Helical Particle Waves
J.L Gaasenbeek 1986
Summary and Speculations by Ali Adams 2001


The concept of electromagnetic waves having frequency, wavelength and amplitude is easily understood today. However physicists are not able to explain how a stream of photons (or other relativistic particles) could have such frequency, wavelength and amplitude. This is why the duality of light and its ability to behave both as a stream of particles and as a wave remained a mystery until Mr J.L Gaasenbeek first proposed his Helical Particle Wave theory in 1986.

Indeed, nor is the fact that all relativistic particles spin around their own axis ever taken into account when calculating the kinetic energy of a relativistic particle. Physicists are unable to determine both the velocity and the position of a relativistic particle at any given point in time. Instead they introduced the uncertainty principle, time dilation and relativistic mass etc. In so doing, they turned a science into a cult, which could only be understood by the selected few (the initiated).

In contrast, Gaasenbeek's Helical Particle Waves theory explains most, if not all of the observed phenomena, including some for which modern relativistic physics has no explanation (e.g. the duality of light) without having to resort to illogical arguments such as space-time distortion is gravity, or as if by magic, an object's mass/length/time changes as a function of its velocity.

Helical Particle Waves proposes that photons are the basic building blocks of our Universe, and all elementary particles are interlocking orbital photon structures. When an orbital photon is released from a particle, it flies out spiralling along a helical path that is governed by the force of gyroscopy to stabilize it onto a fixed radius based on its energy magnitude.

Duality Nature of Light

The duality nature of electromagnetic fields (being matter and wave at the same time) can then be readily explained using this new alternative model of the quantum world of Planck. A continuous stream of spiralling photons forms a spring-like wave of photons, the most fundamental matter in our universe (Planck�s 6.62606876E-34 J*s energy quanta). Therefore both behaviours wave-like and matter-like are concurrently present and don�t exclude each other as assumed by current physics.

Kinetic Energy

Helical photons consume external acceleration energy in three distinct parts:

Accelerating a helical photon towards the speed of light increases its spin and angular momentums but not its linear momentum, as photons cannot overtake each other. Immediately after leaving its source, a photon has to fall in step with other photons and therefore its linear velocity cannot exceed the speed of the light c or 299792458 m/s in this universe. Other concurrent space-time-sharing universes may each have its own unique constant to avoid interacting with each other.

The more energy a relativistic particle absorbs, the higher its spin frequency becomes, and the higher its resistance to directional change. That is, a stream of relativistic particles (or a helical particle wave) starts to lose amplitude as the velocity at which the wave propagates through space approaches c. Both their spin actions and their ability to follow a helical path, enable relativistic particles to absorb more energy than is required to accelerate them to c. In fact, together they function as an intrinsic capacitor which stores the excess acceleration energy, which can not be transformed into further linear motion because they are already travelling at close to c.

Therefore, a photon� mass does not change with its velocity as concluded by relativity. Any excess acceleration energy is absorbed by the increase in its spin and angular momentums. Gravitons are merely helical photons with the highest energy level on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Mass & Gravity

Particles, being giant structures of photons, occasionally emit highly energetic photons (or gravitons) to keep their internal orbital engine going. A body, consisting of trillions of particles, is constantly emitting gravitons from within its particles in the least resistance direction (i.e. away from a stronger gravity field source), thus pushing itself towards that stronger source as a reaction to its emission action.

Mass, is simply a measurement of a particle's impedance to the passage of gravity field through it and is dependent on the number of photons it is made of, and on the way they interlock. It is not inconceivable therefore that electrons and protons have exactly the same number of photons but in different arrangement, giving them different mass magnitudes but yet similar charge magnitudes (be it in opposite direction). The matter is the same but the mass is dependent of the arrangement of the matter.

Elementary Particles

Each elementary particle type (i.e. electron, proton, etc.), although might have the same number of photons as others, it has its own unique way of interlocking that determines:

Positive-Negative Neutrons

Neutrons can be viewed as particles with alternating electric charge. They rapidly alternate their charge direction as their structure continuously alters its way of interlocking. When a neutron�s charge becomes positive, it repel its surrounding protons but soon (we could measure it) it reverts back to negative pulling back the same protons. This love-hate relationship keeps the particles spinning (i.e. alive) and contained within the nucleus.

