二○ ○二年五月二十一日

樂○慮歎變慹○姚佚啟態○樂出虛○蒸成菌○ 言其老洫也○近死之心○莫使復陽也○喜怒哀 溺之所為之○不可使復之也○其厭也如緘○以 守勝之謂也○其殺如秋冬○以言其日消也○其 發若機栝○其司是非之謂也○其留如詛盟○其 鬥○縵者窖者密者○小恐惴惴○大恐縵縵○其 其寐也魂交○其覺也形開○與接為搆○日以心 大知閑閑○小知閒閒○大言炎炎○小言詹詹○ 齊物論二 取○怒者其誰邪○ 子綦曰○夫吹萬不同○而使其自已也○咸其自 敢問天籟○ 子游曰○地籟則眾竅是已○人籟則比竹是已○ 濟則眾竅為虛○而獨不見之調調之刁刁乎○ 而隨者唱喁○泠風則小和○飄風則大和○厲風 吸者○叫者○譹者○宎者○咬者○前者唱于○ 似圈似臼○似洼者○似污者○激者謞者○叱者 佳○大木百圍之竅穴○似鼻似口○似耳似枅○ 作則萬竅怒呺○而獨不聞之翏翏乎○山林之畏 子綦曰○夫大塊噫氣○其名為風○是唯無作○ 子游曰○敢問其方○ ○而未聞天籟夫○ 汝知之乎○汝聞人籟不而未聞地籟○汝聞地籟 子綦曰○偃不亦善乎而問之也○今者吾喪我○ 非昔之隱機者也○ 如槁木○而心固可使如死灰乎○今之隱机者○ ○顏成子游立侍乎前○曰○何居乎○形固可使 南郭子綦隱幾而坐○仰天而噓○嗒焉似喪其耦 齊物論一 莊子南華經


