
○二○ ○二年五月十一日 冷王○又是至高神的祭司○本是長遠為祭司的 聖經希伯來書第七章句一○這麥基洗德就是撒 之子○也是麥基洗德○ 的○甚至坐在神的殿裡○自稱是神○我是沉淪 高抬自己○超過一切稱為神的和一切受人敬拜 是沉淪之子○顯露出來○句四○他是抵擋主○ 子以前○必有離道反教的事○並有那大罪人就 拘用甚麼法子○你們總不要被他誘惑因為那日 新約聖經○帖撒羅尼迦後書第二章句三○人不 局○就是要殺美國○ 字○如電子郵件給美國總統副總統○聯邦情報 劍殺了○飛鳥都喫飽了他們的肉○我殺人用文 之主○句廿一○其餘的被騎白馬者口中出來的 他衣服和大腿上有名寫著說○萬王之王○萬主 他們○並要踹全能神烈怒的酒醡○句十六○在 以擊殺列國他必用鐵杖轄管○轄管原文是牧○ ○跟隨他○句十五○有利劍從他口中出來○可 天上的眾軍騎著白馬○穿著細麻衣○又白又潔 了血的衣服○他的名稱為神之道○句十四○在 新約聖經○啟示錄第十九章句十三○他穿著濺 左晝○ 指刺出血就是印記○我們要穿白色長袍如我在 右手上或是在額上受一個印記○我們看戲○手 眾人○無論大小○貧富○自主的○為奴的都在 新約聖經○啟示錄第十三章第十六句○他又叫 要受五雷繫○ 貸等○右晝書洪門的祕密○有多規則○不從就 不是要強取綁劫○強迫女子賣淫○販毒放高利 在中國華人掌權○洪門就要助華人聯合起來○ 兄弟姊妹們○洪門的產生是為了反清復明○現 洪 門

宗祖 鬼 神 佛拜要不

聖 神 佛是就汝

二○ ○二年五月十一日

我的語言就是○命令○不從者就○ 我不可告○ 二○ ○五年八月六日○我算錯○日子在另日○ 時看誰要先死○ 千二百六十天○就是二○ ○三年七月八月○到 我從二○ ○ ○年二月一日起就沒有工作○算一 個見證人○穿著毛衣○傳道一千二百六十天○ 新約聖經啟示錄第十一章句三○我要使我那兩 的手掌心○ 人和囘教徒 停止施行割禮○反對者就會死在我 台灣人要獨立會死在我的手掌心○我命令猶太 黨○就是反對我○會死在我的掌心○ 我要成為新加坡總統○新加坡洪門助人民行動 易經第一卦乾○說明一聖人六梯歩上座○就是 他○給他祝福○ ○他當亞伯拉罕殺敗諸王回來的時候○就迎接



Chinese Triads

18th July 1999

I am a triad member, but I do not mix with them. Right now I am alone, so I named myself 'righteous white dragon'. Any of you there in the world would like to join me can do so, however you need to prepare an all white cotton 'chang pow' to put on. If you refer to the Holy Bible, Revelation, you, plus me, have the mark on our hand. The middle finger that is pricked to squeeze the blood out, that injury point is the 'mark on the hand'. We need to wear all white linens as stated in the Bible.

Even though I don't mix with you, but because I am one of you, I will be able to influence you. As my words are commands, you brothers have to listen and obey. If you don't, the ONE at the mark on your forehead will punish you.

As we are chosen to lead the world, you need to cultivate yourself, turn over a new leaf and discard your old bad habits. Many of you are in money lending, gambling dens, brothels, horse-race bookie, living on earning from women etc. All these vices are to be curtailed. You have to do a decent job or business.

Those in Taiwan, you have to make sure the government does not cause trouble for China whereby inviting the Americans to attack China. Before that happens, you better remove that leader that causes trouble.

Those in Macau, you better close down the casinos, or else I have to close them down myself, whereby you will become crazy.

Self cultivation is my type of meditation. You can refer to my meditation articles in the website. If you want to have the seal on the mark on your forehead, you can join the 'Heavenly Way'. This group is every where, where there are Chinese. You can find them in America too.

I wish you brothers all the best.

24th April 2000 - The (left) book has all the regulations written and those who disobey will be punished by the 5 thunders. So you brothers, you better wake up!

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