The Lion of Islam, Mujaheed Sheikh Usama bin Laden, George Bush and Blair

by Unknown

Apart from their ideology, in what way are they different?

• All three are alleged terrorists.
• All three are engaged in war and recruiting people to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.
• All three believe in supremacy for their religion and ideology.
• All three are accused of bombing buildings and the infrastructure of ‘sovereign’ states.
• And all three are accused of targeting civilians.

So what is the difference between them? Why is it illegal to support one and not the others? Why is it a crime to sing praises for Bin Laden, but not the others?

The only difference I can see between them is that one is a Muslim and the others are non-Muslim (Christian).

If one were to stand outside on the streets of Britain praising George Bush and Tony Blair and celebrate the killing of Iraqi civilians and so-called insurgents, I don’t think anybody, especially the police, would have a problem with that. In fact, it certainly wouldn’t be a crime.

But on the other hand, if one were to stand in a mosque, praise Bin Laden or celebrate the killing of British and American soldiers – accused of beating children, raping women, destroying mosques and killing civilians – that would be a crime and one would consequently be arrested under the Terrorism Act if it came to the attention of the police.

The democratic definition of terrorism has thus become very clear indeed.

It is now understood that a ‘terrorist’ is a Muslim who possesses a book on self defence or believes Muslims must physically and intellectually resist the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. But on the contrary, killing Muslims, labelling them as extremists and thereby stripping them of their civil liberties or torturing them in Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo Bay is not terrorism, but rather “necessary to ensure the safety of the public and our freedom.”

If it is a crime under the Terrorism Act to sympathise with Bin Laden or support Muslims in Iraq who are fighting to defend their lives and sanctity, it should also be a crime under the Terrorism Act to stand by George Bush and Tony Blair and support their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Furthermore, those that vote for him or his like should be arrested for aiding and abetting a terrorist. Their homes should be raided, their lives should be turned upside down, and they should be detained in solitary confinement for anything up to 28 days, without trial, in a high security police station.


If Usaamah is a terrorist, then America has to be terrorist; and if America is not terrorist, then Usaamah is not a terrorist

We had posted the following to FOX News and they have not replied with an intelligent response (for the obvious reason that they are not intelligent). This is something we pose to all Americans and we ask them to reconsider their views. The overwhelming majority of responses we received for what we said were full of irrational and emotional rhetoric filled with anti-Islaamic intentions.

So we want an intelligent response from the Americans; we want them to respond with good manners, an open mind, and with understanding. The closest that came to this response was by one individual - who unfortunately still showed bad manners - who said that to call the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a “retaliation” upon Japan (for Pearl Harbor) was historically inaccurate due to the factors of the other evils which Japan was spreading much before the Pearl Harbor incident. The person also said that America bombed Japan because if they didn’t, then more lives would have been lost; I’m sorry, he actually said “more American lives would have been lost.”

Like I said; this has become an issue of nationalism and race; are American children more worthy than Japanese children?

Assuming that this is true, the argument fails to refute that America bombed Japan based upon retaliation. To make it simple and clear to everyone, if Japan had absolutely no negative relationship with America - as if it were a neutral country - would Japan have been bombed twice?

Obviously not.

But America bombed her. Why? Because of Japan’s evils.

Hence, the retaliation.

Sure, the Pearl Harbor incident was not the only reason why America retaliated upon Japan; there were many other factors that were taken into account. But my original point was that America did an act of retaliation, whether or not anyone of you want to admit it. Usaamah bin Laadin did the same exact thing. Of course, the goals were different because America wanted to end something before it started (and still, this is terrorism), and Usaamah wanted to start something before mankind started to forget the horrors and acts of terrorism that America had done upon the Islaamic nation.

In essence, both were an act of retaliation. So if you call Usaamah a terrorist for 9/11, then you must call America a terrorist for her atrocities such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki (and there are more atrocities than just these two). And if you refuse to call America a terrorist then you must refuse to call Usaamah a terrorist.

So stop the hypocritical double standard and be truthful with yourselves. This is the first thing we are asking for.

Below is my original post and is my challenge to all Americans, especially the educated elites and think-tanks:

Why do you call them (i.e., Mujaahideen) “terrorists”?

You call them terrorists because they believe Jihaad is an Islaamic obligation; and this is firmly rooted in the Qur’aan and Sunnah, our primary texts. Go through the Qur’aan and Sunnah and you will find a plethora of verses and sayings regarding Jihaad and the lofty position in Paradise for the one who performs it.

So in reality, you are calling my Prophet, Muhammad - peace be upon him - a terrorist. But of course, you guys won’t say that directly because you fear the wrath of the Muslims. So instead you will retort to calling the believers who practice the teachings of Islaam - and one of the teachings is Jihaad against the occupier - as terrorist because you are too cowardly to admit to the reality of who you are referring to.

And you call Usaamah bin Laadin a terrorist because of the September 11th attacks. His men destroyed the WTC and a part of the Pentagon and in the process, it had killed over 3,000 people. Therefore, you call him a terrorist.

