monday - july seventeen, two thousand - 4:19pm





i am so terribly sorry it's been so long since i've written in my journal. i tried to do it several times last week to no avail. something was fucked up with either my browser or geocities or something. i couldn't get anything to save - and i kept crashing all the time. anyway - it tried to let you know through my guestbook, but i don't know how many of you check that.

but, i'm back now - did you miss me? where to start.... obviously, there have been plans made for the wedding. we had a date - and indie screwed it up, so we're in the process of switching it now - i have to talk to the folks tonight at find out if it'll work for them. plus, sam will be standing up for me as well and i need to make sure he is okay with the time as well.

we're doing it really soon. like - in two months soon. we kinda wanted to do it before we shacked up, but it's going to be a month after instead. i've picked out a dress. it won't be a traditional dress by any means - we're having a very small ceremony - and we're not spending a fortune -
this is what it looks like only in ivory (or egg, as they call it)... very flowy and simple - and a real bargain, as you can see!

i haven't picked out a dress for indie and paul's sister yet. i'm still looking. we've decided on a banquet place and where we'll get hitched - but we need to find a minister. we're planning on asking this guy in paul's building because he's a retired minister and paul knows him well.

all the little shit like cake, photographer, tuxes, flowers we haven't delved into yet - but we plan to soon.

so - that's it so far, but we don't have much time. we'll save the honeymoon for february or march when it's really cold out and we'll get the hell out of here. right after the wedding we thought we could go up to his cabin for a couple of days and get away. we'll have to tell his family they're not allowed up there. ; )

everyone is really excited for us. my friends and family just love paul... i wasn't too thrilled about the whole planning thing at first. we were talking about eloping - but his mom had something to say about that. thank goodness he's interested in the planning along with her - or i'd have never gotten started. i think it's hard to start - it all seems so overwhelming - but once you do, it's kinda fun. (except for the paying for it part). that's all for now - i'll try to keep posting. hopefully this stupid thing won't freak out on me again. if i ever go for long periods of time again just check my guestbook... chances are i've left you a note.


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