My good friend Joxemari is not doing his homework properly as he hasn´t updated his webpage for ages. I encourage you to insult and threaten him: Joxemari. If, instead, you feel some unjustified pity for him you can co-operate with his project (Crazy project).

This page belongs to an association I´m ashamed of having belonged to. Its webmaster was released from a special educational institution and can be considered a social danger: Fomento Cultural

It is powered by the same person that works on this.

Another friend of mine, Carlos, plays guitar and sings in a group called Mangeira. He is the guy with a hat on him, red trousers, white shirt... the most colourful of them.

My good friend Julio,  from Chile is starting his own page.

One of the mythical from the first days in Dublin: Carlos Panero


I was working for this company for almost three years. If they had known what I was doing I would have lasted three days. Enjoy the happy pictures of the multirracial people that don´t work there: GTS , and some advice: DO NOT TRAVEL WITH LUFTHANSA but if you have to: DO NOT PAY THEM BY CREDIT CARD.

My alma mater. I asked them to attend my courses in the morning shift and they refused to move me as I didn´t have a permanent job. I´ll find the way to exact retaliation, but I guess they´ll fall before, victims of their own incompetence: The Basque Country University


I am currently studying Political Science. I´m trying to save the time to explain that I don´t want to become a politician. Everybody can see the difference between the biologist (scientist) and the guinea pig (object of study). I don´t know why most of you aren´t able to see the difference between lab-rat politicians and political scientists. Anyway, there are a few good links below:

LaInsignia (articles on international politics [Spanish]), Fronteras (everything about frontier and border-related issues [University of Durham]), Global Policy Forum (on UN politics, I like the section "Nations and States), Le monde diplomatique (good maps for current conflicts), Electoral systems (good handbook on the subject, PDF), Economy: Basic texts (the Classics [Spanish]), Legislación histórica


I found in chess one of the most elegant means of procrastination. It occupied a good deal of my teen years and it´s been for sure one of my relevant failures. At least, since the Internet became so popular all the attacks to Caissa can be performed in an anonymous manner. For example, at the following sites:

 Chess 21(very good to play online) Itsyourturn (2 million people playing by mail) Brainking (Czech server, play by mail: very good chess variations)  Little Golem

If you want to be informed about the news in chess you can read:

Chess Base  (the best) ChessCafe (Good articles) Jaque (Spanish magazine) AjedrezVasco (Basque news) Metajedrez (I love Mafalda's comics) Chess Variants (whenever chess become too easy for you) FIDE (Chess International Federation)

©Ahmed al-Faqi, 2004.


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