The Legislative Assembly

On 30 August 2001 the East Timorese voters participated in the first free universal suffrage in the history of East Timor to elect a body to draft the constitution. Fretilin won 57.37% of the national votes and elected 12 of the 13 district representatives. In March 2001, the constitution provided for the transformation of the Constituent Assembly to the National Legislative Assembly or the National Parliament. The members of the first East Timorese Parliament is as follows:

Registered political parties in East Timor which contested in the Legislative Assembly election in August 2001

PDC - Partido Democrata Crist�o 

Christian Democratic Party - Christian progressive

UDT - Uni�o Democr�tica Timorense 

Democratic Union of Timor - conservative right

PD - Partido Democr�tico

Democratic Party - centre right

Apodeti Pro. Ref. - Associa��o Popular Democr�tica de Timor 

People's Democratic Association of Timor - populist

FRETILIN - Frente Revolucion�ria do Timor-Leste Independente

Revolutionary Front of Independent East Timor - progressive left

KOTA - Klibur Oan Timor Asuwain 

Timorese Monarchist Association - progressive right

PARENTIL - Partido Republika Nacional Timor Leste

East Timor National Republic Party - conservative right

PNT - Partido Nasionalista Timorense

Nationalist Party of Timor - progressive nationalist

PDM - Partai Demokratik Maubere

Maubere Democratic Party - conservative right

PSD - Partido Social Democrata

Social-Democratic Party - centre right

UDC/PDC - Partido Democrata-Crist�o de Timor

Christian Democratic Party of Timor - Christian conservative

PPT - Partido do Povo de Timor

People's Party of Timor - conservative right

PST - Partido Socialista de Timor

Socialist Party of Timor - Marxist-Leninist

ASDT - Associa��o Social-Democrata de Timor

Social-Democratic Association of Timor - conservative

PL - Partai Liberal

Liberal Party - right

PTT - Partido Trabalhista Timorense

Timorese Labour Party - right

National Parliament

The National Parliament is to be constituted between 52 - 65 members for a five year mandate. But currently the National Parliament has 88 members, of which 13 are district representatives, after a transformation from the Constituent Assembly following the provision of Article 167 of the Constitution. The current composition of the National Parliament is:

President of the Assembly: Francisco "Lu'Olo" Guterres, Fretilin

Party National Seats District Seats
PD 7 -
PSD 6 -
ASDT 6 -
UDT 2 -
PNT 2 -
KOTA 2 -
PPT 2 -
PDC 2 -
PST 1 -
PL 1 -
Independent - 1

Of the 13 district representatives, only Oe-Cusse is represented by an independent. The rest is represented by Fretilin

District Representatives:
District Representative Party
Aileu Alfredo da Silva Fretilin
Ainaro M�rio Ferreira  Fretilin
Baucau Elias Freitas Fretilin
Bobonaro Jos� Andrade da Cruz  Fretilin
Covalima Gerv�sio Cardoso de Jesus da Silva  Fretilin
D�li  Cipriana da Costa Pereira  Fretilin
Ermera Jos� Soares Fretilin
Lautem  Armindo da Concei��o Silva Freitas  Fretilin
Liqui�� Joaquim Barros Soares  Fretilin
Manatuto  Fl�vio Maria Guterres da Silva  Fretilin
Manufahi Ar�o No� de Jesus da Costa Amaral  Fretilin
Oecussi Ant�nio Lelan  Independent
Viqueque Janu�rio Soares Fretilin
National Representatives

Adalgisa M. Soares Ximenes.
Adaljiza Xavier Reis Magno.
Ad�rito de Jesus Soares.
Ant�nio Cardoso Machado
Ant�nio Tilman Cepeda
Augusto da Concei��o Amaral
Cristina Alves da Silva
Const�ncia de Jesus
Eliz�rio Ferreira
Faustino da Costa
Francisco Carlos Soares
Francisco Guterres - Lu'Olo
          President of the Parliament

Francisco Jer�nimo
Francisco Lay
Francisco Lelan
Francisco Miranda Branco
Greg�rio Saldanha
Jacinto Maia
Jacob Fernandes
Jer�nimo da Silva
Joaquim Amaral
Joaquim dos Santos
Josefa Pereira Soares
Jos� Maria Barreto Lobato Gon�alves
Jos� dos Reis
Jos� Manuel Fernandes
Judite Dias Ximenes
Lurdes Maria Mascarenhas Alves
Lu�sa da Costa
Madalena da Silva
Manuel Sarmento
Maria Alvaziza Lourdes
Maria Genoveva da Costa Martins
Maria Jos� da Costa
Maria Solana da Concei��o Fernandes
Maria Teresa Correia
Maria Teresinha Viegas
Miguel Soares
Norberto Esp�rito Santo
Os�rio Florindo
Ros�ria Corte Real
Rui Ant�nio da Cruz
Vicente Soares Faria


Aquilino Fraga Guterres
Eus�bio Guterres
Mariano Sabino Lopes
Paulo Alves Sarmento
Paulo Assis Belo
Samuel Mendon�a
Rui Meneses

Fernando Dias Gusm�o
Leandro Isaac
L�cia Lobato
Milena Pires
M�rio Viegas Carrascal�o
Vidal de Jesus (Riak Leman)

Francisco Xavier do Amaral
Feliciano F�tima
Pedro Gomes
Maria Valadares
Afonso Noronha
Jacinto de Andrade

Alexandrino Corte Real
Quit�ria da Costa

Aires Francisco Cabral
Alian�a Ara�jo

Ananias do Carmo Fuka
Jacob Xavier

Ant�nio Ximenes
Arlindo Mar�al

Pedro M�rtires da Costa

Carlos de Almeida Sarmento

Vicente da Silva Guterres



 Government Structure  Constitution (Port.)  National Anthem  Maps of East Timor  How to make the  RDTL flag


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