to beat Fulham 3-1. I don't know. Football is now up and running. Although, the results are on another site so the links open in a new window.

Double loyalty points day - 8/11/2002

Firstly before I announce when it is, I find it a disgrace - no an insult to see that 3 members have a big fat 0 next to their name. I am soon going to have a poll to boot out 1 of these 3 members. Watch OUT!!! Now, the second double loyalty points day will take place on the 15th November. (next Saturday)

Thanks - 7/11/2002

Yesterday saw the record. 30 hits counted on May 3rd was smashed. The record now is 49 hits after yesterday. Thank you to all who came and thanks to RazorSkater for doing something. PLEASE NOTE: the points for the members does not update automatically. I hope you like the new start up...

Sorry Again - 6/11/2002

Once again I apologise for the long wait in updating. I haven't done anything special apart from contact a potential member and add 1 review. I'm still sorry football fans but I aint got round to it - yet. Apparently we didn't reach our target of 1520 by last Friday. I checked on the 3rd and we had 1522 hits. So I'll let you lot off. However I'm still gonna get rid of the gallery eventually...

A recommendation for multi-fromat freaks!!! - 24/10/2002

Timesplitters 2 - class game and has most of the team behind Goldeneye on the N64. Its currently out on PS2 - the X-box and GC versions come out tomorrow. I am buying it. If you have all three consoles - get the GC version (Sony make money through other electronics and Bill Gates is rich enough.) Secondly, go down to the Rovers this Saturday (Bromsgrove) and watch us thrash the sheep shaggers. I will say no more - Rovers Official Website

Hey we are getting there - 21/10/2002

The hits are crawling up - all I need is some members to do some work.

How Can Aliens Exist be Improved?- 16/10/2002

I would like feedback on the question above. And, no like many guestbook entries say. I won't have the over 18 stuff (if you want that click here) nor how to make a bomb, as timmis so kindly asked for. What do you like about the site how could it be improved... use your brain. Also I would like to thank my mate Trist for making me laugh for 10 minutes. He tried to kick a bottle into a residing brook. Missed the bottle and his shoe went flying downstream- excellent stuff.

What If I was to say... - 14/10/2002

What if I was to say.... GameCube isn't doing as well as PS2. What if I was to say.... I want to get rid of this sites gallery and contact.... what if i was to say, I wanna get rid of MORE THAN HALF of the members'. You'd think I was a crazy bastard. Well what a crazy bastard thinks a crazy bastard does. Just get people to visit this site. TARGET: 1520 hits by November 1st. Don't reach it.. thats what will happen.

Piss Easy 500 Loyalty Points - 5/10/2002

It's near the end of the year. Naturally I want to make the member of the year contest as close as possible. So sign up on the games message board and post a message about your favourite console and why and bag 500 smackers. Remember there is a HUGE gap between matt and sam.

Super Mario Sunshine (The Game) - 4/10/2002

As I guessed. Nintendo add another under its belt of fantastic games check the review. Any worries bout buying - solved!!! Also, check non-members music.

Super Mario Sunshine (Fever) - 3/10/2002

Okay. I'll admit it, I've gone too far. SO WHAT! It's here. In less than 24 (yes 24) hours Mario Sunshine will be available to buy in the U.K. Expect an in depth review tomorrow. Also I would like to thank member sam for doing some work...

I'm sorry for the delay - 02/10/2002

I have added the 500 points that should have been given to RazorSkater and 98wood2. However, I'm only apologising to myself, lazy bastards don't do anything, not even visit my site and you expect points. Plus Bromsgrove Rovers are out the F.A Cup after losing 2-1 to Tammworth. Also in the news, I am definitely growing Mario Sunshine Fever with 100 cases+ of me saying "Shine Get". Ah well. Wait till what gets updated tomorrow.

Members you have 2 weeks - 27/09/2002

Members you have until the 10th October to earn some points or your account will be deleted. Harsh but fair - I'm trying to free up some space. The football page won't be updated properly until November, what with school and Mario Sunshine on GC (next week).

Don't think I'm in my grave (yet...) - 26/09/2002

So I'll admit it I haven't updated this page recently. In fact the most recently updated page was on the 6th September. There's a lot of things that have changed scince then... so I am here to tell you them. Firstly the 3rd September saw me leave my old friends and start a completely different school. Scary but I haven't killed myself, yet... 10th Sept : saw myself grow 1 year older booring in case your wondering i'm 14. You'd think with my fu##ing language i'd be older. No. 14. 11th Sept: That day again... In case you live by this website and believe everthing i say... there were attacks on america. Go kill Bin Laden. I also went to see the Villa play. 16th Sept : Not a good day for any Villa fan. Lost 3-0 to the knuckledragging shits (Birmingham). 25th Sept: New school friends birthday. I am good samaritan buying her a card. It's a classic. Still won't become a big spender. Thats it. Apart from the fact I'm overdone with work and I miss my friends. Go check out the non-members music and GC reviews. They're new.

Still Problems - 27/08/2002

Apparently there are still problems with the members login. If anyone has anymore trouble please contact me...