But when America shamelessly bombed Hiroshima (and many, many other Countries) with a weapon that was much stronger than 4 airplanes combined, you don’t call her a terrorist nor live as a people who disassociate themselves from her.

We all know that Hiroshima killed more than 3,000 people.

Why the double standard?

Why is Usaamah a “terrorist” but the American Government isn’t?

Is it because white people are more valuable than dark skinned people?

The reason why you don’t call America a terrorist is because she did an act of “retaliation” against the nation of Japan. They did this because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor - a large military base full of military personnel - and it killed quite a lot. So as an act of retaliation, America bombed Hiroshima to nothing and it killed way more than those that were killed in the Pearl Harbor incident. Of course, many Americans probably couldn’t swallow this, but the vast majority were OK with it because they knew that “Japan deserved it” for their attack on Pearl Harbor, thus the act of retaliation was justifiable even though it killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people that had absolutely nothing to do with Pearl Harbor or the Japanese military; in fact many were women and children. But hey, it was justified after all, right??

Since then, very few have successfully “demonized” the image of America as an extreme terrorist government that shamelessly and cowardly killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people. Why? Well for the most part… “the act of retaliation was justified because the Japanese ambushed the Americans… and even though the Americans killed way to many innocent civilians in the atomic bombs, at least it sent a strong message to the Japanese government to halt their attacks.”

So it was also an act of deterrence. America could have dropped more nuclear bombs upon Japan, literally wiping out the Country, but perhaps this was only done twice (Nagasaki being the other) in order to give Japan a severe warning, even though countless amount of civilians were killed shamelessly.

Now, let’s look at September 11th. I’m not going to justify it nor am I going to promote it. I’m just going to apply logic and be fair and just because as a Muslim, we are obligated to be fair and just with everyone, including our enemies.

You say Usaamah bin Laadin is a terrorist because he killed 3,000 people on that day.

Why did Usaamah bin Laadin do it?

Was he bored? Did he want to create chaos for no reason? Was he just sick minded at the time and just wanted to see destruction?

This is what you want the American public to believe, but clearly, none of these aforementioned reasons were the case.

Usaamah bin Laadin did September 11th because it was an act of retaliation. You can probably sense where this is going.

Usaamah has said this on many occasions. Here, watch this short clip of him during the early invasion of Afghanistan:

Usaamah said,

“The Events of September 11 are but a reaction to the continuous injustice and oppression being practiced against our sons in Palestine and Iraq and in Somalia and in Southern Sudan and in other places like Kashmir and Assam.”

And yesterday, a new audio release from As-Sahab came out and in it, Usaamah bin Laadin said (according to BBC),

“The voice on the tape said the fight for the Palestinian cause was the most important factor driving al-Qaeda’s war with the West, and that it had fuelled the 11 September 2001 attacks on the US.”

And it is not hidden from anyone what the injustices he is referring to in regards to Palestine. It is clear-cut and it is a worldwide Muslim shared sentiment; we all hate what the Israeli’s are doing and we all want Israel out of Palestine for good. This is the majority sentiment and I can assure you that I’m not only speaking for myself or a minority.

So what does America have to do with Israel?

Put it this way: if America didn’t exist, Israel wouldn’t exist.

And put it this way: if the UK didn’t exist, there would have been no such thing as Israel.

Anyone who studies the history of the birth of the state of Israel will see that this is the reality. But very soon - and some are already indicating that it has started - Israel can survive on her own without any outside support. Currently, the American tax dollars are going to Israel in the billions. For what? To make weaponry. To do what? To kill innocent Muslims in Palestine, destroy their homes, strike fear in our women and rape them in the process, strike terror into the hearts of ordinary people, and randomly bomb with “precision bombs” against the Palestinian people, which of course, kills children. This happens on a day in and day out basis and many disbelievers within the West are waking up to this reality. Just watch the documentaries such as Occupation 101, Dispatches: The Killing Zone, Death in Gaza and many others.

The Government of America knows very well what Israel is doing. The injustices are not hidden from them, yet they continue in their immensely heavy support for this terrorist state. Obviously, the head of the snake here is America and this is why the retaliation was upon her.

So again, why is Usaamah a terrorist for doing an act of retaliation - for the crimes of America and her immense support for an extremist terrorist state that openly kills and oppresses Muslims - which killed about 3,000 people, and America is not a terrorist for doing an act of retaliation - for the Japanese ambush of Pearl Harbor - which killed well over 200,000 people and more are dying due to the radiation of the atomic bombs?

Why the double standard?

And you know what? I haven’t even started on what the Americans did directly in the ‘Iraaq bombing campaign (of course, during Saddam’s time) with their use of the depleted uranium and how it killed over one million ‘Iraaqi people, mostly children! Just watch this.

So either you be fair by stop calling Usaamah bin Laadin a terrorist or you start calling the American Government a terrorist.


See also: 'Why I support Sheikh Usama bin Laden (Hafidhaullah)' by Sheikh Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt


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