1640. A church was established at Southold, Long Island (New York), which later became
Presbyterian and is now the oldest Presbyterian Church in the denomination with a
continuous history.
1662. A Presbyterian Church was organized at Jamaica, Long Island, which has the
longest continuous Presbyterian history in America.
1683. Rev. Francis Makemie founded the first presbytery in America, and organized the
Rehoboth Church, reported to have been the oldest Presbyterian church joining the First
1698. First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia was established under Jedidiah Andrews.
1706. Organization of the First Presbytery in Philadelphia under impetus of Francis
1717. The first Synod with four Presbyteries was organized at Philadelphia.
1729. The Synod adopted the Westminster Confession of Faith, and required ministers and
candidates to subscribe to its essential and necessary articles.
1741. The Synod was divided into the Old Side (anti-Great Awakening revivalists) and the
New Side (pro-Great Awakening).
1742. The Associate Presbyterian Church began at Londonderry, Pa., a majority of which
joined in 1858 to form United Presbyterian Church of North America.
1743. Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanters) began at Middle Octorara, Pa. A
majority united with Associate Presbyterian Church to form Associate Reformed
Presbyterian Church (1782).
1745. Organization of Synod of New York. Reunited with Philadelphia in 1758 and known
after 1758 as Synod of New York and Philadelphia until organizat!on of the General
Assembly in 1788.
1746. William Tennent educated his sons and other candidates in the "Log College."
1753. The Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania was organized.
1758. The Synod of Philadelphia and the Synod of New York merged as Synod of New
York and Philadelphia, and candidates were to be examined in experimental religion as well
as to have been educated.
1774. The first Reformed presbytery was formed.
1776. Rev. John Witherspoon and eleven other Presbyterians signed the Declaration of
1782. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church formed by union of majority of Reformed
Presbyterian Church (1743), with part of Associate Presbyterian Church (1742).
1789. The first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), based on a
constitution adopted by the General Synod in 1788, met in Philadelphia, with John
Witherspoon was the organizing moderator.
1801. Plan of Union began cooperative work with Congregational churches in western New
York and Old North West.
1809. The independent Londonderry Presbytery in New England joined the General
1810. The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions organized in Boston
with Presbyterians and Congregationalists cooperating.
1812. Princeton Theological Seminary was organized at Princeton, New Jersey.
1816. The Board of Missions was established.
1831. The Synod of Pittsburgh set up Western Foreign Missionary Society.
1837. The Old School Assembly and the New School Assembly separated and carried on
separate activities for 32 years. The Old School General Assembly organized the Board
of Foreign Missions (absorbing the Western Foreign Missionary Society) while the New
School General Assembly continued cooperation with the American Board of
Commissioners for Foreign Missions and the American Home Missionary Society until 1861.
1857. The Southern portion of the New School withdrew.
1858. The United Presbyterian Church of North America was formed by the union of the
Associate (Presbyterian) Synod (1742) and the General Synod of the Associate Reformed
Church (1782).
1861. The Presbyterian Church of the Confederate States was founded. From 1865 until
1983 it was known as the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. (or, the Southern Presbyterian
1864. The Southern portion of the New School united with the Presbyterian Church of the
Confederate States.
1869. The Old and New School General Assemblies in the North reunited.
The African-American element in the Comberland Presbyterian Church separted to become
the Colored Cumberl;and Presbyterian Church, later the Second Cumberland Presbyterian
1875. The Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. helped to found the Alliance of Reformed
Churches throughout the'World holding the Presbyterian System (World Presbyterian
1906. Reunion of a majority of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church with the PCUSA after
a separation of 96 years.
1908. The United Presbyterian Church of North America and the Presbyterian Church in
the U.S.A. cooperated with other denominations to organize the Federal Council of
Churches 0f Christ in America.
1920. Union of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church with the PCUSA.
1930. The PCUSA General Assembly voted to admit women to the eldership.
1956. The PCUSA admitted women as ordained ministers.

1958. The United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. was created by union of the
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and the United Presbyterian Church of North America.
1961. The UPCUSA was a part of the Consultation on Church Union.
1964. The PCUS admitted women to all ordained offices.
1967. The UPCUSA broadened its doctrinal stance by adopting a new Book of
Confessions, containing the Confession of 1967, and by modification of the subscription
1969. Provision was made to allow union presbyteries in areas where the UPCUSA and
the PCUS overlapped.
1973. The UPCUSA reorganized into 15 regional synods, presbyteries were enlarged, and
General Assembly agencies were consolidated.
Synods and presbyteries of the PCUS were realigned.
The churches that formed the Presbyterian Church in America withdrew from the PCUS.
1978. The UPCUSA rejected the eligibility of unrepentant practicing homosexuals for
ordination; to be followed the next year by the PCUS.
1981. Some churches withdrew from the UPCUSA to organize the Evangelical
Presbyterian Church.
1983. The UCPUSA and the PCUS merged as the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
1991. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) adopted an additional new Brief Statement of Faith.


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