
Status:Independent republic
Surface:2,381,741 km²

Inhabitants:30,081,000 (1998)

Capital: Algeries

Day of independence: July 5, 1962

Head of state: President
Abdelaziz Boutaflika
Languages:Arabic (official), French, Berber


Cities: Algeries(2,6 million)

Oran (670,000)

Constantine (440,000)

Annaba (350,000)

Tizi Ouzou (220,000)

The north of Algeria is fairly fertile,about 1200 km worth of coastal area.Agriculture  land in between forested mountains. There are two mountain ranges dominating this region,Atlas and Kabyle. The desert starts quickly after leaving the coastal area, in the beginning as stone desert. Algeria's vast territory is very much dominated by Sahara. There are some settlements all over the desert region. In the south of Algeria the large massif Hoggar is found.


Algeria is rich in mineral resources and exports hydrocarbons, high-grade iron ore, phosphates zinc, lead and antimony. There are as yet unexplored reserves of other valuable minerals such as tungsten, gold and uranium. The commercial production of petroleum in the Sahara began in 1958.

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