My School

nahh...Kalo disini...i will tell you about my SWchool,my school life...and everything about my school.........

why i Used english for this part...because my school is internasional school with apply or used english as daily language...hehehehe
my school applied two curuculums which are  KTSP(nasional Curriculum) and IGCSE(International General Certificate For Secondary Education)....
my scholl given me full i study there with no payment at all........

and this schorlarship programme will apllid every year....
my school amazing because only the choosen student can get in to this school...
which have9 core values and 7 they have higher intergrity than another school


therefore,this school is boarding school in order to make students study well and practice their intergrity and independent to face all the chalanges in the near future......


if we do not have any willingness to study,do not ever have a dream to study here,because my school only accept students who wants to improve to make betterman in their life in the near future