故曰○彼出於是○是亦因彼○彼是方生之說也 ○物無非是○自彼則不見○自知則知之○ 其所非○而非其所是○則莫若以明○物無非彼 儒墨之是非○以是其所非○而非其所是○欲是 乎存而不可○道隱於小成○言隱於榮華○故有 言惡乎隱○而有是非○道惡乎往而不存○言惡 亦有辯乎○其無辯乎○道惡乎隱○而有真偽○ 果有言邪○其未嘗有言邪○其以為異於鷇音○ 夫言非吹也○言者有言其所言者○特未定也○ 齊物論四 不能知○吾獨且奈何哉○ 也○是以無有為有○無有為有○雖有神禹○且 焉○未成乎心○而有是非○是今日適越而昔至 無師乎○奚必知代而心自取者有之○愚者與有 人亦有不芒者乎○夫隨其成心而師之○誰獨且 哀乎○人之生也○固若是芒乎○其我獨芒○而 不死○奚益○其形化○其心與之然○可不謂大 ○苶然疲役而不知其所歸○可不哀邪○人謂之 莫之能止○不亦悲乎○終身役役而不見其成功 ○不亡以待盡○與物相刃相靡○其行盡如馳而 得其情○與不得○無益損乎其真○一受其成形 治乎○其遞相為君臣乎○其有真君存焉○如求 有私焉○如是皆有為臣妾乎○其臣妾不足以相 臟○賅而存焉○吾誰與為親○汝皆悅之乎○其 ○而不見其形○有情而無形○百骸○九竅○六 所為使○若有真宰○而特不得其眹○可行已信 非彼無我○非我無所取○是亦近矣○而不知其 齊物論三 得此○其所由以生乎○ 日夜相代乎前而莫知其所萌○已乎已乎○旦暮
虧○愛之所以成○果且有成與虧乎哉○果且無 非也○是非之彰也○道之所以虧也○道之所以 而未始有封也○其次以為有封焉○而未始有是 ○至矣盡矣○不可以加矣○其次以為有物矣○ 人其知有所至矣○惡乎至○有以為未始有物者 和之以是非○而休乎天鈞○是之謂兩行○古之 名實未虧○而喜怒為用○亦因是也○是以聖人 眾狙皆悅○ 眾狙皆怒○曰○然則朝四而暮三○ 朝三而暮四○ 其同也○謂之朝三○何謂朝三○狙公賦芧曰○ 已而不知其然○謂之道○勞神明為一○而不知 通也○通也者○得也○適得而幾矣○因是已○ 為是不用而寓諸庸○庸也者○用也○用也者○ 凡物無成與毀○復通為一○唯達者知通為一○ ○道通為一○其分也○成也○其成也○毀也○ 不可○故為是舉莛與楹○厲與西施○恢詭憰怪 ○物固有所然○物固有所可○無物不然○無物 然○惡乎然○然於然○惡乎不然○不然於不然 可乎可○不可乎不可○道行之而成○物謂之而 齊物論五 地一指也○萬物一馬也○ 馬喻馬之非馬○不若以非馬喻馬之非馬也○天 以指喻指之非指○不若以非指喻之非指也○以 非亦一無窮也○故曰○莫若以明○ 樞○樞始得其環中○以應無窮○是亦一無窮○ 哉○果且無彼是乎哉○彼是莫得其偶○謂之道 也○彼亦一是非○此亦一是非○果且有彼是乎 由而照之於天○亦因是也○是亦彼也○彼亦是 不可方可○因是因非○因非因是○是以聖人不 雖然○方生方死○方死方生○方可方不可○方
王之志○聖人議而不辯○故分也者○有不分也 不論○六合之內○聖人論而不議○春秋經世先 有競有爭○此之謂八德○六合之外○聖人存而 請言其畛○有左有右○有倫有義○有分有辯○ 夫道未始有封○言未始有常○為是而有畛也○ 齊物論七 有適有乎○無適焉○因是已○ 而況其凡乎○故自無適有○以至於三○而況自 為二○二與一為三○自此以往○巧歷不能得○ 有言乎○既已謂之一矣○且得無言乎○一與言 我並生○而萬物與我為一○既已為一矣○且得 太山為小○莫壽於殤子○而彭祖為夭○天地與 謂乎○其果無謂乎○天下莫大於秋毫之末○而 也○今我則已有謂矣○而未知吾所謂之其果有 也者○俄而有無矣○而未知有無之果孰有孰無 也者○有未始有無也者○有未始有夫未始有無 ○有未始有夫未始有始也者○有有也者○有無 雖然○請嘗言之○有始也者○有未始有始也者 乎○類與不類○相與為類○則與彼無以異矣○ 今且有言於此○不知其與是類乎○其與是不類 齊物論六 以明○ ○聖人之所圖也○為是不用而寓諸庸○此之謂 是而不可謂成乎○物與我成也○是故滑疑之耀 終身無成○若是而可謂成乎○雖我亦成也○若 之○故以堅白之昧終○而其子又以文之綸終○ 異於彼○其好之也○欲以明之○彼非所明而明 ○皆其盛者也○故載之末年○唯其好之也○以 師曠之枝策也○惠子之據梧也○三子之知幾乎 成與虧○故昭氏之不鼓琴也○昭文之鼓琴也○ 成與虧乎哉○有成與虧○故昭氏之鼓琴也○無
者○孰知天下之正色哉○自我觀之○仁義之端 魚見之深入○鳥見之高飛○糜鹿見之決驟○四 與鹿交○鰍與魚游○毛嬙麗姬○人之所美也○ 鴟鴉耆鼠○四者孰知正味○猿猵狙以為雌○糜 孰知正處○民食芻豢○糜鹿食薦○蝍蛆甘帶○ 然乎哉○木處則惴慄恂懼○猿猴然乎哉○三者 邪○且吾嘗試問乎汝○民溼寢則腰疾偏死○鰍 所謂知之非不知邪○庸詎知吾所謂不知之非知 曰○吾惡乎知之○雖然○嘗試言之○庸詎知吾 然則物無知邪○ 曰○吾惡乎知之○ 子知子之所不知邪○ 曰○吾惡乎知之○ 齧缺問乎王倪曰○子知物之所同是乎○ 齊物論九 乎日者乎○ 何哉○昔者十日並出○萬物皆照○而況德之進 舜曰○夫三子者○猶存乎蓬艾之間○若不釋然 不釋然○其故何也○ 故昔者堯問於舜曰○我欲伐宗膾胥敖○南面而 齊物論八 謂葆光○ 而不滿○酌焉而不竭○而不知其所由來○此之 之辯○不道之道○若有能知此之謂天府○注焉 幾向方矣○故知止其所不知○至矣○孰知不言 而不成○廉清而不信○勇忮而不成○五者刓而 ○大勇不忮○道昭而不道○言辯而不及○仁常 夫大道不稱○大辯不言○大仁不仁○大廉不嗛 者○有不見也○ 聖人懷之○眾人辯之○以相示也○故曰○辯也 ○辯也者○有不辯也○曰○何也○
使我與若辯矣○若勝我○我不若勝○若果是也 ○而一遇大聖○知其解者○是旦暮遇之也○既 夢亦夢也○是其言也○其名為弔詭○萬世之後 ○君乎牧乎○固哉○丘也與汝皆夢也○予謂汝 知此其大夢也○而愚者自以為覺○竊竊然知之 占其夢焉○覺而後知其夢也○且有大覺○而後 旦而田獵○方其夢也○不知其夢也○夢之中又 之蘄生乎○夢飲酒者○旦而哭泣○夢哭泣者○ ○而後悔其泣也○予惡乎知夫死者○不悔其始 泣沾襟○及其至於王所○與王同匡床○食芻豢 麗之姬○艾封人之子也○晉國之始得之○也涕 邪○予惡乎知惡死之非弱喪○而不知歸者邪○ 萬物盡然○而以是相蘊○予惡乎知悅生之非惑 尊○眾人役役○聖人愚芚○參萬歲而一成純○ 日月○挾宇宙○為其吻合○置其滑湣○以隸相 求鴞炙○予嘗為汝妄言之○汝以妄聽之奚○旁 知之○且汝亦大早計○見卵而求時夜○見彈而 長梧子曰○是黃帝之所聽熒也○而丘也何足以 為奚若○ 以為孟浪之言○而我以為妙道之行也○吾子以 無謂有謂○有謂無謂○而遊乎塵垢之外○夫子 事於務○不就利○不違害○不喜求○不緣道○ 瞿鵲子問乎長梧子曰○吾聞諸夫子○聖人不從 齊物論十 無變於己○而況利害之端乎○ 者○乘雲氣○騎日月○而遊乎四海之外○死生 而不能寒○疾雷破山○風振海而不能驚○若然 王倪曰○至人神矣○大澤焚而不能熱○河漢沍 齧缺曰○子不知利害○則至人固不知利害乎○ ○是非之塗○樊然殽亂○吾惡能知其辯○

二○ ○二年五月二十一日

○則必有分矣○此之謂物化○ 周之夢為胡蝶○與胡蝶之夢為周與○周與胡蝶 與○不知周也○俄然覺○則蘧蘧然周也○不知 昔者莊周夢為胡蝶○栩栩然胡蝶也○自喻適志 齊物論十二 不然○ 邪○吾待蛇蚹蜩翼邪○惡識所以然○惡識所以 景曰○吾有待而然者邪○吾所待又有待而然者 起○何其無特操與○ 罔兩問景曰○曩子行○今子止○曩子坐○今子 齊物論十一 窮年也○忘年忘義○振於無竟○故寓諸無竟○ 若其不相待○和之以天倪○因之以曼衍○所以 ○則然之異乎不然也○亦無辯○化聲之相待○ ○則是之○異乎不是也○亦無辯○然若果然也 之以天倪○曰○是不是○然不然○是若果是也 若與人○俱不能相知也○而待彼也邪○何謂和 正之○既同乎我與若矣○惡能正之○然則我與 既異乎我與若矣○惡能正之○使同乎我與若者 同乎我矣○惡能正之○使異乎我與若者正之○ 既與若同矣○惡能正之○使同乎我者正之○既 固受其黮闇○吾誰使正之○使同乎若者正之○ 是也○其俱非也邪○我與若不能相知也○則人 ○而果非也邪○其或是也○其或非也邪○其俱 ○我果非也邪○我勝若○若不吾勝○我果是也

Chapter 2 - The Identity Of Contraries

Tzu Ch'i of Nan-kuo sat leaning on a table. Looking up to heaven, he sighed and became absent, as though soul and body had parted.