Members Login - 22/08/2002

Okay, I've had some problems with the members login form mainly the second one. This has now been fixed. Also the links page wasn't working, now that is. So go earn some loyalty points.

BIG News - 21/08/2002

A few things - the links page is now running and so is members chat. Also my new advertising scheme for 200 loyalty points. Sign up on the games consoles board and post a reasonably long and suitable message and you will be credited with the points. Now not many people have been earning points recently but scroll down and look to the left... 1 person - 1 person is. He said "It Gets better all the time" in my guestbook, I thank you aston. Thats it ... Oh did you just happen to watch 24 on Sunday. The Finale. It was the best episode of nething I have ever seen. I can't wait for it (it is out now) to come out on Video/DVD. BUY IT (Video �35.99, DVD �45.99). I garuantee you will be amazed.

New Pages - 17/08/2002

Done the football - apart from the world cup section and a couple of Bromsgrove Rovers pages. As for the members area it is up and running except for the chat and MP3's.

New Pages - 11/08/2002

Nearly done I'm gonna do the members area and football sections next so check back Saturday.

New pages - 07/08/2002

I've now added the members SIGN UP page. This is now where it gets hard. All sections that are left are more than 1 page. So i can only promise another 2 in the next 4 days - Games and E-mail

New pages - 5/08/2002

Cartoons and Music is now up and running as well. Tomorrow the contact page and the guestbook will be up and running.

Well this is is it - 4/08/2002

The only sections of the website working at the moment are the Games Consoles, movies, search, message boards and poll.

New layout - i.e new website plans. - 26/07/2002

I'm currently working on a new website layout. Therefore I am only going to be updating this page and the members loyalty points + reviews. The new layout will hopefully be suited to netscape and opera browsers cos at the moment they are totally shit. I will also be gatting rid of the E-Cards and the Build a website section cos i can't be arsed to do them. 1 man maintaining over 100 pages is difficult. So go sign up on the games message board and argue bout which is better PS2 or GameCube. (Stuff the x-box)

Question of the month - 24/07/2002

This months question is now up and running on the members home page. It will be open to all members until the 1st September 2002.

New way to earn loyalty points - 22/07/2002

You think you're witty bout ths website. Well try question of the month. Its tests your knoweledge. This months question you have a 1 in 7 chance of winning. I welcome our new member timmis. As well as the fact JoeNoBetter is our oldest member and he is losing to someone who joined 3 days ago. Well done aston.

Some news of broken links - 19/07/2002

Right 1 or 2 may be still lurking around but all broken links have been removed or fixed (including the games mesage board - this is now fully operating). Non-members music links have been removed and movies are CURRENTLY being fixed. Members music is now on standby and posting cheats is now up and running.

Matt is walkin away with the member of the year already - 18/07/2002

Bloody hell members matt is walkin away with the award. He is well over 1000 points ahead of second place (Sam) and it looks like he's gonna win it. I've had several reviews in my inbox from him and thats what gonna win it. Oh and as Vinny has given up on his site I'm thinking of letting him in the members area. I also welcome our latest member - aston.

The lucky 1000 visits and some other crap - 16/07/2002

I am pleased to announce that we have made it past are targrted 1000 visits for the end of July. Hell were only 6 months old. Now hopefully we'll have the 2000 visits by January 12th. If you don't know why that particular date then you have a problem. Thank you Matt (member) for being the 1000th visitor. No, thank all of you it wouldn't have been possible without you. Matt will recieve 1000 loyalty points for this wonderful event. Now go and sign up on the games message board. Oh and the members area. Oh and loyalty points don't earn you gifts, just a huge certificate via. e-mail and a whole load of free gifts (thats only if you win member of the year.) !

Lets get a few things straight - 12/07/2002

I don't think many people are quite clear as to what is the future of this website. I do. Firstly the mirror site is being SCRAPPED. In 7 days we will have already had a couple of days summer break and we are leaving our old school (well I am - sorry year 5,6 and7). Secondly, I am departing for most of my mates, however I am carrying on. Look at it this way you can keep in touch. Thirdly - See these pages for some new stuff. Non-members music has computer game music and more reviews have been posted + a games message board - check games consoles.

I'm Back and so is the future of this website - 5/07/02

Well I'm back and all I can say is that it was brilliant. In a few words, people ... friendly, food.... lovely, weather.... like England, traffic .... bloody choc-a-block, football fever... priceless (sorry). Anyway photos can be found in the football section unless they have nothing to do with football, then look in the gallery. P.S. Happy Brithday to our member Sam

Sorry for the long await in updating - 18/06/2002

I am really sorry about not updating aliens exist due to my weekend trip to Derbyshire with 18 other class "friends". But now the site is not going to updated for another 2 weeks as i am in Japan - World Cup. But dont worry as soon as I get back football will be updated and 5 more games and 2 more movies will be added. Keep visiting as we are near 1000!!