When a graviton bombards a particle living in this graviton ocean (or Ether), it either passes through without any interaction, or hits one of its photons and causes its orbital relationship with its pair to collapse, resulting in the emission of both photons along different helical paths (possibly opposite directions).

Electric/Magnetic/Electromagnetic Fields

The number of correlated helical paths and their directions (i.e. clockwise or anti-clockwise) determines the characteristics of a helical photon wave. Electromagnetic fields may well be double helix photon waves, whereas electric and magnetic fields may be uni-helix waves one helicating in clockwise and the other anti-clockwise directions.

Binding Forces:

Nature�s binding forces are re-defined under Helical Particle Waves theory as follows, from weakest to strongest:

  1. The Gravitational Force, which binds mass in a universe of a constant photon velocity (e.g. our universe has c as that constant). As photons are emitted in the form of gravitons from a particle, they cause a little push (i.e. reactive force) in the opposite direction to their emission path, away form their interlocking structures. A mass in isolation would emit gravitons equally in all directions and hence does not experience a resultant gravitational force regardless of the number of gravitons it emits. However, two given masses in a universe will influence each other�s gravitational field, causing each mass to emit more gravitons away than towards each other. This results in a quantum pulsating force towards each other.
  2. The Weak Nuclear Force is re-defined as the interacting force among photons in different Electromagnetic Frame Of References (EFORs). Photons are emitted at c with respect to their source. However as they travel towards other sources with potentially different strengths, they need to continuously fall in step their photons so as not to be overtaken by other photons. This means that photons potentially travel at a variable speed with respect to their original source but at c with respect to their local EFOR or current location. Consequently no matter where we measure the speed of light it is always equal to c. This "falling in step" behaviour is what may be observed as the weak nuclear force.
  3. The Coulomb Force which binds electrically charged particles of opposite charge directions (e.g. electrons and protons), in order to reduce the resultant degree of imbalance in the particles� outer orbits by continuously exchanging (acquiring or donating) photons to stabilize their outer orbits.
  4. The Strong Nuclear Force which binds similarly charged particles (e.g. protons and neutrons in a nucleus). Neutrons being alternating positively and negatively charged particles keep repelling photons from flying off and disintegrating the nucleus.
  5. The Gaasenbeek Force1 which binds photons in an interlocking orbital structure resulting in a particle of a certain type. Highly energetic photons (e.g. gravitons) travelling through a particle may overcome this binding force by unlocking one of its inner orbits, which in turn may unlock its immediate surrounding orbits, and could as a result the whole particle is disintegrated or is emitted as photons (or pure energy).

1 In honour of J.L Gaasenbeek, the founder of the Helical Particle Waves theory.

Outstanding Issues:

  1. What is the structure of a photon, i.e. what does it consist of?
  2. Does a moving photon generate a field around itself and if so, how?
    If not, then how do photons know of each other so not to over take each other?
  3. If our Universe is one that is bound by a given constant speed of photons (c), and the Multiverse is the set of all such universes super-imposed on each other in the same space and time, then what is beyond that?
    If not, is the constant c is it an absolute value, like PI or like a circle is a circle is a circle regardless of which universe it is in?


  1. J.L. Gaasenbeek, Abstract: Foundation for Proposed Theorems of Relativity (2), Speculations In Science And Technology, Volume 9, Number 4, 1986.
  2. J.L. Gaasenbeek, Selected Papers including the Helical Particle Wave theory and applications [http://www2.rideau.net/gaasbeek].
  3. A.P. French, Special Relativity.
  4. Halliday and Resnick, Second Edition, Fundamentals of Physics.
  5. Discussions between J.L. Gaasenbeek and Ali Adams, Canada 18-26th May 2001.
  6. Ali Adams, Time Dilation Myth, 1999, SUCCESS Competition, European Space Agency [http://www.geocities.com/aliadams].


The more I know, the more I realize, how much more there is to know!
J.L Gaasenbeek 1990

Ali Adams
BSc Electrical Engineering 1988
MSc Electromagnetic Engineering 1991
MSc Software Engineering 1994
PhD Artificial Intelligence + Object Databases 2000
[email protected]

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