Yen Ch'eng Tzu Yu, who was standing by him, exclaimed, "What are you thinking about that your body should become thus like dry wood, your mind like dead ashes? Surely the man now leaning on the table is not he who was here just now." (Indication of meditation.)

"My friend, "replied Tzu Ch'i, "your question is apposite. Today I have buried myself....Do you understand?...Ah! perhaps you only know the music of Man, and not that of Earth. Or even if you have heard the music of Earth, you have not heard the music of Heaven."

"Pray explain," said Tzu Yu.

"The breath of the universe," continued Tzu Ch'i, "is called wind. At times, it is inactive. But when active, every aperture resounds to the blast. Have you never listened to its growing roar? Caves and dells of hill and forest, hollows in huge trees of many a span in girth;- these are like nostrils, like mouths, like ears, like beam-sockets like goblets, like mortars, like ditches, like bogs. And the wind goes rushing through them, sniffing, snoring, singing, soughing, puffing, purling, whistling, whirring, now loud; until, with a lull, silence reigns supreme. Have you never witnessed among the trees such a disturbance as this?"

"Well, then, "enquired Tzu Yu, "since the music of earth consists of nothing more than holes, and the music of man of pipes and flutes,-of what consists the music of Heaven?"

"The effect of the wind upon these various apertures," replied Tzu Ch'i, "is not uniform. But what is it that gives to each the individuality, to all the potentiality, of sound? Great knowledge embraces the whole: small knowledge, a part only. Great speech is universal" small speech is particular. For whether the mind is locked in sleep or whether in waking hours the body is released, we are subject to daily mental perturbations,-indecision, want of penetration, concealment, fretting fear, and trembling terror. Now like a javelin the mind flies forth, the arbiter of right and wrong. Now like a solemn covenanter it remains firm, the guardian of rights secured. Then, as under autumn and winter's blight, comes gradual decay, a passing away, like the flow of water, never to return. Finally, the block when all is choked up like an old drain - the failing mind which shall not see light again.

"Joy and anger, sorrow and happiness, caution and remorse, come upon us by turns, with ever-changing mood. They come like music from hollowness, like mushrooms from damp. Daily and nightly they alternate within us, but we cannot tell whence they spring. Can we then hope in a moment to lay our finger upon their very Cause? But for these emotions I should not be. But for me, they would have no scope. So far we can go; but we do not know what it is that brings them into play. It would seem to be a soul; but the clue to its existence is wanting. That such a Power operates, is credible enough, though we cannot see its form. Perhaps it has functions without form.

"Take the human body with all its manifold divisions. Which part of it does a man love best? Does he not cherish all equally, or has he a preference? Do not all equally serve him? And do these servitors then govern themselves, or are they subdivided into rulers and subjects? Surely there is some soul which sways them all. But whether or not we ascertain what are the functions of this soul, it matters but little to the soul itself. For coming into existence with this mortal coil of mine, with the exhaustion of this mortal coil its mandate will also be exhausted. To be harassed by the wear and tear of life, and to pass rapidly through it without possibility of arresting one's course,- is not this pitiful indeed? To labor without ceasing, and then, without living to enjoy the fruit, worn out, to depart, suddenly, one knows not whither,- is not that a just cause for grief?

"What advantage is there in what men call not dying? The body decomposes, and the mind goes with it. This is our real cause for sorrow. Can the world be so dull as not to see this? Or is it I alone who am dull, and others not so? If we are to be guided by the criteria of our own minds, who shall be without a guide?- What need to know of the alternations of passion, when the mind thus affords to itself? - verily even the minds of fools! Whereas, for a mind without criteria to admit the idea of contraries, is like saying, I went to Yueh today, and got there yesterday. Or, like placing nowhere somewhere, - topography which even the Great Yu would fail to understand; how much more I?

"Speech is not mere breath. It is differentiated by meaning. Take away that, and you cannot say whether it is a speech or not. Can you even distinguish it from the chirping of young birds? But how can Tao be so obscured that we speak of it as true and false? And how can speech be so obscured that it admits the idea of contraries? How can Tao go away and yet not remain? How can speech exist and yet be impossible? Tao is obscured by our want of grasp. Speech is obscured by the gloss of this world. Hence the affirmatives and negatives of the Confucian and Mihist schools, each denying what the other affirmed and affirming what the other denied. But he who would reconcile affirmative with negative and negative with affirmative, must do so by the light of nature.

"There is nothing which is not objective: there is nothing which is not subjective. But it is impossible to start from the objective. Only from subjective knowledge is it possible to proceed to objective knowledge. Hence it has been said, 'The objective emanates from the subjective; the subjective is consequent upon the objective. This is the Alternation Theory.' Nevertheless, when one is born, the other dies. When one is possible, the other is impossible. When one is affirmative the other is negative. Which being the case, the true sage rejects all distinctions of this and that. He takes his refuge in GOD, and places himself in subjective relation with all things.

"And inasmuch as the subjective is also objective, and the objective also subjective, and as the contraries under each are indistinguishably blended, does it not become impossible for us to say whether subjective and objective really exist at all? When subjective and objective are both without their correlates, that is the very axis of Tao. And when that axis passes through the center at which all Infinities converge, positive and negative alike blend into an infinite ONE. Hence it has been said that there is nothing like the light of nature. (When meditate, think neither good nor bad things. This is the very axis of Tao when we converge our mind on the 'chu chiao'.)