WANTED : Two goals went missing in the names of Christian Vieri and Filippo Inzaghi contact Giovanni Trapattoni - 08/06/2002

Tell me if I'm wrong but weren't those two goals onside? And, wouldn't that make the score 3-2 to Italy? Confusing world football. And, isn't that an ass hole referee and a dick head linesman I saw in Ibaraki? I'm sure Totti was being fouled constantly by some Croatian bastard. And what was the score 2-1 to the Cro-ats? #uckin# hell!! How did that happen. There were at least 2 penaltys that should have been given? Now if Owen got a penalty for that half arsed tackle than a shirt pull and a harsh tackle should count? Technically I think Owen and Becks were planning that against the Argies! Thats truly unfair. At least Totti and the Italian football federation are gonna complain.

U.S.A catch Portugal when their playing crap - 05/06/2002

Before U.S.A's news I'd like to congratulate South Korea for winning their first game in the world cup.
U.S.A beat Portugals "top" side today in a 3-2 victory in Korea today. Well done, thats another world cup shocker to add to the Senegal-France match.

It's like watching Brazil. Yes but its Turkey not Brazil - 03/06/2002

Tell me if I'm wrong. Turkey were treated unfairly against Brazil. 2 sendings off, 1 stupid. That dick head Rivaldo was a right poof. He had the ball kicked at him gently in fury and went down holding his face and what did the cat eating Korean do? Send the bloody Turk off. Secondly that foul that Villa man Alpay made. Okay, he should have been sent off for it but that was not a penalty. Disgusting. Agree with me? Post messages on the footie board.

World Cup kicks off with shock for the frogs - 31/5/2002

Well the opening ceremony was brilliant. The bloke that designed it must have put a lot of effort in to it. And, HA HA you froggies 1-0 to a teams first game in the world cup. You should be ashamed. Well done Senegal and their players. For news on the world cup keep checking the Footie Message Board and the football section.

Graphical Violence Shows the door to an I'm Okay Movie - 23/05/2002

The movie that wasted all my dowload bandwith has been taken off the movies page. "Always look before you cross the road" had true graphical horror. Its sad to think someone probably got killed in that. I have removed that from my site and I now only put people getting hurt through their own stupidity on this site. However, this is still real live stuff so don't laugh.

New Members Area Features - 23/05/2002

I have come up with several new members area ideas. Here are a few..
Our new games consoles section has an area called cheats and tips. Well members will be able to get the cheats that they want by form mail. The Cheats will then appear in an archive in the non-members section. I am being fair but you may have to be a member if its cheats for an unpopular game you want.
Talking on the note of that section (games consoles) members will be able to post their reviews to me on any game on any format. This will then appear in an archive on the reviews section in the non-members area. However, reviews must be a certain length to make it onto the archive.
Last, but not least, there will be a new scheme called loyalty points involved with the members. Members can earn loyalty points and will be able to claim prizes. For more info - members - check the members area.

We Rival Vinny's site and will win - 21/05/2002

Our members area MP3's are truly kicking ass we now have music from Blink-182, GreenDay, Nickelback and Sum 41.

Members Area Signups Rocket - 19/05/2002

I hate to dissapoint you but if you haven't already signed up you should.. there are only 11 places left. We had 4 signups in less than 3 days.

Birmingham City join Man City and West Brom in the Premiership - 12/05/2002

Bloody hell. A Fluke. Penaltys. Down the blues end. Booing every Norwich City player. For the result go to Football and click on play offs.

GameCube - Wow, you took my breath away - 04/05/2002

That was brilliant. My black GC and Wave Race - Blue Storm. Brilliant. Its bloody hard though compared to the N64 version. Next game - Super Smash Brothers Melee. Can't wait and only �20 more to save.

GameCube - Its Really Here - 03/05/2002 - 7:50 am

Bloody hell that was quick. I can't believe its here. I'm getting wave race tonight with a black cube.

Mirror Site Details Confirmed - 02/05/2002

Okay. Pages - Games, Movies, Message Boards, Poll and News + the home but thats rubbish. Secondly, the address will be

Mirror Site - 30/4/2002

Yes if you do have any common sense you'll know what a mirror site is. However even though a mirror site is being created it isn't an exact replica. In fact its completely different. Firstly it will be called Mad Man Monkey, secondly it will have only 6 features that are on Aliens Exist (address and pages yet to be confirmed).

Members Area Signups - 24/04/2002

Our Members Area is a success as its keeping Vinny out and we have got a reasonable amount of signups. However, in this day and age good things come to an end. If you think i'm a crazy bastard shutting the members area down. 2 words. Fu#k off... joking its - i'm not. All i'm saying is that there are only 20 places in the members area (exc. alienbadboy) and there are currently 6 users. So click become a member and signup.

GameCube Rivals X-Box Price Cuts - 23/4/2002

GameCube have challenged X-Box to a price war with U.K gaming fans. GameCube was supposed to cost �165 but is now only �125!!! Its Bloody Brilliant.

X-box U.K Price Slashed! - 20/4/2002

Our view, don't get one. After all its not �200 your paying. If you want to watch DVD's that's �230 if you want to have a game thats an extra �45-�50. If its a multiplayer game and you want some more controllers that an extra �25-�30. So you are not really paying �200. Your more likely to be paying �300-�310. If you really wanna a next-gen console get your self either
a) PS2 - �250-�260 for PS2, new game and controller
b) GameCube - �220 for GC, new game and controller*
*I'm getting this
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