My Big day out

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World Cup 2002 Football - Home Bromsgrove Rovers

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I was really looking forward to tonights game. The big one against the local scum called Redditch United. That day was going to become a nightmare for any Rovers fan.

We left for the Valley (Redditch ground), and got there just after kick off. We had to walk down this huge steep hill. The ground looked better than ours. That was until I got in....
At the turnstile (If you can call it that) their was a huge queue. This time I don't think it was ticket masters fault....
Eventually we got in. It costs 3 times as much for me to get in at the Valley. It wasn't exactly like the Rovers. Firstly it was quiet (apart from the rovers fans), the pitch was shite (did a monster truck derby take place before the game?? And, now i know why its called the Valley - because its built on a 3% slope!!!
Rovers are usually crap in the first half, and they were shooting downhill. A few of our moronic fans were winding up some of their moronic fans which was fine by me....
We took our seats for the first half in an temporary stand. Some of the seats were broken... (probably from "THE BIG FIGHT" last week). In the first half no goals came. Which means we had the harder task of shooting up the 3% slope...

Half Time - The lads knew it would be twice as hard to shoot uphill so 0-0 was a bad first half. Went to the supposedly called McDonalds which looked like an outhouse and wanted a Mars bar. All they had was murky coffee and gritty tea. I had the tea. What happened to the chicken balti pies??!

Second half. Stood up as close to the pitch as possible, behind the goal (which is actually at least 30metres). I had a wonderful view of the mud pit as i was at the top of it all.
10 minutes in Red-yorpitchislikea-ditch scored. I was in a crowd of rovers fans except for the supposedly hard knock Redditch fans. They were chherin with their beers and callin us wan#ers. Your only singing when your winning....
From the kick-off Rovers ran up hill. And, guess what the equaliser came. I wouldn't exactly call is brilliant, but thats life. The whole crowd booed the goal from the ex- Red-yorpitchislikea-ditch player. Paul Danks. We were all singing Your not singing anymore, and other songs like The Valley is a Library and When the Greens go marching in...
But, our words were scilenced 4 minutes later as Red-yorpitchislikea-ditch went 2-1 up at the other end of the hill. From then on we could have scored several times. Our fans never gave up and the players didn't either. Injury time came and there was an original 3 minutes. But we only probably played about 10 seconds of it.
Firstly, when the made a substitution (an old timewaster) - the player coming off didn't know it was him. Duh! Dick Head? He'd walk 5 metres towards the sideline, stop, 5m, stop.... YAWN! That took a minute and a bit.
Secondly, their keeper cleared the ball and obviously (yeah) kicked the ball over the fence. The Redditch ball-boys couldn't find 1 and nor could anyone else. But, wait! 30 seconds later someone from the Redditch touchline gets a ball from underneath his feet. Duh! I Didnt see it! COUGH

In conclusion, Redditch is a shit hole of a swamp. The grounds crap, the fans suck everythings crap. Ill miss the home game in April as I'm on holiday. If we get promoted this year. Ill be extra happy.

Ill never have to go to the Valley again

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