"To take a finger in illustration of a finger not being a finger in not so good as to take something which is not a finger. To take a horse in illustration of a horse not being a horse is not so good as to take something which is not a horse. So with the universe and all that in it is. These things are but fingers and horses in this sense. The possible is possible: the impossible is impossible. Tao operates, and given results follow. Things receive names and are what they are. They achieve this by their natural affinity for what they are and their natural antagonism to what they are not. For all things have their own particular constitutions and potentialities. Nothing can exist without these.

"Therefore it is that, viewed from the standpoint of Tao, a beam and a pillar are identical. So are ugliness and beauty, greatness, wickedness, perverseness, and strangeness. Separation is the same as construction: construction is the same as destruction. Nothing is subject either to construction or to destruction, for these conditions are brought together into ONE. Only the truly intelligent understand this principle of the identity of all things. They do not view things as apprehended by themselves, subjectively; but transfer themselves into the position of the things viewed. And viewing them thus they are able to comprehend them, nay, to master them;- and he who can master them is near. So it is that to place oneself in subjective relation with externals, without consciousness of their objectivity,- this is Tao. But to wear out one's intellect in an obstinate adherence to the individuality of things, not recognizing the fact that all things are ONE,- this is called Three in the Morning."[three are two eyes and the Mark in between, the same as Jesus crucified between 2 thieves or Amita Buddha flanked by 2 Bodhisattvas.]

"What is Three in the Morning?" asked Tzu Yu.

"A keeper of monkeys," replied Tzu Ch'i, "said with regard to their rations of chestnut that each monkey was to have three in the morning and four at night. But at this the monkeys were very angry, so the keeper said they might have four in the morning and three at night, with which arrangement they were all well pleased. The actual number of the chestnuts remained the same, but there was an adaptation to the likes and dislikes of those concerned. Such is the principle of putting oneself into subjective relation with externals.

"Wherefore the true Sage, while regarding contraries as identical, adapts himself to the laws of Heaven. This is called following two courses at once. The knowledge of the men of old had a limit. It extended back to a period when matter did not exist. That was the extreme point to which their knowledge reached. The second period was that of matter, but of matter unconditioned. The third epoch saw matter conditioned, but contraries were still unknown. When these appeared, Tao began to decline. And with the decline of Tao, individual bias arose. Have then these states of falling and rising real existences? Surely they are but as the falling and rising of Chao Wen's music,- the consequences of his playing. Chao Wen played the guitar. Shih K'uang wielded the baton. Hui Tzu argued. Herein these three men excelled, and in the practice of such arts they passed their lives.

"Hui Tzu's particular views being very different from those of the world in general, he was correspondingly anxious to enlighten people. But he did not enlighten them as he should have done, and consequently ended in the obscurity of the 'hard and white.' Subsequently, his son searched his works for some clue, but never succeeded in establishing the principle. And indeed if such were possible to be established, then even I am established; but if not then neither I nor anything in the universe is established!

"Therefore what the true Sage aims at is the light which comes out of darkness. He does not view things as apprehended by himself, subjectively, but transfers himself into the position of the things viewed. This is called using the light. There remains, however, Speech. Is that to be enrolled under either category of contraries, or not? Whether it is so enrolled or not, it will in any case belong to one or the other, and thus be as though it had an objective existence. At any rate, I should like to hear some speech which belongs to neither category. If there was a beginning, then there was a time before that beginning. And a time before the time which was before the time of that beginning.

"If there is existence, there must have been non-existence. And if there was a time when nothing existed, then there must have been a time before that- when even nothing did not exist. Suddenly, when nothing came into existence, could one really say whether it belonged to the category of existence or of non-existence? Even the very words I have just now uttered, - I cannot say whether they have really been uttered or not.

"There is nothing under the canopy of heaven greater than the tip of an autumn spike-let. A vast mountain is a small thing. Neither is there any age greater than that of a child cut off in infancy. P'eng Tsu himself died young. The universe and I came into being together; and I, and everything therein, are ONE. (Tip of the spike-let must be referring to tip of our nose.)

"If then all things are ONE, what room is there for Speech? On the other hand, since I can utter these words, how can Speech not exist? If it does exist, we have ONE and Speech = 2; and 2 and 1 = 3. From which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach: TAO, how much more then will ordinary people fail? Hence, if from nothing you can proceed to something, and subsequently reach 3, it follows that it would be still more easy if you were to start from something. To avoid such progression, you must put yourself into subjective relation with the external.

"Before conditions existed, Tao (God) was. Before definitions existed, Speech (Words) was. Subjectively, we are conscious of certain delimitations which are, -

right and left

relationship and obligation

division and discrimination

emulation and contention.

These are called the Eight Predictable. For the true Sage, beyond the limits of an external world, they exist, but are not recognized. By the true Sage, within the limits of an external world, they are recognized, but are not assigned. And so, with regard to the wisdom of the ancients, as embodied in the canon of Spring and Autumn, the true Sage assigns, but does not justify by argument. And thus, classifying he does not classify; arguing, he does not argue."

"How can that be?" asked Tzu Yu.

"The true Sage," answered Tzu Ch'i, "keeps his knowledge within him, while men in general set forth theirs in argument, in order to convince each other. And therefore it is said that in argument he does not manifest himself. Perfect TAO does not declare itself. Nor does perfect argument express itself in words. Nor does perfect charity show itself in act. Nor is perfect honesty absolutely incorruptible. Nor is perfect courage absolutely unyielding.

"For the Tao which shines forth is not Tao. Speech which argues falls short of its aim. Charity which has fixed points loses its scope. Honesty which is absolute is wanting in credit. Courage which is absolute misses its object. These 5 are, as it were, round, with a strong bias towards square-ness. Therefore that knowledge which stops at what it does not know, is the highest knowledge.

"Who knows the argument which can be argued without words? - the TAO which does not declare itself as TAO? He who knows this may be said to be of GOD. To be able to pour in without making full, and pour out without making empty, in ignorance of the power by which such results are accomplished, - this is accounted Light."

Of old, the Emperor Yao said to Shun, "I would smite the Tsungs, and the Kueis, and the Hsu-aos. Ever since I have been on the throne I have had this desire. What do you think?"

"These 3 States," replied Shun, "are paltry out-of-the-way places. Why can you not shake off this desire? Once upon a time, ten suns came out together, and all things were illuminated thereby. How much more then should virtue excel suns?"

Yeh Ch'ueh asked Wang I, saying, "Do you know for certain that all things are subjectively the same?"

"How can I know?" answered Wang I. "Do you know what you do not know?"

"How can I know?" replied Yeh Ch'ueh. "But can then nothing be known?"

"How can I know?" said Wang I. "Nevertheless, I will try to tell you. How can it be known that what I call knowing is not really not knowing and that what I call not knowing is not really knowing? Now I would ask you this. If a man sleeps in a damp place, he gets lumbago and dies. But how about an eel? And living up in a tree is precarious and trying to the nerves; - but how about monkeys? Of the man, the eel, and the monkey, whose habitat is the right one, absolutely? Human beings feed on flesh (non vegetarian), deer on grass, centipedes on snakes' brains, owl and crows on mice. Of these four, whose is the right taste, absolutely? Monkey mates with monkey, the buck with the doe; eels consort with fishes, while men admire Mao Ch'iang and Li Chi, at the sight of whom fishes plunge deep down in the water, birds soar high in the air, and deer hurry away. Yet who shall say which is the correct standard of beauty? In my opinion, the standard of human virtue, and of positive and negative, is so obscured that it is impossible to actually know it is such."

"If you then," asked Yeh Ch'ueh, "do not know what is bad for you, is the Perfect Man equally without this knowledge?"

"The Perfect Man, "answered Wang I, "is a spiritual being. Were the ocean itself scorched up, he would not feel hot. Were the Milky Way frozen hard, he would not feel cold. Were the mountains to be rivet with thunder, and the great deep to be thrown up by storm, he would not tremble. In such case, he would mount upon the clouds of heaven, and driving the sun and the moon before him, would pass beyond the limits of this external world, where death and life have no more victory over man; -how much less what is bad for him?"

Chu Ch'iao addressed Chang Wu Tzu as follows:- "I heard Confucius says, 'The true sage pays no heed to mundane affairs. He neither seeks gain nor avoids injury. He asks nothing at the hands of man. He adheres, without questioning, of Tao. Without speaking, he can speak; and he can speak and yet say nothing. And so he roams beyond the limits of this dusty world. These,' added Confucius, 'are wild words.' Now to me they are the skilful embodiment of Tao. What, sir, is your opinion?"

"Points upon which the Yellow Emperor doubted," replied Chang Wu Tzu, "how should Confucius know? You are going too fast. You see your egg, and expect to hear it crow. You look at your cross-bow, and expect to have broiled pigeon before you. I will say a few words to you at random, and do you listen at random.

"How does the Sage seat himself by the sun and moon, and hold the universe in his grasp? He blends everything into one harmonious whole, rejecting the confusion of this and that. Rank and precedence, which the vulgar prize, the Sage stolidly ignores. The revolutions of 10 thousand years leave his Unity unscathed. The universe itself may pass away, but he flourish still. (compare Holy Bible) How do I know that love of life is not a delusion after all? How do I know but that he who dreads to die is not as a child who has lost the way and cannot find his home? (Sage here is the Mark on our forehead between the eyes, the sun and the moon.)

"The lady Li Chi was the daughter of Ai Feng. When the Duke of Chin first got her, she wept until the bosom of her dress was drenched with tears. But when she came to the royal residence, and lived with the Duke, and ate rich food, she repented of having wept. How then do I know but that the dead repent of having previously clung to life?

"Those who dream of the banquet, wake to lamentation and sorrow. Those who dream of lamentation and sorrow wake up to join the hunt. While they dream, they do not know that they dream. Some will even interpret the very dream they are dreaming; and only when they awake do they know it was a dream. By and by comes the Great Awakening, and then we find out that this life is really a great dream. Fools think they are awake now, and flatter themselves they know if they are really princes or peasants. Confucius and you are both dreams; and I who say you are dreams,- I am but a dream myself. This is a paradox. Tomorrow a sage may arise to explain it; but that tomorrow will not be until 10 thousand generations have gone by. (I am the sage. 10 thousand are figurative only, like in the past Chinese addressed emperor as 10 thousand years old.)

"Granting that you and I argue. If you beat me, and not I you, are you necessarily right and I wrong? Or if I beat you and not you me, am I necessarily right and you wrong? Or are we both partly right and wholly wrong? You and I cannot know this, and consequently the world will be in ignorance of the truth.

"Who shall I employ as arbiter between us? If I employ some one who takes your view, he will side with you. How can such a one arbitrate between us? If I employ some one who takes my view, he will side with me. How can such a one arbitrate between us? And if I employ some one who either differs from, or agrees with, both of us, he will be equally unable to decide between us. Since then you, and I, and man, cannot decide, must we not depend upon Another?

"Such dependence is as though it were not dependence. We are embraced in the obliterating unity of God. There is perfect adaptation to whatever may eventuate; and so we complete our allotted span. But what is it to be embraced in the obliterating unity of God? It is this. With reference to positive and negative, to that which is so and that which is not so,- if the positive is really positive, it must necessarily be different from its negative; there is no room for argument. And if that which is so really is so, it must necessarily be different from that which is not so: there is no room for argument.

"Take no heed of time, nor of right and wrong. But passing into the realm of the Infinite, take your final rest therein."

The Penumbra said to the Umbra, "At one moment you move: at another you are at rest. At one moment you sit down: at another you get up. Why this instability of purpose?"

"I depend," replied the Umbra, "upon something which causes me to do as I do; and that something depends in turn upon something else which causes it to do as it does. My dependence is like that of a snake's scales or of a cicada's wings. How can I tell why I do one thing, or why I do not do another?"

Once upon a time, I, Chuang Tzu, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of following my fancies as a butterfly, and was unconscious of my individuality as a man. Suddenly, I awaked, and there I lay, myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. Between a man and a butterfly there is necessarily a barrier. The transition is called Metempsychosis.

I am trying to tally the Chinese words with the English. Translation not so good. Below is another translation by Liu Yu-tang

Tsech'i of Nankuo sat leaning on a low table. Gazing up to heaven, he sighed and looked as though he had lost his mind.

Yench'eng Tseyu, who was standing by him, exclaimed, "What are you thinking about that your body should become thus like dead wood, your mind like burnt-out cinders? Surely the man now leaning on the table is not he who was here just now."

"My friend," replied Tsech'i, "your question is apposite. Today I have lost my Self.... Do you understand? ... Perhaps you only know the music of man, and not that of Earth. Or even if you have heard the music of Earth, perhaps you have not heard the music of Heaven."

"Pray explain," said Tseyu.

"The breath of the universe," continued Tsech'i, "is called wind. At times, it is inactive. But when active, all crevices resound to its blast. Have you never listened to its deafening roar?

"Caves and dells of hill and forest, hollows in huge trees of many a span in girth -- some are like nostrils, and some like mouths, and others like ears, beam-sockets, goblets, mortars, or like pools and puddles. And the wind goes rushing through them, like swirling torrents or singing arrows, bellowing, sousing, trilling, wailing, roaring, purling, whistling in front and echoing behind, now soft with the cool blow, now shrill with the whirlwind, until the tempest is past and silence reigns supreme. Have you never witnessed how the trees and objects shake and quake, and twist and twirl?"

"Well, then," enquired Tseyu, "since the music of Earth consists of hollows and apertures, and the music of man of pipes and flutes, of what consists the music of Heaven?"

"The effect of the wind upon these various apertures," replied Tsech'i, "is not uniform, but the sounds are produced according to their individual capacities. Who is it that agitates their breasts?

"Great wisdom is generous; petty wisdom is contentious. Great speech is impassioned, small speech cantankerous.

"For whether the soul is locked in sleep or whether in waking hours the body moves, we are striving and struggling with the immediate circumstances. Some are easy-going and leisurely, some are deep and cunning, and some are secretive. Now we are frightened over petty fears, now disheartened and dismayed over some great terror. Now the mind flies forth like an arrow from a cross-bow, to be the arbiter of right and wrong. Now it stays behind as if sworn to an oath, to hold on to what it has secured. Then, as under autumn and winter's blight, comes gradual decay, and submerged in its own occupations, it keeps on running its course, never to return. Finally, worn out and imprisoned, it is choked up like an old drain, and the failing mind shall not see light again {8}.

"Joy and anger, sorrow and happiness, worries and regrets, indecision and fears, come upon us by turns, with ever changing moods, like music from the hollows, or like mushrooms from damp. Day and night they alternate within us, but we cannot tell whence they spring. Alas! Alas! Could we for a moment lay our finger upon their very Cause?

"But for these emotions I should not be. Yet but for me, there would be no one to feel them. So far we can go; but we do not know by whose order they come into play. It would seem there was a soul; {9} but the clue to its existence is wanting. That it functions is credible enough, though we cannot see its form. Perhaps it has inner reality without outward form.

"Take the human body with all its hundred bones, nine external cavities and six internal organs, all complete. Which part of it should I love best? Do you not cherish all equally, or have you a preference? Do these organs serve as servants of someone else? Since servants cannot govern themselves, do they serve as master and servants by turn? Surely there is some soul which controls them all.

"But whether or not we ascertain what is the true nature of this soul, it matters but little to the soul itself. For once coming into this material shape, it runs its course until it is exhausted. To be harassed by the wear and tear of life, and to be driven along without possibility of arresting one's course, -- is not this pitiful indeed? To labor without ceasing all life, and then, without living to enjoy the fruit, worn out with labor, to depart, one knows not whither, -- is not this a just cause for grief?"

"Men say there is no death -- to what avail? The body decomposes, and the mind goes with it. Is this not a great cause for sorrow? Can the world be so dull as not to see this? Or is it I alone who am dull, and others not so?"

Now if we are to be guided by our prejudices, who shall be without a guide? What need to make comparisons of right and wrong with others? And if one is to follow one's own judgments according to his prejudices, even the fools have them! But to form judgments of right and wrong without first having a mind at all is like saying, "I left for Yu:eh today, and got there yesterday." Or, it is like assuming something which does not exist to exist. The (illusions of) assuming something which does not exist to exist could not be fathomed even by the divine Yu:; how much less could we?

For speech is not mere blowing of breath. It is intended to say some thing, only what it is intended to say cannot yet be determined. Is there speech indeed, or is there not? Can we, or can we not, distinguish it from the chirping of young birds?

How can Tao be obscured so that there should be a distinction of true and false? How can speech be so obscured that there should be a distinction of right and wrong? {10} Where can you go and find Tao not to exist? Where can you go and find that words cannot be proved? Tao is obscured by our inadequate understanding, and words are obscured by flowery expressions. Hence the affirmations and denials of the Confucian and Motsean {11} schools, each denying what the other affirms and affirming what the other denies. Each denying what the other affirms and affirming what the other denies brings us only into confusion.

There is nothing which is not this; there is nothing which is not that. What cannot be seen by what (the other person) can be known by myself. Hence I say, this emanates from that; that also derives from this. This is the theory of the interdependence of this and that (relativity of standards).

Nevertheless, life arises from death, and vice versa. Possibility arises from impossibility, and vice versa. Affirmation is based upon denial, and vice versa. Which being the case, the true sage rejects all distinctions and takes his refuge in Heaven (Nature). For one may base it on this, yet this is also that and that is also this. This also has its 'right' and 'wrong', and that also has its 'right' and 'wrong.' Does then the distinction between this and that really exist or not? When this (subjective) and that (objective) are both without their correlates, that is the very 'Axis of Tao.' And when that Axis passes through the center at which all Infinities converge, affirmations and denials alike blend into the infinite One. Hence it is said that there is nothing like using the Light.

To take a finger in illustration of a finger not being a finger is not so good as to take something which is not a finger to illustrate that a finger is not a finger. To take a horse in illustration of a horse not being a horse is not so good as to take something which is not a horse to illustrate that a horse is not a horse {12}. So with the universe which is but a finger, but a horse. The possible is possible: the impossible is impossible. Tao operates, and the given results follow; things receive names and are said to be what they are. Why are they so? They are said to be so! Why are they not so? They are said to be not so! Things are so by themselves and have possibilities by themselves. There is nothing which is not so and there is nothing which may not become so.

Therefore take, for instance, a twig and a pillar, or the ugly person and the great beauty, and all the strange and monstrous transformations. These are all levelled together by Tao. Division is the same as creation; creation is the same as destruction. There is no such thing as creation or destruction, for these conditions are again levelled together into One.

Only the truly intelligent understand this principle of the levelling of all things into One. They discard the distinctions and take refuge in the common and ordinary things. The common and ordinary things serve certain functions and therefore retain the wholeness of nature. From this wholeness, one comprehends, and from comprehension, one to the Tao. There it stops. To stop without knowing how it stops -- this is Tao.

But to wear out one's intellect in an obstinate adherence to the individuality of things, not recognizing the fact that all things are One, -- that is called "Three in the Morning." What is "Three in the Morning?" A keeper of monkeys said with regard to their rations of nuts that each monkey was to have three in the morning and four at night. At this the monkeys were very angry. Then the keeper said they might have four in the morning and three at night, with which arrangement they were all well pleased. The actual number of nuts remained the same, but there was a difference owing to (subjective evaluations of) likes and dislikes. It also derives from this (principle of subjectivity). Wherefore the true Sage brings all the contraries together and rests in the natural Balance of Heaven. This is called (the principle of following) two courses (at once).

The knowledge of the men of old had a limit. When was the limit? It extended back to a period when matter did not exist. That was the extreme point to which their knowledge reached. The second period was that of matter, but of matter unconditioned (undefined). The third epoch saw matter conditioned (defined), but judgments of true and false were still unknown. When these appeared, Tao began to decline. And with the decline of Tao, individual bias (subjectivity) arose.

Besides, did Tao really rise and decline? {13} In the world of (apparent) rise and decline, the famous musician Chao Wen did play the string instrument; but in respect to the world without rise and decline, Chao Wen did not play the string instrument. When Chao Wen stopped playing the string instrument, Shih K'uang (the music master) laid down his drum-stick (for keeping time), and Hueitse (the sophist) stopped arguing, they all understood the approach of Tao. These people are the best in their arts, and therefore known to posterity. They each loved his art, and wanted to excel in his own line. And because they loved their arts, they wanted to make them known to others. But they were trying to teach what (in its nature) could not be known. Consequently Hueitse ended in the obscure discussions of the "hard" and "white"; and Chao Wen's son tried to learn to play the stringed instrument all his life and failed. If this may be called success, then I, too, have succeeded. But if neither of them could be said to have succeeded, then neither I nor others have succeeded. Therefore the true Sage discards the light that dazzles and takes refuge in the common and ordinary. Through this comes understanding.

Suppose here is a statement. We do not know whether it belongs to one category or another. But if we put the different categories in one, then the differences of category cease to exist. However, I must explain. If there was a beginning, then there was a time before that beginning, and a time before the time which was before the time of that beginning. If there is existence, there must have been non-existence. And if there was a time when nothing existed, then there must have been a time when even nothing did not exist. All of a sudden, nothing came into existence. Could one then really say whether it belongs to the category of existence or of non-existence? Even the very words I have just now uttered, -- I cannot say whether they say something or not.

There is nothing under the canopy of heaven greater than the tip of a bird's down in autumn, while the T'ai Mountain is small. Neither is there any longer life than that of a child cut off in infancy, while P'eng Tsu himself died young. The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One.

If then all things are One, what room is there for speech? On the other hand, since I can say the word 'one' how can speech not exist? If it does exist, we have One and speech -- two; and two and one -- three {14} from which point onwards even the best mathematicians will fail to reach (the ultimate); how much more then should ordinary people fail?

Hence, if from nothing you can proceed to something, and subsequently reach there, it follows that it would be still easier if you were to start from something. Since you cannot proceed, stop here. Now Tao by its very nature can never be defined. Speech by its very nature cannot express the absolute. Hence arise the distinctions. Such distinctions are: "right" and "left," "relationship" and "duty," "division" and "discrimination, "emulation and contention. These are called the Eight Predicables.

Beyond the limits of the external world, the Sage knows that it exists, but does not talk about it. Within the limits of the external world, the Sage talks but does not make comments. With regard to the wisdom of the ancients, as embodied in the canon of Spring and Autumn, the Sage comments, but does not expound. And thus, among distinctions made, there are distinctions that cannot be made; among things expounded, there are things that cannot be expounded.

How can that be? it is asked. The true Sage keeps his knowledge within him, while men in general set forth theirs in argument, in order to convince each other. And therefore it is said that one who argues does so because he cannot see certain points.

Now perfect Tao cannot be given a name. A perfect argument does not employ words. Perfect kindness does not concern itself with (individual acts of) kindness {15}. Perfect integrity is not critical of others {16} Perfect courage does not push itself forward.

For the Tao which is manifest is not Tao. Speech which argues falls short of its aim. Kindness which has fixed objects loses its scope. Integrity which is obvious is not believed in. Courage which pushes itself forward never accomplishes anything. These five are, as it were, round (mellow) with a strong bias towards squareness (sharpness). Therefore that knowledge which stops at what it does not know, is the highest knowledge.

Who knows the argument which can be argued without words, and the Tao which does not declare itself as Tao? He who knows this may be said to enter the realm of the spirit {17}. To be poured into without becoming full, and pour out without becoming empty, without knowing how this is brought about, -- this is the art of "Concealing the Light."

Of old, the Emperor Yao said to Shun, "I would smite the Tsungs, and the Kueis, and the Hsu:-aos. Since I have been on the throne, this has ever been on my mind. What do you think?"

"These three States," replied Shun, "lie in wild undeveloped regions. Why can you not shake off this idea? Once upon a time, ten suns came out together, and all things were illuminated thereby. How much greater should be the power of virtue which excels the suns?"

Yeh Ch'u:eh asked Wang Yi, saying, "Do you know for certain that all things are the same?"

"How can I know?" answered Wang Yi. "Do you know what you do not know?"

"How can I know!" replied Yeh Ch'u:eh. "But then does nobody know?"

"How can I know?" said Wang Yi. "Nevertheless, I will try to tell you. How can it be known that what I call knowing is not really not knowing and that what I call not knowing is not really knowing? Now I would ask you this, If a man sleeps in a damp place, he gets lumbago and dies. But how about an eel? And living up in a tree is precarious and trying to the nerves. But how about monkeys? Of the man, the eel, and the monkey, whose habitat is the right one, absolutely? Human beings feed on flesh, deer on grass, centipedes on little snakes, owls and crows on mice. Of these four, whose is the right taste, absolutely? Monkey mates with the dog-headed female ape, the buck with the doe, eels consort with fishes, while men admire Mao Ch'iang and Li Chi, at the sight of whom fishes plunge deep down in the water, birds soar high in the air, and deer hurry away. Yet who shall say which is the correct standard of beauty? In my opinion, the doctrines of humanity and justice and the paths of right and wrong are so confused that it is impossible to know their contentions."

"If you then," asked Yeh Ch'u:eh, "do not know what is good and bad, is the Perfect Man equally without this knowledge?"

"The Perfect Man," answered Wang Yi, "is a spiritual being. Were the ocean itself scorched up, he would not feel hot. Were the great rivers frozen hard, he would not feel cold. Were the mountains to be cleft by thunder, and the great deep to be thrown up by storm, he would not tremble with fear. Thus, he would mount upon the clouds of heaven, and driving the sun and the moon before him, pass beyond the limits of this mundane existence. Death and life have no more victory over him. How much less should he concern himself with the distinctions of profit and loss?"

Chu: Ch'iao addressed Ch'ang Wutse as follows: "I heard Confucius say, 'The true Sage pays no heed to worldly affairs. He neither seeks gain nor avoids injury. He asks nothing at the hands of man and does not adhere to rigid rules of conduct. Sometimes he says something without speaking and sometimes he speaks without saying anything. And so he roams beyond the limits of this mundane world.

'These,' commented Confucius, 'are futile fantasies.' But to me they are the embodiment of the most wonderful Tao. What is your opinion?"

"These are things that perplexed even the Yellow Emperor," replied Ch'ang Wutse. "How should Confucius know? You are going too far ahead. When you see a hen's egg, you already expect to hear a cock crow. When you see a sling, you are already expected to have broiled pigeon. I will say a few words to you at random, and do you listen at random.

"How does the Sage seat himself by the sun and moon, and hold the universe in his grasp? He blends everything into one harmonious whole, rejecting the confusion of this and that. Rank and precedence, which the vulgar sedulously cultivate, the Sage stolidly ignores, amalgamating the disparities of ten thousand years into one pure mold. The universe itself, too, conserves and blends all in the same manner.

"How do I know that love of life is not a delusion after all? How do I know but that he who dreads death is not as a child who has lost his way and does not know his way home?

"The Lady Li Chi was the daughter of the frontier officer of Ai. When the Duke of Chin first got her, she wept until the bosom of her dress was drenched with tears. But when she came to the royal residence, shared with the Duke his luxurious couch, and ate rich food, she repented of having wept. How then do I know but that the dead may repent of having previously clung to life?

"Those who dream of the banquet, wake to lamentation and sorrow. Those who dream of lamentation and sorrow wake to join the hunt. While they dream, they do not know that they are dreaming. Some will even interpret the very dream they are dreaming; and only when they awake do they know it was a dream. By and by comes the great awakening, and then we find out that this life is really a great dream. Fools think they are awake now, and flatter themselves they know -- this one is a prince, and that one is a shepherd. What narrowness of mind! Confucius and you are both dreams; and I who say you are dreams -- I am but a dream myself. This is a paradox. Tomorrow a Sage may arise to explain it; but that tomorrow will not be until ten thousand generations have gone by. Yet you may meet him around the corner.

"Granting that you and I argue. If you get the better of me, and not I of you, are you necessarily right and I wrong? Or if I get the better of you and not you of me, am I necessarily right and you wrong? Or are we both partly right and partly wrong? Or are we both wholly right and wholly wrong? You and I cannot know this, and consequently we all live in darkness.

"Whom shall I ask as arbiter between us? If I ask someone who takes your view, he will side with you. How can such a one arbitrate between us? If I ask someone who takes my view, he will side with me. How can such a one arbitrate between us? If I ask someone who differs from both of us, he will be equally unable to decide between us, since he differs from both of us. And if I ask someone who agrees with both of us, he will be equally unable to decide between us, since he agrees with both of us. Since then you and I and other men cannot decide, how can we depend upon another? The words of arguments are all relative; if we wish to reach the absolute, we must harmonize them by means of the unity of God, and follow their natural evolution, so that we may complete our allotted span of life.

"But what is it to harmonize them by means of the unity of God? It is this. The right may not be really right. What appears so may not be really so. Even if what is right is really right, wherein it differs from wrong cannot be made plain by argument. Even if what appears so is really so, wherein it differs from what is not so also cannot be made plain by argument.

"Take no heed of time nor of right and wrong. Passing into the realm of the Infinite, take your final rest therein."

The Penumbra said to the Umbra, "At one moment you move: at another you are at rest. At one moment you sit down: at another you get up. Why this instability of purpose?"

"Perhaps I depend," replied the Umbra, "upon something which causes me to do as I do; and perhaps that something depends in turn upon something else which causes it to do as it does. Or perhaps my dependence is like (the unconscious movements) of a snake's scales or of a cicada's wings. How can I tell why I do one thing, or why I do not do another?"

Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou {18}, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. Between a man and a butterfly there is necessarily a distinction. The transition is called the transformation of material things {19}.

Edited on 9th June 2008

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